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组织段落方法时间顺序法和空间顺序法 组织段落的常见方法有:1)时间顺序;2)空间顺序;3)重要性顺序 第十二单元 组织段落方法时间顺序法和空间顺序法 组织段落的常见方法有:1)时间顺序;2)空间顺序;3)重要性顺序和;4)熟悉度顺序。在前几单元,我们曾提到写叙述段落和过程分析时用时间顺序,写描述段落时用空间顺序。在这一单元里,我们将着重讨论这两种组织方法。另两种方法重要性和熟悉度顺序将在第19单元讨论。121时间顺序法段落内组织细节的最简单最常见的方法是时间顺序法(time order organization)。时间顺序通常用于叙述和过程分析先发生什么,然后怎样,再然后怎样,等等。正如我们在示范段落91和示范段落111所看到的一样。其实在你的生活中你经常运用这种方法。你也许曾经告诉你父母在学校里发生的事情。你也许向老师或同学叙述过你是怎样做一个实验的。这些用的都是时间顺序。122关于如何写时间顺序段落的建议1)写下你要记录的事件或步骤,然后按照时间顺序排列2)确定你的写作目的,然后写出带有中心思想的主题句3)从你列举的事件或步骤中删除与中心思想无关的细节4)使用“first,then,the next step”等等列举符号把细节连接起来123空间顺序法段落组织的另一方法是空间顺序法(space order organization)。空间顺序主要用于描述,正如我们在示范段落101和示范段落102所看到的。空间顺序和时间顺序一样,是生活中经常使用的方法。你也许曾在信中向你父母描述你的学院,或向你的同学描述一个风景区。124关于如何写空间顺序段落的建议按照你想让你的读者了解你要描绘的场面的方式移动例如,从左到右,或从背景到前景,或按顺时针方向,等等。125综合运用空间顺序和时间顺序有时候,尤其在描写参观时,有必要同时运用空间顺序和时间顺序,以增强段落的统一性。示范段落12-1We enjoyed our visit to Dr Hassans house,perched high up on a hillWalking up the long driveway,we approached the huge bronze doorA butler was standing in the open doorway,ushering guests into the houseGoing in,we passed the oakpannelled library and the formal dining room before we arrived at the ballroom,where the reception was being heldUnder three sparkling chandeliers,more than a hundred people were enjoying champagne,hors doeuvres and good conversation126示范段落分析主题句:We enjoyed our visit to Dr Hassans house时间空间顺序:drivewaydoorhouselibrarydiningroomballroomExercise 121Directions:Arrange the sentences into a paragraph,using the time order and adding the necessary listing signalsShe never had a birthday party and she was twentyone year soldThe party was really a successful oneWe planned to serve fruit punch and coffeeWe planned entertainmentWe carefully made a guest listWe planned a surprise party for Mary recentlyWe included many of her friends from school,a few of her friends from her neighbourhood,and all of her brothers and sistersA boy did mayic tricks skillfully;another boy played the guitar wellWe also wanted chicken sandwiches,a birthday cake with twentyone candles,and ice creamWe especially enjoyed the group singing_Exercise 12-2 Directions:Narrate an incident from your own childhood in which you behave in a way you later regretted,using time order_Exercise 123Directions:Narrate one of your trip,either by bike,by bus or bytrain,combining time order and space order
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