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2If you were the governor of Shanxi Province, what would you do to keep a balance between improving the safety conditions of industries and developing the local economy?3When you are misunderstood by your teacher or your parents, what would you like to do to make them trust you?5. Virtue is fairer than beauty. Do you agree? Why or why not?7. To know ones self is true progress. Do you agree?8. If you have the power to add one course into your curriculum, what course would you choose and why?9. What is your comment on the recent milk powder scandal in China?10. Which would you choose, a higher-pay job with bigger responsibilities or a lower-pay job with smaller responsibilities? 11. What is the real meaning of being a volunteer?12. How should we improve ourselves to greet the present job-market challenges? 13. What would you consider most in choosing a job, salary, job satisfaction, the use of your specialty or location? And why?16. Use the title “lessons of failure” and tell a story about yourself. 17. Use the title “The Power of Smile” and tell a story about yourself or a person you are familiar with.18. Should people who return lost property expect a reward?19. Which attribute is more important for an Olympic champion, technique or mental strength?20. Is online-chatting a reliable and effective way to make friends?21. Do you believe that violence in television programs leads to violence in our society?22. Is the introduction of foreign culture likely to harm or benefit Chinas culture?23. Is it better for big cities in China like Beijing to protect its traditional buildings and historical landmarks or build more modern high-rises?24. What do you think of cosmetic surgery? 25. Do you think university education should be more open-minded?26. Appearances are deceptive and should not be attached with importance. Do you agree?28. Experience is the mother of wisdom. Do you agree?29. Fortune knocks at least once at every mans gate. How do you understand the sentence?30. A broken hand works, but not a broken heart. Do you agree?31. A close friend can become a close enemy. What do you think of the saying?32. A closed mouth catches no flies. How do you look at the saying?33. A friends eye is a good mirror. Do you agree?35. A new broom sweeps clean, but the old brush knows all the corners. What do you think of the saying?36. A son is a son till he gets him a wife,But a daughters a daughter the rest of your life. Do you agree?37. If a man deceives me once, shame on him; if he deceives me twice, shame on me. State your understandings of this saying.38. The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence. How do you understand this saying?39. There are many paths to the top of the mountain, but the view is always the same. Do you agree with the statement?40. When a father helps a son, both smile; but when a son must help his father, both cry. Please comment on the statement.41. Reality can destroy the dream; why shouldnt the dream destroy reality?42. Beauty is but skin deep, ugly lies the bone;Beauty dies and fades away, but ugly holds its own. Please comment on the statement.43. There are no ugly women; there are only women who do not know how to look pretty. Do you agree with the statement?45. As one grows older, one becomes wiser and more foolish. How do you understand this saying?46. It takes more than just a good looking body. Youve got to have the heart and soul to go with it. Please comment on the statement.47. Fashion is made to become unfashionable. How do you understand this statement on fashion?50. The Internet is so big, so powerful and so pointless that for some people it is a complete substitute for life. How do you look at the role of Internet in our life?51. We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give. Please comment on the statement.52. Love does not begin and end the way we seem to think it does. Love is a battle, love is a war; love is a growing up. Do you agree with the statement on love?53. The joys of parents are secret, and so are their griefs and fears: they cannot utter the one, nor will they utter the other. Do you agree?55. The easiest person to deceive is ones self. Do you agree?56. Truth is beautiful, without doubt; but so are lies. How do you understand the saying?66. Without music, life would be a mistake. Do you agree?70. The person who has no opinion will seldom be wrong. Comment on the statement.75. No person can be a great leader unless he takes genuine joy in the successes of those under him. Do you agree?76. The illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read and write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn, and relearn. How do you understand the statement?77. Minds are like parachutes. They only function when they are open. Do you agree?79. It is not enough to do your best; you must know what to do, and THEN do your best. Do y
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