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Unit Three Module Two Amazing people 一、Word checkpoints1、喜欢冒险的;冒险的(adj.)_ 2、聪明的,伶俐的(adj.)_ 3、保存;保护;保持(vt.) _ 4、发现(n.)_5、在场的,出席的(adj.)_ 6、科学的(adj.)_7、打扰,打乱(vt.)_ 8、 检查;考察;仔细观察(vt.)_9、表达,表示(vt.)_ 10、童年,孩童时期(n.)_11、组织(vt.)_ 12、幸存者(n.)_13、船长(n.)_ 14、 警告;提醒(n.)_15、宇航员(n.)_ 16、战斗机;战士(n.)_ 17、工程,计划;项目,课题(n.)_18、候选人;申请人(n.)_19、成功的(adj.)_ 20、设法,努力,争取(vt.)_二、 Useful phrases1. win/ get a Nobel Prize 赢得/获得诺贝尔奖2. makechanges (to sb): (对)作改动3. have a(n) good/bad effort on 对有影响4. during ones lifetime 在某人的一生中5. be curious about sth. 对好奇6. set sail for 启航去7. the preserved bodies 保存的尸体8. be known as /for/ to 以知名,出名/因出名/为所知9. be/become interested in 对干兴趣10. more riches 更多的财宝11. as well as 和一样也(用来连接并列成分)12. emptyof 把从空出13. right away/at once 立刻14. fall/be ill 生病15. die strangely 莫名其妙地死了16. die of heart trouble 死于心脏病17. have something to do with 与有关 18. the resting place of the dead 死人的安息地19. result in 引起(某种结果)20. in advance 提前;预先21. prepare for 为作准备22. pay off vi 回报;成功; vt. 还清(债款);付清工资;解雇;报复;惩罚 23. in the early 1920s 在20世纪20年代初24. compare with 与作比较25. make a great contribution to 为作出巨大贡献26. would rather do good 宁愿做好事27. dream of (doing)sth. 梦想做某事28. start taking photos 开始拍照29. on/upon(doing)sth. 一就 30. work as a nurse 当护士 31. air race 飞行比赛32. go well 进展顺利33. World War One/ the First World War 第一次世界大战34. a great deal of money 大量的钱35. set foot on/in 踏上36. at full speed 全速37. receive warnings about 收到的警告38. show sb. how to do sth. 示范给某人如何做某人39. make a note of 作笔记40. in his thirties 在他三十多岁时41. be related to 与有关系42. take the first step towards 向跨出第一步43. switch to 转向44. communicate with 与联系;交流45. thanks to 多亏;由于46. make a dream a reality 使梦想成真47. talk of wanting to do 谈起想做48. take sb. in orbit 使进入轨道 49. work towards 努力使完成50. encourage sb to do sth 鼓励某人去做某事51. a fighter pilot 战斗机飞行员52. picked from 从选出来53. spend five years being trained 花五年接受训练54. the subjects required to be an astronaut 当宇航员的必修课目55. survival skills 生存技能56. three out of the fourteen 十四个中的三个57. be qualified for /to do 做是合格的 有的资格58. be in control of oneself 控制自己59. go down in history 载入史册60. be proud of /take pride in 以自豪61. look up to sb. 尊敬某人62. live ones dream 实现梦想三、Important sentences1、Howard Carter was _(聪明的)and _(好奇的) about the world outside his hometown.2、However, not long after the tomb had been opened, people in Carters team _ _ _ _ and _ _.(开始生病并莫名其妙地死了)3、Within seven years, 21 people who _ _ _ _ _(与有关 )the opening of the tomb died.4、_ _ the tomb, Carters _ pet bird, which _ _ him _ the place , _ _ by a snake.(进入陵墓的那一刻,卡特的幸运爱鸟就被一条蛇给吞吃了,就是这只鸟将卡特带到了国王图坦卡蒙的陵墓。)5、If _ _ ,the viruses can _ _ illness or even death.( 如果这些病毒被人体吸入,它们就可能导致疾病甚至死亡。)6、_you _ _ famous or _ _ _ _ _ the world but be unknown?(你宁愿出名还是为这个世界做出巨大贡献而默默无闻呢?)7、Of the 2,2oo people on the Titanic, only 705 _.(幸存下来)8、Students _ 14 are not _ _ _ _ _the competition.(14岁以下的学生不允许参加这个比赛。)9、The people of China can _ _ of Yang Liwei and young people
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