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教学设计(教案)模板基本信息学 科英语年 级六年级教学形式新授教 师党娟宁单 位韩城市新城五小课题名称Lesson 9 Youd better take a taxi.教学设计学情分析分析要点:1.教师主观分析、师生访谈、学生作业或试题分析反馈、问卷调查等;2.学生认知发展分析:主要分析学生现在的认知基础(包括知识基础和能力基础),要形成本节内容应该要走的认知发展线;3.学生认知障碍点:学生形成本节课知识时最主要的障碍点。 作为高年段的学生来说,受家长的影响,又因小学升中学不进行英语学科的测试,很多孩子把主要精力放在语数学科的学习上,对英语的学习就相对减弱。但是,学习兴趣浓厚、在学校英语学习中名列前矛的学生仍然能很好的掌握进一步深入的语言学习。但在前两年的学习中没有很好的把握此学科学习的学生,自身基础差、学习能力弱、纪律约束性差的学生在这两年学习中,就出现了掉队的现象,加大了两极分化的比例,另外因高年段的学生一般班额较大(一般是六十至七十人不等),作为科任的英语教师很难有时间对这部分学生做到良好的辅导,所以要使每位学生都能良好的掌握好英语是很难达到的目标。虽然英语与语文同属文科,但因为它属于母语之外的另一种语言学,在教学中要想让学生从听说读写演等多方面全面达到教学的要求更属不易。1、比较前面学习的问路的表达方法,掌握用Which is the way to ? 句型来问路。知识更多。2、理解句型Youd better to是给别人建议的句型,掌握这个句型的真正用法。只有让学生多举例多练习才能掌握。3.将本课所学的表示方向的祈使句与前两课所学的祈使句进行比较学习,学会灵活运用是本课的难点。教学目标分析要点:1.知识目标;2.能力目标;3.情感态度与价值观。知识:1、理解会说会用会写以下单词和短语Go down , turn left, had better 2、继续学习如何向别人问路并且用祈使句来向别人指路。3、学习如何向别人表达建议的句型:Youd better。能力:会交流问路和指路。会向别人提建议。情感态度与价值观:教育学生问路前和问路后注意礼貌。教学过程1.热身(Warming up)通过手偶foreigner 和Dongdong 的对话来引出新句型,新词汇的学习。(教师和学生扮演)F:Excuse me, can you tell me the way to the museum? D: Go along this street, and turn right at the traffic lights. Then walk on to the end of the street. F: Can I walk there? D: Youd better take a taxi. Its far from here. F: Thank you . D: Its my pleasure. 2 . 新课展示(New Presentation)(1) 指路问路内容的复习和拓展T:在前面我们学习了怎么向别人问路,我们一起来复习复习吧!我们可以有好几种说法。Wheres ? How can I go toget to ? Can you tell me the way to? Which is the way to ? 当我们要给别人指路时,我们经常要用祈使句来给他们建议。Such as turn rightleft, go along, go down, walk to the end of the roadEnd has the meaning of finish. But in this phrase the end of the road, it means point. (出示短语,标注路的尽头) 当我们向别人指路时,在祈使句里加上适当的介词短语会使别人理解得更加清楚明了。For example, turn left at the traffic lights.(在交通指示灯处转弯) Walk on to the end of the road(直走到这条路的尽头) A:Thats right. We still can say turn left on the first turning. That can make us clear and concise. 2) 教师对本课重点句型Youd better进行讲解。T: 除了祈使句,在我们给别人指路时我们还可以用Youd better 来给别人建议。Youd better take a taxi. 那假如我们要建议对方不要做什么事情时,what should we say? We can say Youd better not Youd better not take a taxi. You can walk there. 教师出示不同的交通工具,学生之间进行对话S1:How can I go to the Bell Tower? S2: Youd better take a bus. S1: How can I go to Dalian? S2: Youd better take a plane. S1: How can I go to Hainan? S2: Youd better take a ship. S1: How can I get to the park?S2:Youd better take a taxi. 3. 小结:本节课我们继续学习如何向别人指路问路,并且用Youd better 4.巩固练习: (1) 教师引导学生重点练习Youd better句型,给别人建议。教师可以先示范, 给学生一个场景。T:Its raining heavily. Ss: Youd better take an umbrella. 学生之间也可以做这样的练习。S1:Its a cold day today. S2: Youd better wear your coat. S1: I want to go to Sichuan this summer holiday. S2: Youd better take a plane to go there. (2) 听录音学习对话。A:Lets listen to the dialogue and then answer the questions. (播放课本录音)A:Wheres the woman going to go? B: Shes going to go to the Childrens Park. A: Is it far from there? B: Yes. She should take a taxi. (3)Do in pairs. 做Lets practise (1). (4) 请你看着图片进行问答。分别出示这四幅图进行问答。(1) A: Excuse me, which is the way to the hospital? B: Walk on to the end of the road. A: Is it far from here? B:Yes, it is. Youd better take a bus. It will take you there. A: Thanks a lot. B: Youre welcome. (2) A: Excuse me, which is the way to the museum? B: Walk on to the end of the road. A: Is it far from here? B:Yes, it is. Youd better take a taxi. It will take you there. A: Thanks a lot. B: Youre welcome. (3) A: Excuse me, which is the way to Yucai School? B: Walk on to the end of the road. A: Is it far from here? B:No,it isnt. Youd better walk there. A: Thanks a lot. B: Youre welcome. (4) A: Excuse me, which is the way to Guangming Cinema? B: Walk on to the end of the road. A: Is it far from here? B:Yes, it is. Youd better take a taxi. It will take you there. A: Thanks a lot.B: Youre welcome. 板书设计 Lesson 9 Youd better take a taxi.Which is the way to .?Go down.Turn left at the traffic lights. Then walk on to the end of the road .Youd better .It will take you there.作业或预习Make up dialogues about asking the way .自我评价 本节课是在前面学习的基础上继续学习有关问路和指路的句型,祈使句和提建议的句型。我采用了新知与旧知相联系的方法,边复习,边新授,层层递进,适合学生的特点。从课堂效果来看,部分学习吃力的学生还不会读,更谈不上口头对话练习,还是不能太高估学生的学习能力。组长评议或同行评议(可选多人): 这节课设计合理,可以大胆教学。 评议一单位:新城五小 姓名:党娟宁 日期:2013年11月
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