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关于会议安排的英语口语对话 A=Receptionist(前台接线员)B=Andrea White(安德莉娅怀特)C=Levi Brown(李维布朗) A:Hello,this is ABC Company. May I help you? A:您好,这里是ABC公司,可以为您效劳吗? B:Hello,could I speak to Levi Brown? B:您好,我能和李维布朗通话吗? A:Could I know your name and company please,madam? A:女士,能告知我您的姓名和公司吗? B:Andrea White,from Sun and Moon Co. B:日月公司的安德莉娅怀特。 A:Thank you,Ms.White.Wait a moment,please.I will put you through to Mr.Brown. A:感谢您,怀特女士,请稍等,我为您接通布朗先生的电话。 C:Hello,Levi Brown speaking. C:你好,我是李维布朗。 B:Hello,Mr.Brown.This is Andrea White of Sun and Moon Co.I am calling to change the time of our appointment,because I have a schedule conflict now and I am afraid I am not able to attend our meeting next Monday. B:布朗先生,你好。我是日月公司的安德莉娅怀特。我打电话来,主要是想更改我们约会的时间,由于我现在日程上有些冲突,下周一唯恐不能参与我们的会议了。 C:Is it convenient for you if we postpone our meeting to next Wednesday? C:假如我们把会议时间推到下周三,你便利吗? B:Im sorry.I have my schedule full on Wednesday too.Is it ok to move the meeting to Friday this week? B:对不起,我星期三的日程也已排满了。你看能否把会议安排到这周五? C:I have only Friday afternoon free.Would that be fine with you? C:我只有周五下午有空。这个时间你可以吗? B:Thats all right.Shall we meet at 3 oclock? B:没问题。我们定在3点可以吗? C:Wonderful. I am looking forward to seeing you at 3 oclock thisFriday afternoon. C:好极了。我盼着这周五下午3点与您见面。 B:See you then. B:那时见。 【拓展阅读】 如何用英语口语表达自己感谢 Just like me!(就像我一样。 ) Was it good? (好吃吗?) Did you have fun? (玩得快乐吗?) How do you like this suit? (这套衣服怎么样?) How did you like it? (你觉得怎么样?) Did you like it?(你喜爱吗? ) What do you think of it? (你觉得那个怎么样? ) 从A开头学英语李春教师和你共享如何询问、表达状况 How”d things turn out? (结果怎么样?) To make a long story short, (长话短说 ) Just tell me the story in a nutshell (你就简明扼要地说吧。 ) Let me know the circumstances(告知我具体状况。) A piece of cake(轻而易举。 ) So far, so good (到现在为止还好。) So-so (马马虎虎。) That”s about it (事情)就是这样。) It was nothing(没什么了不起的。) There”s nothing to it(这很简洁。 ) It worked!(啊,真灵! ) It needs work(还需再加把劲。 ) Almost! (就差那么一点儿。) Going from bad to worse (越来越不好。 ) He made it big (他一举成名。) We”re set (问题解决了。)
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