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方梦之主编:译学词典,上海外语教育出版社,第29页功能翻译理论 function alist tran slati on theory又称功能目的论” (Skopos theory)。1971年,德国的莱斯(K. Reiss)首先提出把翻 译行为所要达到的特殊目的”作为翻译评价的新模式。1984年她在与费米尔(H. J. Vermeer)合写的Ge neral Fou ndation of Tra nslation Theory 一书中声称:译者在整个翻译过程中的参照系不应是“对等”翻译理论所注重的原文及其功能,而应是译文在译语文化环境中所预期达到的一种或若钟交际功能。20世纪90年代初,德国学者克利斯蒂安诺德(Christiane Nord ) 进一步拓展了译文功能理论。她强调译文与原文的联系,但这种联系的质量与数量由译文的 预期功能确定。这就是说,根据译文语境,原文中的哪些内容或成分可以保留,哪些需调整 或改写,该由译文的预期功能确定。功能目的理论的两项基本原则是:1.翻译各方面的交互作用受翻译目的所决定;2.目的随接受对象的不同而变化。按照这两项原则,译者可以为了达到目的而采用任何他自己认为适当的翻译策略。换句话说,目的决定方式(The end justifies the mea ns )。作为受文化制约的语言符号,原文语篇和译文语篇受到各自交际环境的影响,译文功能与原文功能可相似或保持一致,也可能完全不同。根据不同的语境因素和预期功能,选择最佳的处理方法,这是功能翻译理论比以对等为基础的翻译理论或极端功能主义的翻译理论 更为优越之处。翻译功能理论指导下的翻译方法表现出较大的灵活性,较高的科学性和易操作性。Toury把“功能目的论”看作是“译文文本中心论”的翻版。Skopos theory(plural Skopos theories1. (translation studies) The idea thattranslating and interpreting should primarily take into acco unt thef un cti on of both the sourcea nd target texto 1995, Paul Kussmaul,Trai ning The Tran slator, Joh n Benjami ns Publishi ng Co, p. 149:The functional approach has a great affi nity withSkopos theory The fun ctio n of a tran slati on is depe ndent on the kno wledge, expectati ons, values and norms of the target readers, who are aga in in flue need by the situati on they are in and by the culture. These factors determ ine whether the fun cti on of the source text or passages in the source text can be preserved or have to be modified or eve n cha nged.In troduct ion to the Skopos TheoryThe Skopos theory is an approach to translation which was put forward by Hans Vemeer and developed in Germa ny in the late 1970s and which orie nted a more function ally and socioculturally con cept of tran slati on. Tran slati on is con sidered not as a process of tran slati on, but as a specific form of human action. In our mind, transla tion has a purpose, and the word“ Skoposwas from Greek. It?s used as the technical term for the purpose of the translation.翻译目的论,skopos是希腊语 目的”的意思。其核心概念是翻译过程的最主要因素是整体 翻译行为的目的。1. Introduction to the Skopos TheoryThe Skopos theory is an approach to translation which was put forward by Hans Vemeer and developed in Germany in the late 1970s and which oriented a more functionally and socioculturally concept of translation. Translation is considered not as a process of translation, but as a specific form of human action. In our mind, translation has a purpose, and the word“Skopwas from Greek. It?s used as the technical term for the purpose of the translation. In the frame work of this theory, one of the most important factors determining the purpose of a translation is the address, who is the intended receiver or audience of the target text with their world language.Every translation is directed at an intended audience. The theory focuses above all on the purpose of the translation, which determines the translation methods and strategies that are to be employed in order to produce a functionally adequate result. Vermeer regards it as an“ offer of informthat is partly or wholly turned in to an “ offerof in formatio n fOr the target audie nee. From this view, the status of the source is clearly much lower in Skopos theory than the equivalence theory.Introduction of the Skopos TheorySkopos theory is the nueleus of German Funetional Sehool. The main idea of Skopos theory is that translators should hold the thought from the perspective of the target readers during the process of translation. Therefore, translators should bear in mind what the function of translation text is, what the target readers demand is and even what communicative situation is. Consequently, the choice of translation strategies is decided by the purpose of the translation text,in order to achieve a better function text.There are three main rules which are skopos rule, coherence rule and fidelity rule.1.Skopos RuleSkopos is a Greek word foraimorpurpose. The top-ranking rule for any translation is thus theskopos rule,which means that a translation action is determined by its skopos;that is,the end justifies the meansby Reiss and Vermeer.Vermeer also stresses on many occasions that the skopos rule is a general rule,and translation strategies and methods are determined by the purpose and the intended function of the target text.2. Coherence RuleThe coherence rule states that the target textbe interpretable as coherent with thetarget textit is coherent for the target text receivers,given their circumstances and knowledge.In terms of coherence rule,the source text is no longer of most authority but only part of the translation beliefe.It is only an offer of information for the translator,who in turn picks out what he considers to be meaningful in the receivers situation.2. Fidelity RuleTranslation is a preceding offer of information. It is expected to bear some relationship with the corresponding source text.Vermeer calls this relationship intertextual coher
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