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(北师大版)三年级英语上册教案unit4Unit 4 dinner time!一、教学内容分析设计理念采取多种有趣活动,激发学生学习兴趣。挖掘学生的知识资源,力求温故而知新。教学项目词语:studying ,eating,drinking,sleeping,playing,cooking,washing,painting 句子:What is he doing? He is. What is she doing? She is.教学目标知识目标:能听说读studying ,eating,drinking,sleeping,playing,cooking,washing,painting 等单词,并能在句型中灵活运用。技能目标:用现在时句型描述情景并进行简单交流。情感态度:了解中西方语言文化差异,乐于运用英语进行交流 ,体验语言学习与交流的快乐。课前准备教师:教学光盘,多媒体,教学卡片,实物。学生:课本。教学重点单词和句子。教学难点灵活运用句型。二、课堂教学过程时间教学步骤教师活动学生活动设计意图5mStep1 Warm up1 Activity “I can .”2 Free talkI can walk, can you?(walking)Now stand up and walk please.Give some orders.Well-done, everyone.Are you happy today?Now lets listen to our classmates report.To listen and to do the following actions with the teachers words.Walking/jumping/dancing/Swimming/running/readingSay two or three sentences about a picture which was finished in his /her art lesson.利用活动导入教学,迅速激活学生的学习状态,活动内容与本课内容紧密相关,可以作到以旧带新.让孩子用英语表述自己的日常生活,培养孩子在公众面前讲话的能力,增强自信.14sStep2 presentationWords to learn(pictures)Today I have a beautiful picture. Lets have a look.Who is she? What is she doing?She is sleeping in the living-room or in the bedroom.Write sleeping on the blackboard.Write: What is she doing? She is sleeping.on the blackboard.Showing another picture and ask : Who is he? What is he doing?What is he eating?Mocky likes eating bananas. I like eating apples. What do you like eating?Another pictureWho is he? What is he doing?What is he drinking?Who is she?What is she doing?Ask some students to read the words.Who is she ? What is she doing?Can you guess: what is she studying?Look at Mocky. What is he doing?What is he playing?I like playing football. What do you like playing?Who is she? What is she doing?Who is she? What is she doing?She is Ann. She is sleeping.She is sleeping in the bedroom.Read sleep and then sleeping.Read the two sentences together and then individually.He is Mocky. He is eating. He is eating a banana.I like eating.He is Ken. He is drinking.He is drinkingShe is Mrs. Bear. She is cooking.She is Kate. She is studying.She is studying Chinese/math/English/art/musicHe is playing.He is playing ball.I like playing basketball/football/ping pang ball.She is Lulu. She is washing.She is Wang Ling. She is painting.She is painting a rainbow.以对话的形式展开教学。 巧妙地引导学生在练习旧语言知识的过程中运用新的知识。发散学生思维,充分发掘学生已有的知识资源.通过大量的实际语言操作来学习新语言点。及时运用评价鼓励学生大胆张嘴说英语。2sStep3Task Words trainingGuessing gameSay the new words slowly and without any sound.Try to guess the words by looking at the teachers mouse.此活动具有极强的趣味性和可操作性,极大地调动学生的学习兴趣, 孩子们在游戏的同时强化了对单词的学习。8mStep4 Sentence trainingDoing some actions and ask the students to guess : what am I doing?Ask four groups of students to come to the stage to present the dialogue. Make the students into groups for three .You are sleeping/drinking/eating/cooking/washing/painting/studying/playingOne is doing action. One is guessing. All the other students ask :What is she/he doing?The student answer : She/He is.Practice in groups.Have a presentation.学生在真实情境中感受语言,在实际操练中运用语言,在娱乐中享受语言。3.5mStep5 listening trainingNow lets be the best listeners.Play the tape.Check the answers.Open the books and watch the pictures careful.Say something about the pictures.Listen and number it.及时对所学的知识进行多方面的巩固与操练。利用磁带把纯正的英语输入到孩子的大脑当中,鼓励他们正确和恰当的输出。1mStep6 1transitionDoing some actions and ask the students to do with the teacher。I am studying.Doing and saying:I am cooking. I am studying. I am 在听于说之间4mStep7ExtensionMaking new sentences.Showing a group of computer flashcards.Watch them carefully.Talk about the pictures in pairs.“The elephant is walking. The cat is eating. The man is smoking. The rabbit is running. I like the rabbit. .看图对话,培养学生的观察能力,使新旧知识结合,丰富学生的表达,不断提高语言表达能力。在小组合作中培养学生的合作意识。2mStep8 A songToday, we will listen and enjoy a beautiful song,we are cooking.Listen to it and enjoy it.Try to sing the song.从视觉上感受语言的优美, 增强学习兴趣.0.5sStep9 Assigning homworkthe new words.Write the new wards on the exercise book.进一步巩固语言。三、板书设计: Unit 4 Dinner time! sleeping eating What is she doing? cooking playing She is sleeping. drinking studying What is he doing? washing painting He is eating. 四、教学效果评价 本课当中,教师采取了小组评价,为每组同学奖励水果图形,以小组评价为主,同时教师对个别表现好的同学给予奖励,奖励按学生回答问题的正确性,声音是否洪亮,纪律好坏,主动参与活动几个标准来评定,效果较好。五、教学反思:()教学设计从学生兴趣出发,课堂中引入多种活动,让学生在愉快宽松的情景中学习英语。(二)采用对话
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