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半导体词汇缩写表半导体词汇缩写表A/Dan alog to digitalAAatomic absorpti onAASatomic absorpti on spectroscopyABCactivity-based cost ingABMactivity-based man ageme ntACalter nati ng curre nt; activated carb onACFani sotropic con ductive filmACIafter-clea n in specti onACPani sotropic con ductive pasteACTalter native con trol tech niq ues; actual cycle timeADCan alog-to-digital con verterADEadva need developme nt en vir onmentADIafter-develop in specti onADTapplied diag no stic tech niqueADTSEMApply/Develop Track Specific Equipme nt ModelAEatomic emissi on; acousticemissi on; absolute ellipsometryAECadva need equipme nt con trollerAECSAdva need Equipme nt Con trolSystem; Automated Equipme ntCon trol SystemAEIafter-etch in specti on; automated equipme nt in terfaceAEMan alytical electr on microscopyAESAuger emissi on/electr on spectroscopyAFMatomic force microscopyAFPabrasive-free polishAgsilverA-GEMTFAdva need GEM Task ForceAGVautomated guided vehicleAHFan hydrous hydroge n fluorideAHUair han dli ng unitAIRautomated image retrievalAlalumi numALDatomic layer depositi onALEatomic layer epitaxy; applicati on logic eleme ntALSadva need light source; adva need low-power SchottkyAMCairbor ne molecular eon tam in ati onAMHSautomated material han dli ng systemAMTadva need manu facturi ng tech no logyAMUatomic mass unitANNANOVAAOVAPAPAAPCAPCDAPCFIAPCVDAPECAPIAPMAPRDLaPSMAQIAQLArARARAMSARCARDEARPAARSAsAS/RSASAPASICASOASPASRATDFATEATGATLASatmATPATRartificial n eural n etworkan alysis of varia neeair-operated valveadhesi on promoteradva need performa nee algorithmadva need process eon troladd-on polluti on eon trol devieeAdva need Proeess Con trol Framework In itiativeatmospherie pressure ehemieal vapor depositi onadva need proeess equipme nt eon trolapplieati on programm ing in terfaee; atmospherie pressure ioni zati onatmospherie passivati on module; aeoustie plate modeAdva need Produets Researeh and Developme nt Laboratoryatte nu ati ng phase-shift maskACCESS query in terfaeeaeeeptable quality levelarg onaspeet ratioAutomated Reliabilityan tirefleetive eoat ingaspeet ratio-depe ndent eteh ingAdva need Researeh Projeets Agency (see DARPA)an gle-resolved seatter ingarse nicautomated storage and retrieval systemAdva need Stepper Applieati on Programapplieati on-specific in tegrated circuitautomatic shutoffadva need strip and passivati on; adva need strip processorautomated send receiveAdva need ToolDevelopme nt Facilityautomatic test equipme ntautomatic test gen erati onabbreviated test lan guage for all systemsatmosphereadva need tech no logy program; ade nosine triphosphate; aeeepta nee andtool performa neeatte nu ated total refleeta neeAttattenuatedAugoldAVPadvanced vertical processorAVSadvanced visualization systemAWEasymptotic waveform evaluationAWISPMabove wafer in situ particle monitoringAWSadvanced wet stationBbillion; boronBabariumBARCbottom antireflective coatingBASEBoston Area Semiconductor Education (Council)BAWbulk acoustic waveBCbias contrastBDEVbehavior-level deviationBDSBrownian Dynamics SimulationBeberylliumBEOLback end of lineBESOIbonded and etchback silicon on insulatorBFbnghtfieldBFGSBroyden-F1etcher- Goldfarb-Shanno optimization algorithmBFLbuffered field-effect transistor logicBGAball grid arrayBHTBrinell hardness testBibismuthBiCMOSbipolar complementary metal-oxide semiconductorBIFETbipolar field-effect transistorBIMbinary intensity maskBiMOSbipolar metal-oxide semiconductorBISTbuilt-in self-testBITbulk ion temperatureBITEbuilt-in test equipmentBMCbubble memory controllerBMDbulk oicro defectBOEbuffered oxide etchantBORbottom of rangeBOSSBook of SEMI Standards; binary object storage systemBOXburied oxideBPRbeam profile reflectometry; business process reengineeringBPSGboron phosphosilicate glassBrbromineBSEbackscattered electron detectionBTABbumped tape automated bondingBVbreakdown voltageCcarbonCacalciumCACIM architectureCAACIM applications architectureCABCompetitive Analysis BenchmarkingCADcomputer-aided designCADTcontrol application development toolCAEcomputer-aided engineeringCAIcomputer-assisted instructionCAMcomputer-aided manufacturingCAPScomputer-assisted problem solvingCARchemically amplified resistCARRIComputerized Assessment of Relative Risk Impactscomputer-aided softwareengineering: computer-aided systemsCASEengineeringCATcomputer-aided testingCAWConstruction Analysis WorkgroupCAWCcryogenic aerosol wafer cleaningCBGAceramic ball grid arrayCBSchemical bottle storag
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