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相关初中优选-英语语法解说与练习初中英语语法解说与练习:介词介词又叫前置词,是一种虚词。介词是一种用来表示词与词,或许词与句之间的关系的词,在句中不可以独自作句子成分。介词必定要有宾语,充任宾语的一般出名词、代词或相当于名词的其余词、短语或句子。介词一般能够分为三种,一种是简单介词,如 at, in, on, beside, to , for 等;另一种是短语介词,即由两个以上的词组构成的短语,如 in front of, because of, out of, instead of等;还有一种叫二重介词,如 until after, from behind 等。(一)介词的句法功能介词不可以独立在句中做成份,介词后一定与名词、代词、或动名词构成介词短语在句中充任一个成份,表示人、物、事件等与其余人、物、事件等之间的关系。1、作定语: The book on the table is mine.2、作状语: We have breakfast at seven(.表时间);They were late for meeting because of the heavy rain(.表原由);They started the machine by pressing the button.(表方法)3、作表语: My dictionary is in the bag.4、作宾语补足语: I found him in the office.(二)主要介词差别1、表示时间的 at, in, on: at 表示片晌的时间,如: at 8 o clock,常用词组有:at noon, at night, at midnight, at the end of, at that time, at the beginning of, at the age of, at Christmas, at New Year等。in 表示一段的时间 ,如:in the morning, in the afternoon, in the evening, in October, in 1998, in summer, in the past, in the future 等。 on 老是跟日子相关, on Monday, on Christmas morning, on the following, on May Day, on a warm morning 等。2、表示时间的 since 和 from :since 表示从过去到此刻的一段时间的过程,常与此刻达成时连用。 from 表示从时间的某一点开始,不波及与此刻的关系。一般多与此刻时、过去时、未来时连用。如: I hope to do morning exercises from today./ We have not seen each other since 1995.3、表示时间的 in 和 after:二者都表示“在(某个时间)以后,差别在于 in 表示“在(一段时间)以后 ”,而 after 则表示“在(某一详细时间点以后) ”, in 短语和未来时态连用, after 短语和过去时态或未来时态连用。如: Well be back in three days./ After seven the rain began to fall./ What shall we do after graduation?注意:after 有时也能够表示在一段时间以后(常用在过去时里)。如:After two months he returned.4、表示地理地点的in, on, to:in 表示在某范围内, on 指与什么毗邻, to 指在某环境范围以外。如: Changchun is in the northeast of China./ Mongolia is on thenorth of China./ Japan is to the east of China.5、表示“在上”的 on 和 in:on 只表示在某物的表面上,而用in 表示占去某物一部分。如: There is a book on the piece of paper./ There is an interestingarticle in the newspaper./ He dug a hole in the wall.6、表示“穿 ”的 through 和 across:through 表示从内部通 ,与 in 相关;across 表示从一端至另一端在表面上的通 ,与 on 相关。如: Water flows through the pipe./ The old man walked across the street.7、in the corner, on the corner, at the corner:in the corner 表示在角落里, in 指角的内面; on the corner表示“在角上 ”,on 指的不是内面,也不是外面,而含内外兼有之意; at the corner 指“在拐角 ”,at 指的是拐角外邻近的外面。如: The lamp stands in the corner of the room./ I met with him at the street corner./ He sat on the corner of the table.8、in the end, at the end of, by the end of:in the end 作“最后”、“ 于 ”解,可 独使用,后不接介 of;at the end of 表示“在末梢”,“到尽 ”,既可指 ,也能够指地上或物体。不行 独使用; by the end of 作“在 束”,“到末 止”解,只好指 。不行 独使用。如: In the end they reached a place of safety./ At the end of the road stands a beautiful garden./ They decided to have an English evening at the end of this week./ by the end of last month he had finished the novel.9、表示“对于 ”的 about 和 on:二者都有“对于 ”的意思,不 前者 一般用 ,尔后者 正式的“ 述 ”。如:He came to tell me about something important./He wrote a book on science.10、between, among:一般 来, between表示二者之 , among 用于三者或三者以上的中 。如:You are to sit between your father and me./ He is always happyamong his classmates.注意:但有 的 然是三个以上的人或 西,假如 的是两两互相 接关系,合用于 between。如:Agreements were made between the different countries.在 到一些事物或一 事物,而把它 分居两 用 between。如:The little valley lies between high mountains。.在 事物 的差 , 是用 between。如: They don t know the difference between wheat, oats and barley.11、besides, except, but, except for:besides指“除了 有,再加上”。如: All went out besides me;.except 指“除了,减去什么”,不可以放在句首 。如:All went out except me;.but 与 except意思近似,表示“除了 外” 常用在 no, all, nobody, anywhere, everything 等和其余疑 后边。如: I never saw him reading anything but the newspaper;.except for 表示“如无 就,不过”表示原由 。如:His diary is good except for a few spelling mistakes。.12、表示“用”的 in 和 with:表示工具的“用”,用 with ,而表示资料、方式、方法、胸怀、 位、 言、声音等的“用”,用 in。如: He is writing a letter with a pen./ He wrote the letter in pencil./ We measured it in pounds./ Read the text in a loud voice./ Tell me the story in English.13、 in charge of 和 in the charge of:二者都表示“由 、照 、管理 ”。区 在于: in charge of 后接被照料的人或物,而 in the charge of后边 跟照料的人。如:Who is in charge of the project?/ The project is in the charge of an engineer。.14、as, like:as 作“作 ”、“以地位或身份”解。如: Let me speak to youas a father(.事 是父 ); like 作“象一 ”解。如: Let me speak to you likea father.(事 上不是父 )。15、in front of 和 in the front of:in front of = before,是“在前面”的意思(不在某物内); in the front of 是“在前部”的意思(在某物内)。如: There is a desk in front of the blackboard./ The boy sat in the front of the car。.16、 in, into: into 表示 向,不表示目的地或地点。如: We walked into the park;.in 往常表示地点。如:We walked in the park;in 和 drop, fall, put, throw, break 等 止性 用 ,也能够表示 向。如:I have put the coin in (into) my pocket. 我把硬 放 衣袋。介 I. 介 分 :1 介 about, across, after, against, among, around, at, below, beyond, during, in, on2 合成介 inside, into, onto, out of, outside, throughout, upon, within, without3 短 介 according to, because of, instead of, up to, due to, owing to, thanks to4 两重介 from among, from behind, from under, till after, in between5 分 化成considering(就而 ), includin
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