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三年级新概念英语下学期连词成句假期专项练习题班级:_ 姓名:_1. do Mondays what you on do ( ? )2. your pencilisyourinbag3. doortothePoint4. nuts, are, they (.)5. earsIhavetwo (只写序号)_.6. your,Touch, leg (.)7. Its, in, hot, summer (夏天天气很热。)8. swim, fish, can, (.)9. Lingling does What at school have (?)10. oldareHowyou(?) (只写序号)_11. head, my, hurts (.)12. is Yang Ling She (.)13. Christmas Thats Day (.)14. red, Its, yellow, and (.)15. puppetLetsamake (只填序号)_!16. orange got T-shirt he an has ( ? )17. This myteacherEnglishis (只填序号)_.18. is, teacher, a, this (.)19. manyHowyellowchairs?20. flykitesinWespring(写序号)21. years seven Im old(.)22. areHereyou (只写序号)_.23. is this a pig (.)24. you, are, old, how (?)25. 连词成句。1. cats many How do see you ?2. crayons have You 16.3. one bird The a black is4. is and Ten eight eighteen5. many you do kites have How26. behind it door is the (.)27. brotherMyispolicemana(.)28. 连词成句。1an, is, elephant, It (.)2boys, Good, and, evening, girls (.)3it, then, What, is (?)4a, Act, kangaroo, like (.)5parrot, is, my, This (.)29. nameisDuckMy30. in, is, what, the, box (?)31. many How plates(?)32. MikeAreyou? (只填序号)33. caps, many, how, blue (.)页码 / 总页数
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