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人教版九年级英语全册知识点小结+练习题Unit 1 How do you study for a test?语考考核点1语法:重点语言结构:verb + by with gerund单元语言点there beon Tuesdayneed (some) helptell sb. sth.-Can you?- Sure.try to sth.try doing sth.listen to the tapesget madwelcome (back) totalk about sth.watch videotootounderstand the voicekeep a diarystudy with a grouplook upmake flashcardmake vocabulary listlisten to the tapesask for helpfrustrated at/with sth. study for a testwork with a grouppractice conversationspractice doing sth.(in) this/that wayask aboutthe best way to do sth.learn/study sth. by doingspecific suggestionsfor example/for instancetake as an exampleread English magazinememorize the wordspop songshelp a little/be a little helpfulstudy grammarhave/has been learning have/has been + 现在分词 (现在完成进行时) have/has been + 过去分词 (现在完成时的被动语态) for six years=since six years agowatch/(或其它感观动词)sb. do/doing sthfind+宾语+形容词join the English clubat school在上学at the school在学校improve ones Englishimprove skillget practicehave funhave conversationsnot at all get/be excited aboutend up doing end upspeak in Chinese用汉语说speak Chinese 说汉语make a mistakedo a surveydo a survey about doing sth.ask questionsanswer /reply to the questionwrite vocabulary listskeep an English notebookwatch English-language TVpronounce wordsspell wordsspoken Englishwritten Englishhow to use含有疑问词的动词不定式短语 (疑问词+动词不定式) 用此结构可将从句含有疑问词的宾语从句转换成简单句 get rightforget to do/doing sth.remember to do/doing sth.talk to/with sb.first of all/at first/firstlyto begin withlater onbe afraid ofbe afraid to do/of doing sth.be afraid that 从句speak in classlaugh atmake sentencesstart/begin to do/doingthe secret of doing sth.decide to do sth.take grammar notesenjoy doingbe impressedgo outbe + adj. + (for sb.) to do sth.try to do/doing sth.look up (in a dictionary)think of/about/over/outdeel with (how)do with (what)learning toolsneed (to) do/doing sth.make/be sure to do sth.make/be sure thatmake/be sure of +n./pron.match the contextunless = if notworry aboutaffect sth./sb. One/some/most/all ofbe angry with sb./ at sth.time goes bysee sb. do/doing sth.each other(两者间的互相) one another(三者或三者以上之间的互相) last for longa lesson forlearn to do sth.complain aboutchange intotry/do ones best to do sth.with the help ofregard ashave aslook on asmake a mistakeUnit 1 How do you study for a test?Section AI. 根据英文提示及首字母,补全单词:10分1. m_to learn and remember2. v_all the words known to someone.3. p_make the sound of (a letter, a word, etc)4. s_not fast or quickly5. a _in a voice that may be heardII. 翻译下列词组:20分1. 词汇表2. 结束3. 全然4. 在星期二5. 通过向老师救助6. 听磁带7. 欢迎到我们学校来8. 谈论学英语的最佳途径9. 看录像10. 记日记11. 每天12. 和朋友练会话13. 提高我的言语技能14. ask sb. about sth.15. specific suggestions16. for example17. the words of songs18. watch sb. do sth.19. join the English club20. end up doing sth.III. 单项选择:20分( )1. If you want to practice your pronunciation you must read _. A. aloud B. loudly C. carelessly D. careful( )2. You cant learn English well if you only _ grammar rules. A. remember B. memorize C. memory D. look( )3. We are _ about the _ things. A. excited; excited B. exciting; exciting C. excited; exciting D. exciting; excited( )4. I often practice _ English with classmates. A. speak B. spoke C. spoken D. speaking( )5. -I have a difficult question. - What about _ the teacher _ help. A. asking; for B. asking; to C. to ask; for D. to ask; toIV. 按要求转换下列句型:20分1. I study English by speaking often. (对划线部分提问)_ do you _ English?2. I have finished my homework already. (否定句)I _ _ my home work _.3. Many students said they would have a picnic tomorrow, _?(反义问句)4. He has been learning English for 15 years. (对划线部分提问)_ _ has he been learning English?5. I have some picture books and story books. (否定句)I dont have _ picture books _ story books.V补全对话,每词用一次。20分watching listen often by in dont pleasure withA:Your English is very good, May. Can you tell me how you learn it?B: I learn English 1_ speaking it as much as possible 2_ and out of class.A:Do you learn English by 3_ English language videos?B: Yes, quite often. And I also 4_ to cassettes.A:Do you study grammar?B: No, I never study grammar. Its too
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