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大学英语精读1_06Unit Six Text 课文Sam set out improve efficiency at the shirt factory 萨姆开始首手提高衬衫厂的效率,but as we find out later in this unit,但根据我们在本单元中所发现的,his plans turned out not quite as he had expected.他的计划与他所期待的并不一样SAM ADAMS,INDUSTRIAL ENGINEER工业管理工程师萨姆.亚当斯If you ask my mother how I happened to become an industrial engineer,如果你问我母亲,我怎么偏偏会成为一名工业管理工程师的,shell tell you that I have always been one.她就会告诉你,我一直就是这样一个人。She means that I have always wanted everything to be well organized and neat. 她的意思是说,我一贯希望把样样东西都安排得井井有条,整整齐齐。When I was still in elementary school,还在上小学时,I liked to keep my socks in the upper left-hand drawer of my bureau,我就喜欢把袜子放在衣柜上方的抽屉里,my underwear in the upper right drawer,shirts in the middle drawer,内衣放在右上方的抽屉里,衬衫放在当中的抽屉里,and pants,neatly folded,in the bottom drawer.折得齐齐整整的裤子放在最下面的抽屉里。In fact,I was the efficiency expert for the whole family.事实上,我那时一直是全家人的效率专家。I used to organize my fathers tools,my mothers kitchen utensils,my sisters boyfriends.父亲的工具、母亲的厨房用具以及姐姐的男朋友全由我统一安排。I needed to be effcient.我需要讲究效率。I wanted to be well organized.我希望有条不紊。For me,there was a place for everything and everything was always in its place.对我来说,样样东西都有个固定的地方,样样东西总是放在适当的地方。These qualities gave me a good foundation for a career in industrial engineering.这些素质为我日后从事工业管理打下了良好的基础。Unfortunately,I was also a bit bossy and I wasnt a very good listener.遗憾的是,我这个人也有一点专横,不太善于听取别人的意见。Youll see what I mean when I tell you about the first project I ever did after I finished my bachelors degree at the university.等我把在大学取得学士学位后承办第一项工程的情况告诉你以后,你就会明白我这话是什么意思了。After graduation I returned home to my small town in Indiana.毕业后我回到家乡印第安纳州的一个小镇上。I didnt have a job yet.当时我还没有找到工作。Mr.Hobbs,a friend of my fathers,owned a small shirt factory in town.我父亲的一位朋友霍布斯先生在镇上有一家小型衬衫厂。Within the past five years it had grown from twenty to eighty workers.在过去五年里,厂里的工人从20名增加到了80名。Mr.Hobbs was worried that his plant was getting too big and inefficient,霍布斯先生担心他的工厂规模变得太大了,效率变得太低了,so he asked me to come in on a short-term basis as a consultant.便请我进厂当了个短期顾问。I went to the plant and spent about a week looking around and making notes.我来到厂里,花了一个星期左右的时间一边到处查看,一边做些笔记。I was really amazed at what I saw.说真的,我对看到的情况不胜惊讶。Most curious of all,最为奇怪的是,there was no quality control whatsoever.厂里竟然没有任何质量控制。No one inspected the final product of the factory.没有人检验工厂生产的成品。As a result some of the shirts that were put in boxes for shipment were missing one or two buttons,the collar,结果,有些装箱待运的衬衫不是缺了一两粒钮扣,就是少了衣领,even a sleeve sometimes!有时甚至还会短只袖子。The working conditions were poor.工厂的生产条件很差。The tables where the workers sat were very high and uncomfortable.工作台很高,工人坐在旁边不很舒服。Except for a half hour at lunchtime,除了吃中午饭的半小时外,there were no breaks in the day to relieve the boring work.全天没有别的休息时间来调剂一下令人厌倦的工作。There was no music.厂里也不播放音乐。The walls of the workrooms were a dull gray color.工场间的墙壁全是一片暗灰钯。I was amazed that the workers hadnt gone on strike.使我感到惊奇的是,工人们竟然没有罢工。Furthermore,the work flow was irregular.此外,厂里的生产流程也时断时续。There was one especially absent-minded young man in the assembly line who sewed on buttons.在装配线上有个缝钮扣的年轻人特别心不在焉。After a while I recognized him as Big Jim,没有多久,我便认出了他,原来他就是在中学上数学课时坐在我后面的“大个子吉姆”。who used to sit behind me in math class in high school.他动作很慢,所有的衬衫到了他这儿都耽搁下来。He was very slow and all the shirts were held up at his position.装配线上他后面的同班工人只好等在那儿无事可干;Workers beyond him in line on his shift had to wait with nothing to do;因此,在“大个子吉姆一边工作一边胡思乱想的时候,therefore,a great deal of time and efficiency were lost as Big Jim daydreamed while he worked.大量时间便白白流逝了,劳动效率大受损失。All week I wondered why he wasnt fired.整个礼拜我都在纳闷,为什么他没有被解雇。After I made observations for a week,Mr.Hobbs asked me for an oral report of my findings.我观察了一个星期后,霍布斯先生便要我就调查结果作一个口头汇报。I covered my major points by telling him the following:我把要点概括了一下向他汇报如下: If you have a quality control inspection,“如果实行质量检验,you will greatly improve you finished product.你们就会大大改进成品。If the assembly line is redesigned,“如果把装配线重新设计一下,a smooth work flow can be achieved and time and energy can be saved.生产流程就会达到平稳,并能节省时间和精力。If you decrease the height of the worktables,“如果降低工作台的高度,the machine operators will work more comfortably.机器操作工作业时就会舒服一些。”If the management provides pleasant background music and beautifies the dull setting,“如果厂方播放悦耳的背景音乐,美化一下单调的环境,the factory will be much more productive.工厂的生产率就可以大大提高。”If the workers have a fifteen-minute coffee break in the morning and afternoon,“如果工人们在上,下午各有一次15分钟的休息时间喝咖啡,they will be more efficient.他们的效率就会更高。”If excellent work results in frequent pay increases or promotions,“如果工作出色能经常得到加薪提级,the workers will have greater incentive to produce.工人们就会在更大的生产积极性。”Mr.Hobbs thanked me for this report and told me he would talk over my suggestions with his brother,th
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