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设计题目五上 Unit5 What do they do?(storytime )日 期2014.10.15教学目标1. 学生能初步能理解并且会听、会说、会读单词或词组:teach, writer,factory worker, help sick people2. 学生能初步感知句型,能初步听懂并且会读,理解句型:What doesdo?Hes / Shes a .He/She(s/es)3. 学生能初步理解本篇对话并能复述。教学重难点及解决措施1. 学生能初步能理解并且会听、会说、会读单词或词组:teach, writer,factory worker, help sick people2. 学生能初步感知句型,能初步听懂并且会读,理解句型:What doesdo?Hes / Shes a .He/She(s/es)教学策略PPT教学过程(可续页)教学步骤所用时间教 师 活 动学 生 活 动设计说明Step1 Lead-upStep2 presentationStep3Exercise Step 4 Try to talk520105 GreetingT:Hello, boys and girls, do you want to know more about my family members?S: YesT: What does my father do? He is a doctor. What does my mother do ?She is a teacher.Presentation1Who are they?S: They are Mikes parents and Helens parents.2T: What do they do? Lets watch a cartoon and answer the question: what are Su Hai and Mike talking about?S: They are talking about their parents jobs(工作)3. Listen to the tape and match what does he /she do?4. Read the passage and fill choose the right answer5. Checktheanswer 6 Read the passage in differentwaysStep 3 Exercise1. Ask and answer2. Fill in the blanksStep4 try to talk about your family members jobs学生看PPT听学生看动画片回答听录音连线打开书在文中找到答案并且圈出关键句和关键词学生跟读,分角色读同桌对话练习完成书上的think and write介绍新的句型了解职业单词初读课文,了解大概学习课文和本单元重点句型指导朗读进一度掌握句型拓展与情感教育1.作业设计1.Recite story time2.Try to know more words about jobs.3.Intrduce your family members板书设计 Unit5 What do they do? Who job description Mikes father teacher teaches. Mikes mother wrter writes stories Su Hais father doctor helps sick people Su Hais mother factory worker makes sweets教学反思1.本节课,我让学生朗读的次数少了一些,在分角色朗读前可以让学生齐读。2.板书的字卡应该在教授相应的单词后就贴上黑板,而不是等到某个环节结束后再贴上去。通过这次公开课,我学到了很多,对于storytime一开始根本把握不住重难点,通过王老师和各位同仁的指导,我对storytime的教学有了初步的了解,希望下学期的教研活动,我能够再抓住机会努力提高自己。
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