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介词和关系代词1)介词后面的关系词不能省略。 2)that前不能有介词。 3)某些在从句中充当时间,地点或原因状语的介词+关系词结构可以同关系副词when ,where和why 互换。 This is the house in which I lived two years ago. This is the house where I lived two years ago. Do you remember the day on which you joined our club? Do you remember the day when you joined our club? This is the reason why he came late. This is the reason for which he came late. 注意: 1. 含有介词的动词短语一般不拆开使用,如:look for, look after, take care of等 T This is the watch which/that I am looking for. (T正确) F This is the watch for which I am looking. (F错误) 一、“介词关系代词”用法1)介词+which在关系分句中分别作时间,地点和原因状语。I still remember the day on which (=when)l first came to school.The factory in which (=where) I work is a large one.This is the reason for which(=why)he was put in prison.2)介词+which(指物)/whom(指人)在关系分句中作地点状语,表示存在关系,关系分句主谓常须倒置。They arrived at a farm house in front of which sat a small boy.I saw a man,on the head of whom stood a bird.3)不定代词或数词+of+which(指物)/whom(指人),在关系分句中作主语,说明整体中的部分。如:China has a lot of islands, one of which is Taiwan.There are a lot of students here,none of whom like the film.4)介词+which(指物)/whom(指人),在关系分句中作目的、方式或地点状语。这种结构中的介词一般受动词或介词后的名词所制约。如:Could you tell me for whom youve bought this coat?The rat is digging a hole through which it can reach the field to get food.The man,from whom I learned the news,is an engineer.5)介词+which(指物)/whom(指人),用于被动结构的关系分句中,作状语,说明动作的发出者。如:The wolf by which the sheep was killed was shot. 6)名词+of which,代替whose+名词,在关系分句中作定语。如:I saw some trees, the leaves of which (=whose leaves)were black with disease.He mentioned a book, the title of which (=whose title )Ive forgotten.。选择题1. In the dark street,there wasnt a single person_she could turn for help. A.that B.who C.from whom D.to whom2. He paid the boy for washing ten windows,most of_hadnt been cleaned for at least a year. A.these B.those C.that D.which3. In the office I never seem to have time until after 5:30 p.m.,_many people have gone home. A.whose time B.that C.on which D.by which time二、根据句子意思,填入介词与关系代词。1. The person _ _ I spoke just now is the manager that I told you about.2. The pencil _ _ he was writing broke.3. Wu Dong, _ _ I went to the concert, enjoyed it very much.4. The two things _ _ Marx was not sure were the grammar and some of the idioms of English.5. Her bag, _ _ she put all her books, has not been found.一、把下列每对句子合并成含有定语从句的复合句:11. Here is the girl. Her brother works in this shop.12. Thats the child. We were looking at his drawing just now.13. This is the boy. His sister is a famous singer.14. I want to talk to the boys. Their homework havent been handed in.15. Is that the woman? Her daughter is in my class.16. He used to live in a big house. In front of it grew many banana trees.17. They passed a factory. At the back of the factory there were rice fields.18. The soldier ran to the building. On the top of it flew a flag.19. In the evening they arrived at a hill. At the foot of the hill there was a temple.20. She came into a big room. In the middle of it stood a large table.难点,确定介词一、根据定语从句中的线索来选用介词,这线索可以是:1定语从句中的短语动词:这是主要线索,所选介词需与动词搭配。例如:1)The teacher for whom you are waiting is coming你等的那位老师来了。2定语从句中的形容词短语:所选介词与形容词构成短语。1)It is the dictionary in which we are interested.这就是我们感兴趣的那本字典。二、根据先行词来选用介词。所选用的介词与先行词构成固定搭配。1)We are not conscious of the extent to which work provides the psychological satisfaction that can make the difference between a full and an empty life我们没有意识到工作能在多大程度上给人们带来心理上的满足感,而这种满足感正是区分充实生活与空虚生活之所在。三、固定的介词短语。在英语中,熟悉一些固定的介词短语,即可正确选用介词。如:in ones honor in whose honor,in this(that)case in which case,with ones help with whose help等等。例如:1)We extended our warm welcome to the visiting delegation in whose honor a grand banquet was given我们举行盛大宴会热烈欢迎代表团的来访。2)He might be in bed still,in which case we can go without him他可能还没有起来,这样咱们就不带他去。二、限制性定语从句(一)由关系代词引导的非限制性定语从句。His mother, who loved him very much, died in 1818. (二)关系副词引导的非限制性定语从句非限制性定语从句也可以有关系副词when,where引起。如:Chaplin lived the last years of his life in Switzerland, where he was buried in 1977.二、限制性定语从句与非限制性定语从句的区别,可以总结为以下四个不同。1形式上不同Last night I saw a very good film,which was about the Long March.The man whom I met in the street was a driver.2)可否省略的不同 I was the only person in my office who was invited.3关系代词的不同 This is the best film (that) I have ever seen.4翻译方式不同限制性定语从句往往译在先行词之前,而非限制性定语从句往往译为一个并列的句子。如:She is the nurse who looks after the children. 她就是照料这些孩子的阿姨。This note was left by Xiao Wu,who was here a moment ago.这个条子是小吴留的,她刚才到这儿来过。三、as与which在非限制性定语从句中的用法区别1)相同之处,当从句位于主句之后,引导词指代整个主句所表达的全部意义时,as和which可以互换。He is an Englishman,as/which I know from his accent.A big earthquake occurred in the west part of Japan last night,as/whi
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