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2016 年七年级英语下册4 月月考测试卷(有答案)师大二附中 2015-2016 学年第二学期第一次月考测试卷七 年 级英 语(满分: 100 分) 命题:索晓梅审核:张明明 耿曼I 单项选择。 (15 分) 1. 下列单词中,画线部分读音和其他单词不同的是 。 A. train B. today C. dance D. make 2. He isvery good the children. A. at B. with C. to D. for3. Where your friend A. does; lives B.does; live C. do; lives D. is; live 4. Please write meand tell me yourself. A. to, of B. to, about C. with, aboutD. with, for 5. I can t play basketball, but I can playpiano. A. the; / B. the; the C. /; the D. the; the 6. You like stories, so you can join the club. A. tellstories B. story tell C. telling story D. story telling 7. He the piano and he plays it . A. can plays; good B. can t play; good C. can play; well D. doesn t play; well 8. we go to the park on Saturday onSunday. A. from; to B. /; to C. either; or D. either; and 9.do you think the service in that restaurant? A. What ; like B. How; think of C. What; think of D. How; like of 10. does it take Mike to home by subway. A .How far ; get to B. How long; get to C. How long; get D. Howfar; arrive at 11. I have homeworkto do this weekend. A. too many B. too much C. lot of D. very much 12. You must the rules because they make therules you. A. make; help B. make; to help C. follow;help D. follow; to help 13. I get up . I amnever lateclass. A. late; to B. late; for C. early; to D. early; for 14. Wang Jing usually helps her motherthe. A. does; dish B. does; dishes C. do; dish D. to do;dishes 15. What do wehave for lunch? hamburgers and fruit? A. Let s have B. How are C. what about D. what areII 根据句意及首字母提示完成单词。 (10分) 1. At home, Ie watch TV or play the computer games. 2. My brotherneats breakfast. 3. Can you hme with mymath? 4. She rher bike to school. 5. We must be ontfor class. 6. Is your trip interesting orb? It s interesting. 7.How is your busr? It s very relaxing. 8. She plays football ata qpast six. 9. You sit bAlan and Mike.10. It s not easy to cthe river by boat. III.用所给单词的适当形式填空。 ( 10 分) 1. Are you good at (sing)? 2. Liu Tao goes to his(grandparents) homeonce a week. 3. How far you(live) fromhere? 4. Wehave to (wear) school uniform. 5. Weneed(clean) our classroom every day. 6. Don t eat too(quick), Mike. It s not good for your health.7. Do you often play (sport)? 8. My brother gets (dress) at six o clock in the morning. 9. You must (is) quiet in class. 10 Weoften go( swim ) in the river in Summer. IV. 句型转换。 ( 10 分) 1. She has to walk to school every day. ( 改为一般疑问句 ) sheto walk to school every day ? 2. You can t listento music in the classroom. ( 改为祈使句 ) to music in the classroom. 3. They exercise from seven to nine in the morning. ( 就画线部分提问 ) they exercise in the morning. 4. She showedmea book last night. ( 改为同义句 ) She showed a book last night. 5. She goes to work at eight o clock in the morning.( 改为否定句 ) She to workat eight o clock in the morning.V. 根据所给汉语完成英语句子。 (10 分) 1. 她总是步行回家。 She always . 2. 他爸爸通常六点五十锻炼。 Hisfather usually at ten seven. 3. 在家里我的父母对我要求严格。 My parents are mehome. 4. 他享受着长寿且健康的生活。 He enjoys a long and . 5. 你通常骑自行车去学校吗?Do you usually to school? VI.完型填空。 ( 10 分) It is a fine Sunday. Jenny and her mother are on the 1. They want to go to 2. Thereare many children on it. Their parents are telling stories to 3. An old mangets 4the bus. He has no seat ( 座位 ) to sit in. Jenny asks him to sit in her seat. The old man 5Jenny. There are two foreigners (外国人) onthe bus. They want to go to the Great Wall, too. But they 6speak Chinese. Jenny talks to them in English. She tells them Beijing is a big city 7_ a long history.And the Palace Museum is very famous, too. She tells stories _8the Palace Museum.At the sametime they learn aboutChinese culture (文化) from jenny. They think the stories are 9 and they want to visit other places of interest in China soon. Can their dream 10 ? Of course. 1. A.train B. bus C. plane D. car 2. A. hutong B. Tian anmenSquare C. the Great Wall D. Wangfujing 3. A. them B. they C. meD. him 4. A. up B. on C. dressed D. in 5. A. says B. talks C. shows D. thanks 6. A. can B. can t C. must D. need to 7. A. at B. in C. with D. has 8. A. to B. about C. or D. with 9. A. boring B. relaxed C. afraid D. interesting 10. A. think of B. come on C. come true D. get to VII. 阅读理解。 ( 15 分) AThere are lots of clubs at our school and you can do what you like in those clubs. Here are the ads. Sun Music Club Can you play the piano, the drums, the trumpet, the violin, or the guitar? Then you can join our club. I f you can sing or dance, you can also be in our club. If you are a great musician, you can join our rock band, too. Wehave a music show every weekend. Green Art Club Weneed an art teacher to help kids with painting and drawing. Our e-mail address is art 6780163. com. You can also call Mrs Green for more information. Mrs. Green is in the club on Sunday. Oh, her telephone number is 340-1241. 1. How manyclubs are mentioned in
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