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中华人民共和国海事局2005年第1期海船船员适任证书全国统考试题(总第36期)科目:航海英语 试卷代号:903适用对象:无限航区、近洋航区二/三副(本试卷卷面总分100分,及格分为70分,考试时间100分钟)答题说明:请选择一个最合适的答案,并将该答案按答题卡要求,在相应位置上用2B铅笔涂黑。第1题至68题,每题1分,第69题至76题,每题1.5分,第77题至81题每题4分。一单项选择题1. Weekly NMs are available without subscription from appointed _. A. Admiralty Distributors B. Admiralty Publication HouseC. United Kingdom Hydrographic Office (UKHO)D. UKMaritime & Coastguard Agency (MCA)2. A bowline is used to _. A. join lines of equal size B. form a temporary eye (loop) at the end of a line C. be a stopper D. keep a line from fraying 3. For the deepest water when rounding a bend in a river,you should navigate your vessel _. A. toward the inside of the bend B. toward the outside of the bend C. toward the center of the river just before the bend,then change course for the rivers center after the bend D. in the rivers center 4. Oil slick caused by spillage of oil from tanker ship is _. A. a drop of oil B. the emulsion of oil at sea surfaceC. the weathered oil D. the oil floating on the surface of the sea water5. _ is not a process of weathering of the oil spilled in the sea water. A. Evaporation B. Dispersion C. Emulsification D. Drifting6. Buoyancy is a measure of the ships _. A. ability to float B. deadweight C. freeboard D. midships strength 7. PAN - PAN is to be used to announce _ A. a distress message B. an urgency message C. a safety message D. a massage of SMCP 8. PUBLIC ADDRESS SYSTEM: LOUDSPEAKERS IN THE VESSELS CABINS,MESS ROOMS,ETC.,AND ON DECK VIA WHICH IMPORTANT INFORMATION CAN BE BROADCAST FROM A CENTRAL POINT,MOSTLY FROM THE NAVIGATION BRIDGE defines _ A. PP-system B. PA-system C. AP-system D. AA-system 9. MOVING OF AN ANCHOR OVER THE SEA BOTTOM TO CONTROL THE MOVEMENT OF THE VESSEL defines _ A. Dredging (of anchor) B. Dragging (of anchor) C. Weighing anchor D. Walking out anchor 10. A set of interior steps on a ship leading up to a deck from below is known as _. A. a companion way B. tween-decks C. stairs D. Any of the above are acceptable 11. What does MBDD mean on the load waterline mark? A. Timber tropical load waterline B. Timber summer load waterline C. Timber winter load waterline D. Timber winter North Atlantic load waterline 12. An emergency sea anchor may be constructed by using _. A. a boat bucket B. an air tank filled with water C. an oar and canvas weighted down D. All of the above 13. Increasing the number of slack liquid tanks has the effect of raising the _. A. uncorrected KG B. maximum allowed KG C. virtual height of the center of gravity D. metacentric height 14. All echo-sounders can measure the _. A. actual depth of water B. actual depth of water below keel C. average depth from waterline to hard bottom D. average depth of water to soft bottom 15. Kapok life jackets should NOT be _. A. stowed near open flame or where smoking is permitted B. used as seats,pillows,or foot rests C. left on open decks D. All of the above 16. If not attached to the nozzle,each low-velocity spray applicator on a vessel must be stowed _. A. in a protected area on the main deck B. inside a machinery space near the entrance C. next to the fire hydrant to which the fire hose is attached D. on a rack inside the quarters near the entrance 17. During a fire drill on a vessel,what action is required? A. Start each fire pump B. Launch and run a lifeboat C. Inventory rescue and fire equipment D. Inspect fire hoses 18. An inflatable life raft should be lifted back aboard the ship by using _. A. the single hook at the top of the raft B. two lines passed under the raft C. the towing bridle D. All of the above 19. If a magnetic compass is not affected by any magnetic field other than the Earths,which statement is TRUE? A. Compass error and variation are equal B. Compass north will be true north C. Variation will equal deviation D. There will be no compass error20. It is usually unnecessary, and indeed often impossible, _ every printed clause.A. to give rise to B. giving give rise to C. given give full effect to D. to give full effect to 21. The wheel order STEADY means _A. the steering gear is very stable B. the rudder is to be held in the fore and aft position C. reducing swing as rapidly as possible D. reducing amount of rudder angle to certain degrees22. Placing a lashing across a hook to prevent a fitting from slipping out of the hook is called _. A. faking B. flemishing down
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