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2011年全国各地中考英语单项选择题分类汇总-名词名词【2011?上海】1. the old man used to raise many _ to make a living on the farm.a. duck b.horse c.bird d. sheep【2011?上海】2.these natural disasters have warned us that everyone should start to protect the _ immediately.a. amusement b. development c. environment d. government【2011?天津】3. for my homework i have to write a(n)_ about the wonders of the world. a. music. b. picture. c. composition. d. exam【2011?安徽】4. - i have great _ in learning math and im so worried. could you help me? - sure. id be glad to. a. trouble b. interest c. joy d. fun【2011?陕西】5. john wants to be a , so he often helps sick people in the hospital. a. reporter b. doctor c. scientist d. cook【2011?宁夏】6. we have only one earth. its our common _.a. family b. house c. home d. room【2011?重庆】7. could you please get me some_? im hungry.a. apple b. water c. bread d. egg【2011?江西】8. the doctor told me to eat more_ because its good for my health.a. orange b. vegetables c. ice cream d. fish【2011?山西】9. read the _ carefully. they will help you know how to use the popper.a. instructions b. decisions c. results【2011?南通】10. mandeep can go to school now -unicef has paid for her _. a. education b. vacation c. competion d. invention【2011?河北省】11. cici enjoys dancing. its one of her .a. prize b. prizes c. hobby d. hobbies【2011?河南省】12. 1 have some problems with my english writing. can you give me some_? a. advice b. decisions c. information d. messages【2011?湖北武汉】13. - im going to the supermarket. let me get you some fruit. - ok. thanks for your _. a. offer b. information c. message d. order【2011江苏苏州】 14. there are millions of websites on the internet and there _ a lot of useful _ on the websites.a. are; informations b. are; informationc. is; information d. is; information【2011?贵州安顺】15. _ about the sports meeting make us excited. a. news b. information c. messages d. advice【2011?贵州遵义】16. wheres jack? hes left a _ saying that he will be back in a minute. a. message b. news c. information【2011?山东东营】17.i dont know how to deal with my family problem. can you give me some_?a. advice b. messages c. information d. instructions【2011云南八市】18. “i want my leg! i want to run! i want to jump! a _ girl cried in the hospital in libya(利比亚). a.5-year-old b. 5-years-olds c. 5 year old d. 5-year-old.【2011云南八市】19.jenny, whats your favorite _? i like bananas best. a. vegetables b. fruit c. meat d. drink【2011?四川资阳】20. tom has just finished writing a _ article. a. nine-hundred-words b. nine-hundreds-word c. nine-hundred-word d. nine-hundreds-words【2011连云港】21. .how amazing the noodle is!yes, it is _,and breaks the guinness world record as the longest handmade noodle. a.1. 704meterlong b.1. 704meterslong c.1. 704 meter long d.1. 704 meters long【2011?四川泸州】22.- how far is your family from here?- its about ten _ walk.a. minutes b. minute c. minutes d. minutes【2011?贵州贵阳】23. excuse me, how can i get to the nearest bus stop?go down this road. its about_ walk a. five minutes b. five minutes c. five-minutes【2011?湖南岳阳】24.its from our school to my home.a. ten minutes walkb. ten minutes walk c. ten minutes walk【2011?贵州安顺】25. can you imagine what life will be like in _ time? a. 50 years b. 50 years c. 50-years d. 50-years【2011?江苏无锡】26. the theme park is about _ ride from the museum. you should start out right now. a. two hour b. two hoursc. two hoursd. two hours【2011?湖南张家界】27. its a quarter to 5:00. i am meeting terry in 15 _ at 5:00. a. seconds b. minutes c.hours【2011?福建泉州】28. are there any fishes in the _ near your house? yes, there are. a. sand b. river c.hill【2011?广东清远】29. im so hungry. please give me _ to eata. three bread b three pieces of breadc. three pieces of breads d three piece of bread【2011?四川德阳】30. can i help you, sir? - id like to have 100 _.
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