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第7章第一节怎样写日记您下载的该电子书来自:TXT书库欢迎访问: www.txtsk.com第7章 应用文体的写作指导第一节 怎样写日记一、日记写作指导 日记(Diary)是用来记述自己当天所发生的事,尤其记述最有意义的事,同时谈谈自己对某件事情的看法。既可抒情,又可谈论。要写好日记,应注意以下几个方面。(一)日记的正确格式 英文日记同中文日记有许多相似之处。具体分为下面四项: 1. 标题(Title)。 这一项注明这是谁的一则日记,如:A Page from Lin Pings Diary。如果你是写自己的日记,并不公开,这标题可免去。 2. 日期和星期(Date and Day)。 这一项要求写在日记标题的下一行顶格。日记的写法要符合英文习惯,月、日、年后,再写星期几(一般星期不用缩写形式)。例如:2002年9月18日,星期二,写成 September 18, 2002 Tuesday,年可以省去。 3. 天气情况(Weather)。 这一项应写在日期和星期的同一行稍靠右的地方。表示该天天气情况的词有许多,基本上是用形容词来表示。例如: fine 晴天的;sunny 阳光充足的,阳光明媚的;cloudy 阴天的,多云的;hot 炎热的;cold 寒冷的;cool 凉爽的;snowy 下雪的;foggy 雾的;rainy 下雨的; warm 暖和的;windy 刮风的;stormy 暴风的;rainy, fine later 雨转晴的;cloudy,then rainy 多云转雨的 4. 正文(Body)。 内容要求思想健康,有积极向上的作用。记事写人要写真人真事,抒情要抒真情实感,议论要晓之以理。文章长短不一,有话可长,无话可短。开头语应简洁,忌记流水账,叙事具体一点。(二)日记里的时态选择 记日记的时间,一般是当天晚上或第二天,所做的事情已经过去了,所以动词多用过去时态,间或用过去完成时和过去进行时。 当表示习惯的动作,客观事实、普遍真理、名言或谚语时,要使用一般现在时。如果要发表自己的感想、打算或决心,可使用一般将来时。二、日记佳作欣赏例1 根据下列提示写一篇100个词左右的日记。 假定今天是9月1日,星期二,天气晴朗。你们年级的学生开始接受为期一周的军训(military training)。天气很热。你们全力按军训要求去做,汗水直淌,也顾不得去擦。你们的军训班长(platoon leader)是一位20岁的年轻人,他对你们要求严格。通过交谈,你们不仅了解了部队生活情况,而且学到了一些军训知识。尽管有些累,可是感觉非常愉快。参考范文 September 15TuesdayFine Today the students of our grade began to receive a one-week military training. It was very hot. We were in high spirits. We tried our best to do what we were told to. Sweat streamed down our faces and we didnt wipe it off. Our platoon leader is a twenty-year-old young PLA man. He is very strict with us. By talking with him, we know more about army life; we have learned some knowledge of military affairs. Though we feel a little tired, we feel very happy.例2 新年之际,请你以Lucky Money为题写一篇日记,谈谈对新年压岁钱的看法。 参考词汇:错觉illusion;庸俗的vulgar;香烟cigarette;交换exchange;以前formerly参考范文 Lucky Money Jan.25, 2001Sunday Fine Today is the second day of the Lunar New Year. I went to visit my grandparents and had a very good time. After the dinner, I was given lucky money as a Lunar New Years gift as usual. Formerly, I was always happy to accept it. But today I refused the money with thanks. I think the custom of giving lucky money as a Lunar New Years gift should be given up. The old custom is not always good. Gifts are given to express good wishes. A good wish contained in money is difficult to understand. I think the disadvantages of giving money as a gift are as follows: First, it gives the children an illusion that “I earn the money and it belongs to me.” In fact, whenever we receive a sum of money, our parents will give the same or even larger amount to others. Its only an exchange, which is very vulgar in form and in content. Second, because the money is not “earned” by hard work, usually we are not able to spend the money reasonably. Some of my classmates spent the money inviting classmates to have a dinner in a restaurant. Sometimes they buy something bad such as cigarettes or games discs. This leads them to fall in evil ways. Third, we dont need money. Our parents have prepared almost everything for us. If we want extra money, well get it if we have a good reason. I prefer the western way of giving little presents to children on the Christmas Eve. Every gift is put into a stock hanging in the Christmas tree. Whenever you open a gift, you will be happy and somewhat surprised.例3写作要求: 就下列内容写一篇 100字左右的日记。 8月13日,星期日,晴。早上你到书店买书,看到一位外国妇女和售货员讲些什么,但售货员听不懂。你走了过去,认出她是格林小姐。她是美国人,曾到你们学校参观过。她告诉你想买一本中文字典。你告诉了售货员。她买到了这本字典很高兴,她和售货员都很感谢你。参考范文 August 13 Sunday Fine This morning I went to the bookstore to buy some books. When I got there, I saw a foreign lady talking to a salesgirl. But the salesgirl did not understand what the lady was saying. I went up to them and recognized that she was Miss Green. She is an American. She once paid a visit to our school. She told me that she wanted to buy a Chinese dictionary. So I told the salesgirl what the foreign lady wanted. She was very glad when she got the dictionary. Both she and the salesgirl thanked me a lot.简评 本文写出了全部要点,语句通顺,层次分明,表达清楚,日记格式正确。
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