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Units 78A知识梳理词汇单词cultural,pyramid,represent,include,ruin,burn,restore,rebuild,beauty,photograph,portrait,recreate,unite,artist,period,vase,stone,damage,ancient,project,brick,official,cave,pollution,carbon,breath,limit,sincerely,BC,AD,continent,well-known,athlete,gold,medal,torch,badminton,speed,skating,tie,final,dive,shooting,Greece,competitor,motto,further,rank,gymnastics,prepare,preparation,effect,flame,compete,flag,weight,position,superstar,point,skill, weigh,title,gesture,facial词组give in,give up,in ruins,bringback to life,pull down,set up,stand for,because of,wouldrather,take part in,in preparation for,be proud of,under attack,in pieces,be used to,with thehelp of,the same as,bringback to life,come true,every four years,track and field语法The Present Perfect Passive VoiceCatherineS Palace has been rebuilt by modern Russian artistsThe Future Passive VoiceMore trees will be planted and new roads will be built by the people of BeijingWhen will the 29th Olympic Games be held in Beijing?交际用语What shall we put in?WhatHow about?Maybe we couldWhy not?Which do you like,or?Id like toI preferto常用句型It seems thatIt will takebeforeWe would do everything we can to doI would rather dothan doI prefer doingto doingWhere there isthere isB辨析词语 (1)missinglostgone lost表示“丢失”,有丢失后难以找回的意思,在句中可作定语、表语和补语。 例:I finally found my lost dictionary under the bed missing表示“失踪了”或者“不见了”,强调某人或某物不在原处,在句中可作定语、表语和补语。 例:My purse is missing gone表示“消失了”,指一去不复返,在句中可作表语和补语,但不能作定语。 例:She looked down at her dress,and found her neck1ace gone (2)prepare sthprepare for sth prepare sth的意思是“准备某事”、“做某事”,即prepare的动作直接作用在sth身上。 例:Bob prepared his lessons while his mother prepared supper pepare for sth表示“为某事做准备”。 例:People on the island are preparing for another storm (3)fartherfurther farther和further都是far的比较级,但是它们在词义和用法上有很大的区别。 farther一般只用于表示有形距离的“较远”、“更远”。 例:On the farther side of the street there was a large shop further既可以表示有形距离的“较远”、“更远”,还可以表示“更多的”、“另一些”、“进一步的”。 例:We intend to stay for a further two months (4)allowpermitlet allow表示“允许某人做某事”,要求用名词、代词、动名词来作宾语,也可以用不定式作宾补。allow常用于被动语态。 例:They dont allow smoking My parents allow me to stay up late at weekends(5)ruindestroydamage ruin表示“彻底的毁灭”,既可以作动词,也可以作名词,作名词时意为“毁灭,破坏(不可数)”、“废墟,遗迹(常用复数)”。 例:Drink led to his ruin The house across the street is in ruins destroy表示“毁坏,破坏”,只能用作动词,用法和ruin用作动词时相同。 例:The earthquake destroyed all of the buildings in the city damage指造成破坏或损害,但不是毁灭性的,既可以用作动词,也可以用作名词。作名词时后面可以跟介词to表示对某物造成破坏。 例:The war caused extensive damage to the country(6)give upgive ingive outgive off give up表示“放弃,停止”。 例:I have given up expecting him to change give in表示“屈服,让步”。 例:They werent a particularly good team,but they refused to give in and accept defeat give out表示“发出,分发”。 例:The teacher was giving out sweets to every student at the party give off表示“发出光,热和气味”。 例:Chives give off a delicate scent C 识记句型1 Where there is a river,there is a city. 2 It is true that many of the worlds greatest cities have been built on the banks of the river3 It was under attack for 900 days,hut the people of the city never gave in4 Pieces of the palaces could now be used to rebuild the city and its culture5 We will do everything we can to save our city.6 It was difficult to save the palaces and buildings without destroying their old beauty7 Every four years athletes from all over the world take part in the Olympic Games8 Many of the sports are the same as they are now.9 Some of the games in which the young men competed were:running,jumping and wresting10 It means that every athlete should try to run faster,jump higher and throw furtherD 触类旁通1 ! There is a train coming ALook out BLook around CLook forward DLook on 【答案】A 【解析】此题考查的是和look相关的短语。look out 含有“小心,当心”之意;look around指“向四周环顾”;look forward指“向前看”,有“憧憬未来”的意思;look onas指“把看作”。2As we grow older,we learn the of our abilities Aheights Bscores C1imits Dlengths 【答案】C 【解析】height指“高度”;score指“得分,分数”;limit指“限制”;length指“长度”。此句的意思是“随着年龄的增长,我们认识到我们能力的有限”。3The doctors did all they the sick man back to life Acould bring Bcould to bring Ccould bringing Dcould to bringing 【答案】B 【解析】这句话的意思是“医生们做他们能够做的一切来挽救这个病人的生命”。do all they can(do)to do可以理解为定语从句,其先行词是all,关系代词that被省掉。此外还可以表达为do everything(that)they can(do)to do或do what they can(do)to do。4Everyone got a Christmas present,my little brother . Ainclude Bto include Cincluding Dincluded 【答案】D 【解析】此题考查的是include的用法。include的意思是“包括,包含”,在句子中常作谓语。including和included都用来表示部分同位关系,即用来举例,译作“包括”。但是,including必须放在它所说明的同位语之前,而included必须放在它所说明的同位语之后。 例:Ev
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