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细心整理小学英语四年级下册unit 1学习单主备人王娟审核人吴春芳审批人朱秀清执教人王娟备课时间2015-3-1讲课时间2015-3-5学生姓名班级4.1/4.2/4.3授课内容Unit 1 lets learn lets do lets spell学习目标1. 能够听、说、认读单词和词组:library, teachers office, first floor, second floor,third floor,playground, garden.2.能够娴熟运用Wheres the library ? Its on the first floor.句型询问,描述学习教室和场馆的位置。3.能够感知并归纳er在单词中的发音规那么。学习重点1. 能够听、说、认读单词和词组:library, teachers office, first floor, second floor,third floor,playground, garden.2.能够娴熟运用Wheres the library ? Its on the first floor.句型询问,描述学习教室和场馆的位置。学习难点能够感知并归纳er在单词中的发音规那么。预习交流展示一、我知道如何翻译这些单词。library teachers office first floor second floor third floor playground garden 二、我可以尝试翻译以下句子。Wheres the library ? Its on the first floor. 问题解决1、lets learn我能用所学单词进展对话练习:Wheres the library ? Its on the first floor.或Its near/next to the teachers office. 2、lets do翻开书本,看到图片。组内组员圈出不相识的单词:打节奏说唱lets do局部,比一比看哪组说的棒。3、lets spell看书上P6,读一读单词,找出规律,进展沟通。以小组为单位进展。 课堂小结我的收获:巩固提升选出正确的答案。()1.Gototheteachersoffice.()2.Gotothecanteen食堂.()3.Gotothelibrary. ()4.Gototheplayground. ()5.Gotothegarden.A.Watertheflowers.B.Eatsomenoodles.C.Playfootball.D.Readastory-book.E.Handinthehomework.作业作业抄写lets learn局部单词五遍并且背写。运用以下句型进展替换练习:Wheres the library ? Its on the first floor.或Its near/next to the teachers office.板书设计课后反思小学英语四年级下册unit 1学习单主备人王娟审核人吴春芳审批人朱秀清执教人王娟备课时间2015-3-1讲课时间2015-3-6学生姓名班级4.1/4.2/4.3授课内容Unit 1 lets talk look, ask and answer 学习目标1. 能够理解对话大意。2. 能够用正确的语音、语调朗读对话。3. 能够在情景中运用句型Where is the .?Its on the first/second/third floor.Is this the .?Yes, it is./No, it isnt.询问并答复学校的设施位置。学习重点能够在情景中运用句型Where is the .?Its on the first/second/third floor.Is this the .?Yes, it is./No, it isnt.询问并答复学校的设施位置。学习难点能够在情景中运用句型Where is the .?Its on the first/second/third floor.Is this the .?Yes, it is./No, it isnt.进展替换练习。预习交流展示我知道朗读和翻译这些单词。library teachers office first floor second floor third floor playground garden homework 我可以尝试翻译以下句子。Wheres the teachers office? Its on the first floor. Is this the teachers office? The teachers office is next to the library. Heres my homework. 问题解决1、lets talk我能读课文圈出不相识的单词。老师领读课文,重点听不会读的单词。我能跟读。跟老师读,跟组长读我能表演课文。 比一比哪组最棒!2、look, ask and answer翻开书本,看到图片。组内组员进展对话练习并进展沟通:Wheres the library?Its on the second floor.Is it next to Classroom 3?Yes ,it is. 课堂小结我的收获:巩固提升选出正确的答案。()1. Wheres the library?()2.Is this the teachers office?()3.Is it next to Classroom 3? A. Yes ,it is next to Classroom 3.B.Its on the second floor.C.No ,it isnt作业背诵课文。抄写句子Wheres the library?Its on the second floor.五遍并且背写板书设计课后反思小学英语四年级下册unit 1导学案主备人王娟审核人吴春芳审批人朱秀清执教人王娟备课时间2015-3-1讲课时间2015-3-9学生姓名班级4.1/4.2/4.3授课内容Unit 1 lets learn look, ask and answer Read and write 学习目标1. 能够听、说、认读单词和词组:computer room,art room,music room,playground,gym.2.能够在语境中正确运用所学单词或词组来描述学校的教室或场馆及其大致位置。3.能够读懂四组句子,并遵照读到的信息正确填充建筑构造图。学习重点1. 能够听、说、认读单词和词组:computer,art room,music room,playground,gym.2.能够在语境中正确运用所学单词或词组来描述学校的教室或场馆及其大致位置。学习难点1.能够读懂四组句子,并遵照读到的信息正确填充建筑构造图。2.art room前面用an,不用a。预习交流展示一、我知道如何翻译这些单词。computer room art room music room playground gym 二、我可以尝试翻译以下句子。This is my school. Do you have a music room? Yes ,we do.Its on the first floor. 问题解决1、lets learn我能朗读这些词汇:computer room, art room, music room,playground, gym.我能教大家说。2、look, ask and answer我能用所学单词进展对话练习:This is my school. Do you have a music room?Yes ,we do.Its on the first floor.或No, we dont. 3、Read and write看书上P9,我能读懂四组句子,并遵照读到的信息正确填充建筑构造图。 课堂小结我的收获:巩固提升选出正确的答案。()1.Gotothecomputer room.()2.Gototheart room.
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