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第三册lesson 7-lesson 9第一组 张一笛 arouse-buzzarouse EraUzv. (aroused,aroused,arousing)a-表示加强意思的前缀1.T (from)fml. to cause to wake; ROUSE叫醒、唤醒:We aroused him from his deep sleep. 2.Tto cause to become active; excite 引起激起:His behavior aroused the suspicioussexually aroused常用短语 arouse from唤醒,叫醒;激起,引起,唤起(某人的沉闷、低落的情绪等): The lazybones must be aroused from their unwillingness to work; to arouse someone from a sound sleeparouse the enthusiasm of 调动积极性Evaluating teachers in a scientific way can arouse the enthusiasm of teachers, improve the qualification of the staff and raise the teaching abilities.典型考题 These startling events _ intense excitement throughout Europe.A. rose B. aroseC. raised D. aroused试题分析 本题是形近词辨析题详细解答 典型考题答案是D。句意:这些惊人的事迹在整个欧洲引起了极大的骚动。arouse意为“激起、兴趣、引起、唤起”,如arouse anxiety引起不安;arouse curiosity引起好奇词义辨析rise vi. 升起,升高;arise vi.出现,发生;raise vt.抬起,举起某物辨析rise,arise,raise,arouse这组词时,应当注意那些是及物动词那些是不及物动词,这是掌握这些词的关键。其中rise和arise是不及物动词,后不能直接接宾语,如:The sun rises from the east.太阳从东边升起。New problems arised.新的问题出现了。raise和arose是及物动词,即后可直接接宾语,如raise eggs下蛋;raise a hand举起手;arouse suspicion引起怀疑。词形变换 arousal rauzl n. 激励,鼓励emotional/sexual arousedas for1.sometimes derog(used hen starting to talk about a new subject, connected with what came before)when we speak of; concerning【有时贬】(用于连接前面所谈、转入新的 话题)至于、就而论而言:You can have a bed; as for him, hell have to sleep on the floor.词义辨析 as to均表示“就而论”“有关”或“至于”。as to 的功能类似于 with regard to, regarding, on the matter of, concerning 等,常用于相当正式的语境中,尤其用于争论和做出决定时。可放于句首或与 wh- 疑问词引导的动词不定式和名词性从句连用(有时可省略),而 as for 无此种用法。例如:As to the journey,we must decide about that later.as for 和 as to 都可用于句首,引出一个与前一个话题稍微有些不同的话题,但 as for 在语体上不如 as to 正式,并且着重话题的转换,也就是说,它所引导的是前面尚未提到过的新的事情,因此它不能用于文章的开头。另外, as for 有时表达轻蔑的语气。例如:We had a delightful weekend in the country. As for the traffic,we had no difficulty.association E,sEuSIeISEn n.soci-表示结合,社交1.C+sing./pl.van organization of people joined together for a shared purpose协会,社团: The association of Science Workers is/are having its/there annual conference next weekShe set up/formed an association to help blind people 2.U(with)the act of associating or fact of being assocaited结合,合伙,合作,关联,联合:Our long association with your company has brought great benefits. The council is working in association with the police in this. 3.C;U(a)connection made in the mind between different things, ideas etc.联想:the association of ideas. Hospital have rather unpleasant association for me. 常用短语association with与的交往:I have association with the socialists of the society.in association with与相联系;与联合:One may also feel great guilt in association with nature and not know why.association book(由著译者或名人题字或加注的)手迹珍本,手译本:Music Association book be able to how Taibaodalan all of the collection?association football英式足球:Boxing, association football, tennis and cricket were all first organized and given rules in Britain.词形变换 associational adj. 联想的;协会的Regarding this, Ye Weilian once commented: “Many Chinese poems do not rely on metaphor or symbolism but on associational representation of things.bachelor bQtSElE n.1.an unmarried man未婚男子,单身汉:He is a confirmed bachelor(=hes unlikely to get married)an eligible bachelor(=who is regarded as very suitable to be chosen as a husbanda bachelor flat文化注释 The STEREOTYPE of a bachelor is a man who is about 30 years old, enjoy having fun, and does not want the responsibility of being a husband and parent. If you describe some one as bachelor, rather than assingle,you are suggesting that he may never get married, but they you do not pity him because he could get married if he wanted to but has decided not to. 2.(often cap.常用大写)a person, male or female, who has a bachelors degree拥有学士学位的人:a bachelor of Artsa bachelor of Science典型考题Distrusting women, he remained a _all his life.A.suspect B.fiance C.bachelor D.single试题分析本题是近义词辨析题,其中B.C.各项是近义词,A是陪衬项。详细解答典型考试答案是C。句意:由于不相信女人,他一生都未婚。bachelor指单身汉,未婚男子,名词。fiance名词,未婚夫。single形容词,单身的。suspect,名词,嫌疑人。betray bItreI v.1. T(to)to be disloyal or unfaithful to对不忠,背叛:To betray ones friends/ones principles 2.to hand over to the power of an enemy by disloyalty叛卖,出卖:The resistance group was betrayed to the government by one of its own members. 3.to give away or make known(especially a secret)泄露尤指秘密:He betrayed the plans to enemy agents. 4. to be a sign of(something one would like to hide); show the real feelings or intentions of暴露欲隐藏的事,表现出的真实情感意图:Her trembling hands betrayed her nervousness (to him). +wh-Her expression betrayed how angry she really was.常用短语betray oneself暴露了本来面目;露马脚;原形毕露The feature of youth is to betray oneself at will, even if no alluring strength about.betray into投敌;诱惑Judas made a deal with the Jewish authorities to betray Jesus into their custody词形变换betrayer n. 叛徒,背信者,告密者So many overseas Chinese, their eating and u
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