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强调与倒装(一) 强调与倒装在英语语法上有什么联系? 翻译下列句子,注意句式特点1. In front of the house is a tall tree. 房子前面是棵大树(倒装句,表语前置。) 2. Gone are the days when Chinese people were looked down upon.中国人被瞧不起的日子一去不复返了。(表语前置。) 倒装有时是为了强调,如句1; 有时是为了避免头重脚轻,平衡句子结构,如句2。因此,在语法上,倒装可以作为强调的一种方式。(二) 英语强调句型有哪些?翻译下列句子,找出其中表达的强调语气的词语 1. What a hot day it is today! 今天多么热啊!(what表强调。)2. How fast time flies! 时间过得多么快啊!(how表强调。)3. The thief ran so fast that I didnt catch up with him。那个小偷跑得太快我追不上他。(sothat表强调。)4. The postman was in such a hurry that he often took one parcel for another.那位邮递员太匆忙经常投错邮包。(suchthat表强调。)5. Believe me! I did advise him to forgive you but he wouldnt listen.相信我!我确实劝过他原谅你,但他不听劝告。(did表强调。)6. Its the sun that gives us heat and light是太阳给了我们光和热。(Its that表强调。)7. Even a child can do that!甚至连小孩也能做那件事!(even表强调) 广义的强调句型包括感叹句,“如此以致”句型,含even(甚至)的句式,助动词对谓语动词的强调句型以及Its/was that(who/whom)等句型。狭义的强调句指的是Its/was that(who/whom)句型怎样使用Its/was that(who/whom)句型? 用强调句型分别就画线部分进行强调。 The committee,(1) had,(2) a heated discussion about the housing system,(3) in Shanghai,(4) last May,(5)(1) It was the committee that/ who had a heated discussion about the housing system in Shanghai last May.(2)不能使用Its/was that(who/whom)句型对 谓语动词 进行强调。(3) It was a heated discussion about the housing system that the committee had in Shanghai last May.(4) It was in Shanghai that the committee had a heated discussion about the housing system last May.(5) It was last May that the committee had a heated discussion about the housing system in Shanghai运用It is that(who/whom)强调句型应注意: 1. “It is 被强调部分that” 结构为强调句型基本结构,其中结构用词无单独含义,整体理解为“就是/正是”。 2. 如原句为过去式或与过去相关的时态,is改为was。 3. 将被强调部分置于is/was与that之间,其余部分无变化。4. 如被强调部分为人,可用who代替,如为人且在句中作宾语,可用whom代替。其余情况一律用that。 l 强调句型It is that(who/whom)的疑问句怎么运用? 运用强调句型翻译下列句子1. 你是在上海出生的吗?Was it in Shanghai that you were born?2. 你到底是什么时候出门的?When was it that you left?3. 这几天你到底去过哪些地方?Where is it that you have been these days?4. 你到底是怎样知道事情真相的?How is it that you have known the truth?n 强调句型It is that(who/whom)的一般疑问句式为:Is/Was it 被强调部分that?;其特殊疑问句式为:疑问词When/Why/ How/Which/ Who/Where/What 等is/was it that?怎样对句中谓语动词进行强调? 根据汉语提示完成句子 1. 一定要保持联系。 _ keep in touch with each other. 2. 你昨晚缺席了。 没有,我真的来了的。 You were absent last night. No. I_ _ last night.3. 我爸爸很难戒烟。他确实喜欢抽烟。 Its hard for Father to give up smoking. He _ _ smoking. 助动词do /does/did 动词原形可以强调谓语动词。 但需注意:谓语动词只有两种时态能强调,即一般现在时和一般过去时。在一般现在时中,do有人称的变化,第三人称单数用does,一般过去时do 变成did。其他时态的强调通过重读谓语动词来体现even怎样用于强调语气翻译下列句子,总结各个句子的语气特点1. He spoke English well when he was young. 他年轻时英语甚至说得好。强调语气,强调谓语,即“别人可能只会阅读,他还会口语”。 3. He even spoke English well when he was young 他年轻时英语甚至说得好。强调语气,强调谓语,即“别人可能只会阅读,他还会口语”。The man to whom I spoke just now is a sales manager.The man (who/that/whom/省略) I spoke to just now is a sales manager.2. Even he spoke English well when he was youngeven表示“甚至连也”,位置十分灵活,放在被强调成分前,对其进行强调。 什么是倒装?翻译下列句子,指出各句式特点1. Now comes your turn. 现在轮到你了。句子的谓语动词comes放在主语your turn之前,主谓倒装。2. Seldom do I eat out我很少外出吃饭。句子的谓语动词eat放在主语I之后,但助动词do置于主语前。 英语句子中,将谓语的一部分或全部置于主语之前的语序叫做倒装语序。而倒装可分为两种:将整个谓语提到主语之前的叫完全倒装(full invertion);而只将be,情态动词或者助动词放在主语之前的叫做部分倒装(partial invertion)。 u 英语中完全倒装句式有哪几种情形?翻译下列句子,指出各倒装句使用倒装的条件1. In came the teacher and the class began. 老师走了进来,然后开始上课。(倒装条件:方位副词in放句首)2. There stand two tall trees in front of our school gate. 我们学校门口屹立着两棵大树。(倒装条件:地点副词there放句首。) 3. Finally came the day when I stood on the stage to make a speech我上台演讲的那一天终于来了。(倒装条件:时间副词finally放句首。) 4. Off went the fire crackers. “啪”的一声鞭炮响了。(倒装条件:状态副词off放句首)5. At the foot of the hill lies a beautiful lake. 山脚下有一个美丽的湖泊。(倒装条件:介词短语at the foot of the hill放句首。)6. Click, click went the weaving room. 喀哒,喀哒,织布房响个不停。(倒装条件:象声词click放句首。)7. “Reserve a table for me, please!” said a customer. “请帮我预订一张桌子!”有个顾客说。(倒装条件:直接引语“Reserve a table for me,please!”放句首。)8. Long live friendship! 友谊万岁!9. Here it is! 给你。 主语为人称代词it,虽然地点副词 here放句首,不需要倒装。 英语中完全倒装句式的几种情形: 1. out, in, up, down等方位副词在句首时; 2. here, there等地点副词在句首时; 3. now, then, finally等时间副词在句首时; 4. away, off等状态副词在句首时; 5. 表示地点的介词词组在句首时; 6. 象声词在句首时;7. 直接引语放前面,引出说话人时; 8. 在表示祝愿的句式中:Long live!; 9. 上述情况下,如主语为人称代词,不需要倒装。英语中 部分 倒装句式有哪几种情形?翻译下列各组句子,注意部分倒装使用的条件1. (1) Only in this way can we make great progress只有这样我们才能取得大的进步。(2) Only then did I realize the value of friendship. 只有那时我才认识到友谊的价值 (3) Only when you are in trouble can you borrow money from me. 只有当你手头特别紧的时候,你才可以向我借钱。2. (1) Seldom do I smoke. 我很少抽烟。 (2) Hardly had I arrived home when the phone rang. 我一到家电话就响了。3. (1) Not until I began to work did I realize how much time I had wasted. 到开始工作时我才认识到我浪费了很多时间。(2) Not only does he speak English well but also he has a good knowledge of English culture. 他不仅擅长英语口语而
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