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课题: Unit 2 Whats the matter?(P11-P12 3b-1)一、自学提纲翻译:1. get tired 2. be tired 3. go to bed early 4. stay/keep healthy 5. Im tired 6. I cant sleep 7. sleep eight hours a night 8. see a dentist 9. Its important to sleep eight hours a night. 10. Dont get stressed out 二、探究、合作、展示1. Everybody gets tired sometimes. 每个人都有犯困的时候。思考:Somebody (be) waiting for you.2. Eating Dangshen and Huangqi herbs is also good for this.补食党参和黄花对比也有益处。 动名词 动名词短语作主语时表单数。思考:在公共场所大声讲话是不礼貌的。 (talk) loudly in public (be) impolite.3. should应该+动原 shouldnt不应该+动原。思考:你应该努力学习。 You should (study) hard. 你不应该在课堂上讲话。 You shouldnt (talk) in class.4.讨论:Do you have a cold? What should you do? What shouldnt you do?三、当堂检测单选( )1. a lot of vegetables is good for your health.A. Eat B. Drink C. Eating D. Drinking( )2. Its important for us to .A. stay health B. stay healthy C. keep health D. keeping healthy( )3. Sara a stomachache. So she eat anything for twenty-four hours.A. has, shouldnt B. has, shouldC. have, shouldnt D. has, must根据短文内容,完成下面的表格Cindy says she often feels tired. She should go to bed early. She shouldnt watch TV too much in the evening. David says hes stressed out. He should listen to some music. He shouldnt study late. Its not good for his health. Sally looks kind of fat, she may have bad eating habbits. She should take more exercise and eat less meat.problemshouldshouldntCindy1. go to bed early2. Davidbe stressed out3. study lateSally4. Take more exercise5. 四、课堂小结五、教学反思1用心 爱心 专心
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