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旅行在餐厅必备的英语口语预定篇Do you have a table for two right now请问现在有两人座位吗I have a reservation at 18:30.我今天晚上6:30有订位。May we have a table by the window, please可以给我们一个靠窗的桌子吗This table would be great. Thank you.这个位子很好谢谢。点餐篇May I have a menu, please请给我菜单。Could we have another menu, please可以再给我们一份菜单吗Do you have a Chinese menu是否有中文菜单What would you recommend for a party of three你可以推荐我们三人份的餐点吗What kind of dish is most popular here这里欢迎的餐点是什么呢We need more time to look at the menu / decide whatto order.我们还需要一些时间看一下菜单 / 决定要点什么。Excuse me, were ready to order.不好意思,我们可以点餐了。Is it too late to change my order现在改餐点还来得及吗Can I have the same dish as that用餐篇Could you tell me how to eat this请告诉我要如何食用这道菜Could you please heat up my coffee Thank you!.可以帮我把咖啡加热吗谢谢!May I have another spoon, please可以再给我一根汤匙吗Could you give me a fork, please可以给我一个叉子吗Excuse me. My order hasnt arrived yet.不好意思,我点的餐还没送到。Could I have some more water / napkins, please可以再给我一些水 / 纸巾吗Excuse me. Would you please show me where the restroomis不好意思,可以告诉我厕所在哪里吗结账篇May I have the check, please请问可以给我帐单吗We are ready for the bill now.我们要买单。I would like to pay in cash.我想用现金付钱。Is the gratuity included in the bill小费有包括在帐单里吗Can I pay with this credit card可以用这张信用卡付帐吗May I have the receipt, please.请给我收据。That was a wonderful meal. May I have the check,please真是美味的一餐。请帮我买单。Thank you for your service. We really enjoyed it.谢谢你的服务,我们这餐吃得很好。
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