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英语第一阶段在线作业第1题 The bridge was hitting1by a large ship during2a sudden3storm last4week. 您的答案:A 题目分数:0.5 此题得分:0.5 批注: 第2题 “Your daughter has two children, doesnt she?” “thats right. She _ in 1970.” 您的答案:D 题目分数:0.5 此题得分:0.5 批注: 第3题 Supposing you _ five bottles of beer, do you think you would get drunk? 您的答案:C 题目分数:0.5 此题得分:0.5 批注: 第4题 _more attention, the trees could have grown better. 您的答案:A 题目分数:0.5 此题得分:0.5 批注: 第5题 The patted shoes that my wife bought me _ comfortable. 您的答案:B 题目分数:0.5 此题得分:0.5 批注: 第6题 As1the proverb says2, “ Good medicine is tasted3bitter to4the mouth.” 您的答案:C 题目分数:0.5 此题得分:0.5 批注: 第7题 Some critics maintain that when1a work of literature is lacked2reference to3the general experience of mankind,it fails as art4. 您的答案:B 题目分数:0.5 此题得分:0.5 批注: 第8题 The book that I bought1the day before2yesterday is costed3me twenty and a half yuan4. 您的答案:C 题目分数:0.5 此题得分:0.5 批注: 第9题 When overall exports1exceed imports2,a country said3to have a trade4surplus. 您的答案:C 题目分数:0.5 此题得分:0.5 批注: 第10题 Are all telephone numbers _ in the directory? 您的答案:B 题目分数:0.5 此题得分:0.5 批注: 第11题 The first zoological garden1in the United State2had estabilshed3in Philadelphia in 18744. 您的答案:C 题目分数:0.5 此题得分:0.5 批注: 第12题 Pluto,the outermost planet of the solar system,_ photographically in arch 1930. 您的答案:B 题目分数:0.5 此题得分:0.5 批注: 第13题 My pictures _ until next week. 您的答案:D 题目分数:0.5 此题得分:0.5 批注: 第14题 Upon your graduation from school, how well will you _ for the job that lies ahead? 您的答案:C 题目分数:0.5 此题得分:0.5 批注: 第15题 I found _ to answer all the questions within the time given 您的答案:D 题目分数:0.5 此题得分:0.5 批注: 第16题 Farm animals1have been regardless2by nearly all societies as a valuable3economic resource4. 您的答案:B 题目分数:0.5 此题得分:0.5 批注: 第17题 How many wounded1soldiers are left out2there who havent operated3on4yet? 您的答案:C 题目分数:0.5 此题得分:0.5 批注: 第18题 Experiments in the photography of moving objects _ in both the United States and Europe well before 1900. 您的答案:C 题目分数:0.5 此题得分:0.5 批注: 第19题 Gregory told Mary that he _ what he was doing during the vacation. 您的答案:A 题目分数:0.5 此题得分:0.5 批注: 第20题 The advantages of computerized typing1and editing2are now being extending3to all the written4languages of the world. 您的答案:C 题目分数:0.5 此题得分:0.5 批注: 第21题 Conservative philosophers argue1that the very structure of society is threatening2by civil disobedience,while3humanists stress4the primacy of the individual conscience. 您的答案:B 题目分数:0.5 此题得分:0.5 批注: 第22题 Radio represents a large part of the electromagnetic spectrum and more types of radio waves _ early by next century anywhere in the Galaxy. 您的答案:D 题目分数:0.5 此题得分:0.5 批注: 第23题 A letter of credit is often used to1companies to finance2the movement3of good4between countries. 您的答案:A 题目分数:0.5 此题得分:0.5 批注: 第24题 All sewing was done with1hand until2the invention of3the sewing machine in4the nineteenth century. 您的答案:A 题目分数:0.5 此题得分:0.5 批注: 第25题 The ceremony1of marriage in the2United States can be3performed from4a justice of the peace. 您的答案:D 题目分数:0.5 此题得分:0.5 批注: 第26题 The local health organization is reported _ twenty-five years age when Dr. Adudon became its first president. 您的答案:C 题目分数:0.5 此题得分:0.5 批注: 第27题 Ground plans and contour(等高线) maps of the Earth _ from aerial photographs. 您的答案:A 题目分数:0.5 此题得分:0.5 批注: 第28题 When1a spinning ball bounces,some of2the energy contained in its rotation can transfer3to its energy of forward motion4. 您的答案:C 题目分数:0.5 此题得分:0.5 批注: 第29题 Orchestral instruments _ under the following types:strings,woodwind,brass,and percussion(打击乐器组). 您的答案:C 题目分数:0.5 此题得分:0.5 批注: 第30题 After a heated1discussion for2a long time that afternoon, a suggestion putted forward3by4the head of the committee. 您的答案:C 题目分数:0.5 此题得分:0.5 批注: 第31题 It was quite obvious that1those problems were never paid2attention3by4designers. 您的答案:C 题目分数:0.5 此题得分:0.5 批注: 第32题 Highly precise1measurements have been shown2that variation in3the Earths rotation is largely controlled by climatic conditions4. 您的答案:B 题目分数:0.5 此题得分:0.5 批注: 第33题 Should he have any consideration _ students? 您的答案:C 题目分数:0.5 此题得分:0.5 批注: 第34题 I would like to make a request _ a contribution. 您的答案:A 题目分数:0.5 此题得分:0.5 批注: 第35题 Pay attention _ details. 您的答案:A 题目分数:0.5 此题得分:0.5 批注: 第36题 He has a reputation _ honesty. 您的答案:D 题目分数:0.5 此题得分:0.5 批注: 第37题 Tom is certainly confident _
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