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初一级第二学期英语科测试卷 Unit 2 Wheres the post office ? Class_ Name_ No._ Mark_一、 单项选择(20%)( )1. _ there a bank near here? A. Am B. Is C. Are D. Be( )2. _the park is a new school. A. Next B. Next to C. Between D. Between and( )3._ is the park?Its _ Center Street. A. What;on B. When;in C. Where;on D. How;/( )4. Let him _ these things to his parents. A. to take B. taking C. take D. takes( )5. The library is _ the restaurant and the supermarket. A. next B. near C. between D. across( )6. Where are you _?Beijing. A. come fromB. from C. come D. on ( )7. _.Is there a bookshop near here? A. Im sorry B. Excuse me C. Thank you D. All right( )8. _ can I get to the post office? Go down this road and turn left. A. Where B. What C. How D. When( )9. Is there a supermarket? No, _. A. there isnt B. this is notC. it isnt D. there arent( )10. There isnt _ clean park. A. a B. the C. an D. /( )11. This is a nice city _ many interesting places. A. of B. to C. on D. with( )12. Bridge Street is a good place_. A. have fun B. to have fun C. having fun D. to fun( )13. Is there a pay phone _ the neighborhood? Yes, its_Fifth Avenue_the right. A. in, down, on B. on, on, is C. in, on, is D. on, down, on( )14. There are many buses running in the street. Dont go _it. A. across B. cross C. over D. through( )15. You can get money in the_ and you can get books in the _. A. post office, bank B. bank, garden C. bank, library D. library, bank( )16. There _ a book and some pens on the table. A.hasB.areC.have D. is( ) 17. Go straight and turn _. You can see the school.A.to left B.the left C.for the left D.left( ) 18. Can you tell me the way _ the bank near here?A.to B.in C.at D.on( ) 19. My uncle Beijing on Sunday.A. gets B. arrives in C. arrives at D. gets in( ) 20. The park is across the supermarket.A .in B. on C. from D.about二、 介词填空,在空格处填入一个适当的介词。(5分)1. There are many trees _front of the house.2. This is the beginning _ the garden tour.3. Please write and tell me _ yourself.4. Mike writes an e-mail _Jackson.5. The broom(扫帚) is _ the door, we cant see it.三、 完成句子。(15%)1.直走然后向右转。 _ _ and then _ _.2.祝你旅途愉快。 I _ you _ a _ _.3.桌子上有许多苹果。 _ _ many apples on the table.4.我经常饭后散步。 I often _ _ _ after dinner.5.投币式公用电话在哪里? Wheres the _ _ ?四、 按要求完成下列句子。(10%)1. There is a school in the neighborhood.(改为否定句) There _ _ _ in the neighborhood.2. He has five bananas in the box.(同义句) _ _ five bananas in his box.3. The post office is across from the bank.(划线提问) _ the post office?4. There are some books in the drawer. (改为否定句)There _ _ books in the drawer.5. There is a park on Fifth Avenue. (改为一般疑问句) _ _ a park on Fifth Avenue?五、 看图填空。(10%)A: 1 me! Can you _2_ me the way to the station(车站), please?B:Yes, Go _3_ this road, and turn _4_ at the _5_ crossing. Go straight down People Road until(直到) you get to the end(尽头). Youll find the station in _6_ of you. A:Is it _7_ here? B:No . Its far(远) _8_ here. It will _9_ you half an hours walk, but it will take you only ten minutes(分钟) if you go there by _10_.A:Thank you very much. B:Not at all.1. _ 2. _ 3. _ 4. _ 5. _6. _ 7. _ 8. _ 9. _ 10. _六、完形填空(10%)Welcome to Center Street. Center Street is a great place to enjoy 1 . There are 2 stores on it. There are many people every day. It is a very 3 street. If you want to 4 , you can go to the restaurant. It is 5 from the supermarket. There _6_also a new park 7 the supermarket. It is clean and quiet. You can 8 fun in it. If you want to see 9 , you can go to the movie house. It is 10 the supermarket and the park.( )1.A.yourself B.you C.your D.yours(
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