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Unit4 HobbiesStory time 一 Teaching contentPrimary English Book 5A Unit 4 story time二 Teaching aimsA. Knowledge aims1. Students will be able to master and use the sentence patterns: “What do you/they like doing? What does he/she like doing?” to ask others hobbies.2.Students will be able to use “I/They like doing sth and He/She likes doing sth.” to describe hobbies.3.Students will comprehend the different usage between like and likes.B. Ability aims 1. Students will be capable to get the general idea of the passage. 2. Students will be able to use the sentence patterns to talk about hobbies.B. Emotion aims 1.Students awareness of good hobbies will be developed. 三 Key and difficult point1. Students will be able to use “I/They like doing sth and He/She likes doing sth.” to describe hobbies.2. Students will comprehend the different usage between like and likes.四 Teaching procedureStep1 Warming up1. Play a game -Look, do and say2. Learn the new wordsStudents work in pairs and try to read the new words according to the tip. swim swimming read readingclimb climbing dance dancingplay playing draw drawingrun running skate skating 3. Say your hobbies.S1:What do you like doing?S2:I like .ing. What about you?S1:I like .ing. Step 2 Presentation1. Watch and tick.2.Read and fill in the form.3. Read and answer.Step 3 practice 1.Lets read.Read after one/.Read together./Each student read one paragraph.2. Lets retell.(Students work in groups of four and choose their favourite character to describe his or her hobbies according to the pictures and sentence patterns.This is He/she likes He/she can wellHe/she is(not)good at 3. Lets write.Ask students to write about their friends hobbies.My friend is_.He/She likes_. He/She can_well. But he/she is not good at_. He/She also likes_.We are good friends.Step 4 Emotional education What hobbies do you think are good hobbies?What hobbies do you think are bad hobbies?If you have a good hobby, please continue, if you have a bad hobby, please change !Stick to your hobbies, and enjoy your life !Step5 Homework1.Listen to the tape and follow the tape 5 times.2.Tell your friends about your familys hobbies.
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