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英语试卷讲评课教案上传: 陈丽 更新时间:2012-5-17 23:37:08英语试卷讲评课教案讲评内容:初一英语期中测试试卷讲评目标:1、通过讲评,澄清疑点,更正答案。2、通过讲评,举一反三,弄清各类题得阶梯规律和技巧,进一步提高解题能力。3、通过讲评,梳理重点知识形成知识网络。讲评重点:释疑,点拨,总结规律。讲评难点:掌握各类题得解题技巧,提高能力。讲评方法:讲练结合 总结规律讲评步骤:step1试卷分析 这次考试范围是units1-6.主要考查了这部分内容所涉及的基本知识点,词汇短语,句型等的运用。试卷难度适中。总分一百分,听力20分,单项选择题15分,完形填空题15分,阅读理解题30分,句型转换题10分,书面表达题10分。这次考试阅读理解题相对难一些,词汇量较大,但大部分生词不影响学生做题。step2成绩分析各分数段统计分数90分以上80-89分70-79分60-69分50-59分40-49分40分以上人数56657826三率统计平均分及格率优秀率50.436.1%18%题号123456本题及格人数283422252726本题优秀人数151711131410step3答卷情况分析1、各题得分情况:show the chart of average scores of each item.2、答卷情况分析 基础知识掌握不牢固,词汇量小,单词记忆不牢固,对词组搭配运用及掌握不好,看题粗心大意,书写不粗心,答题考虑不全面导致失分。step4学生自己分析试卷,订正试卷。step5讲评试卷listening problems1. error analysis and give some suggestions to students.2. expalin some titles that have the lowest proper rates3. show the whole proper answers of listening test.choice question problems1. show the chart. then let students to discuss the titles you dont understand and ask your classmates for help题号所涉及的知识点得分人数正确答案21介词的用法between.and.20c24词组read newspaperwatch tv28d25there be 句型 采用就近原则24d26交际用语have fun15a27一般现在进行时及be动词的用法32c31other,the other, others与another的用法区别9d34would you mind.句型的肯定回答18a35excited 与exciting的用法考查28d2、explain these titles and then fill in the chart3、show all the answers of choice question test.cloze test1、show the answers of cloze test.2、explain the more difficult problems.3、sum up the ways of cloze test.通览全文,了解大意。细读全文,先易后难。复读检验,消除疏漏,看文章是否流畅,连贯。readingand expression problems1、show the lowest proper rates and discuss some of the titles with the lowest proper rates in pairs.2、first call some students to state their own ideas, then guide them to get the proper answers.3、ask the students who are better at english give their good methods about each title.4. sum up the better ways to do reading and expression test.( 1 ) 扫读全文,理解全文主旨大意。(2)看问题,带着问题寻读文章,找关键词句,各个击破。composition problems1,show the chart等级优秀良好一般百分率 12%61%27%2. choose some of the sentences and let ss talk about them.3. show them some beautiful sentences and let them remember them.4. enjoy the compositions of full marksstep6. make a resolutionhow to improve your english in the final examinationstep7. homework: do exercises1
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