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基础语法书 第二章 一般现在时态和第三人称单数讲解1、一般现在时,是最基本的是时态。它的时态标志通常是频率副词。常用的频率副词有:often, usually, sometimes等。everyday, every week等也是一般现在时的标志。2、一般现在时的特点是:主语不是第三人称单数的时候,谓语动词用动词原形,主语是第三人称单数的时候,用动词第三人称单数的形式。be动词要区分am, is, are. 一般现在时态的语法难点是: 第三人称单数; be动词; 陈述句变否定句,一般疑问句,和划线部分提问; 人称代词和物主代词。3、动词第三人称单数1、三大人称的讲解:第一人称:我I 我们we 第二人称:你you 你们you 第三人称:他he她she它it, 人名如Tom.第三人称单数有多少?答:有无数个。可分为以下几种:he she it 人名 单数名词。判断下列是否是三单,是打对号。不是打错号。 my book your father her pens a man and a woman two boys and a girl children you and a boy the boy with two cats two mice two geese with a mouse a woman in red glasses(眼镜) a man with some children 2、第三人称单数动词的变化规则(5条)一般词尾加s如:sit sits 以s、x、ch、sh、结尾的动词在词尾加es。如watchwatches以O结尾的动词加es,如:do-does go-goes以辅音字母加y结尾的动词,变y加i再加es;以元音字母加y结尾的动词,直接加s。如:fly-flies play-playshave变为has,be动词的三单形式是is。练习:1、写出下列动词的三单形式:have are run guess try study_catch stay destroy wash_ match_ guess_finish_ go_ snow_ carry_2、用动词的适当形式填空:He(be) a boy. He(have) got a book. He (like) to (go) to school.My mother (do not) like red .A boy with two cats (go) home.Two boys and a girl (be) here.Tom often (watch) TV.3、用括号里面的词的适当形式填空Bill Cray is an Australian boy. He (study)at Darwin School. His father is a worker is a worker. He (work)in a big car factory. His mother is a teacher, she (teach)English in a small town. The Chinese students (work)hard at English. Bills mother is pleased with Chinese students. Bill (say)he (want)to (be)an English teacher, too, he would like (teach)Chinese students, because he (want)to learn Chinese from them. 4、用括号里面的词的适当形式填空1. The desk _(have)four legs.2. She _ (do) her homework every day.3. “This problem is easy, ” _ (say) Ann.4. He _ (live) in Shijingzhuang.5. He _ (need) a pair of shoes.6. Does Danny_ (see) the apple tree?7. She_ (come) from America.8. The girl _ (look) out of the window and sees many birds in the sky.9. Jenny runs home and_ (sit) on the chair.10. The train_ (leave) at 10:13 in the morning.11. That hat _ (look) like a cat.12. Danny _ (hurt) his nose.13. Danny_ (fall) and breaks his tail.14. Danny and her mother sometimes _ (go) for a walk after supper.15. My mother _ (walk) to the office every day.5、用括号里所给词的适当形式,写出下列句子的否定句。1.The desk _ _ (have)four legs.2. She _ _ (do) her homework every day.3. Danny_ _ (fall) and breaks his tail.4. He _ _ (live) in Shijingzhuang.5. He _ _ (need) a pair of shoes.6. Danny_ _ (see) the apple tree.7. She_ _ (come) from America.8. My mother and father_ _ (walk) to the office every day.9. Danny and her mother sometimes _ _ (go) for a walk after supper.10. The train_ _ (leave) at 10:13 am.11. That hat _ _ (look) like a cat.12. Danny _ _ (hurt) his nose.6、动词的适当形式填空Jims father (work) in a bank. He (go) to work by bus every morning, sometimes he (ride) his bike. But he (be) never late for work. He (work) very hard. Jim (like) his father very much. They often (play) badminton(羽毛球)in front of their house, sometimes they (play) table tennis in Jims school. Jim (like) to talk with his father. His father (like) to hear Jim talking about his friends and his school. On Saturday or Sunday, they often (play) on the computer. Jim (have) many computer games. But he doesnt (play) them every day. He also (work) hard at his lessons. 7、用动词原形或单数第三人称形式填空。1. Ling Ling and I (have) ten story-books. 2. He (speak) very good English. 3. This skirt (look) like Marys. 4. Ted (do) his homework after his supper. 5. Some of my friends (come) from the USA, but Sam (come) from the UK. 6. My brother (study) very hard. He (like) maths very much. 7. We (want) to be happy everyday. 8. Everyone (want) to learn from Lei Feng. 9. The Greens (live) in a small village. 10. My father is very strong. He can (carry) heavy box easily.
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