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幼儿英语小短文带翻译-没穿衣服的小豆粒One day sunlight knocked at the door of the little pea, “little pea, you have grown up, the independent living outside the home!“Little pea opened the door and see the birds outside, butterflies, frogs are wearing clothes, and himself had bare naked, ashamed dead person, he immediately take the door, and locked the door.The wind to find little pea, “let”s go out and play, have a lot of kids waiting outside, can be fun!“There is no clothes to wear, don”t go, don”t go!“ Little pea is very proud repeatedly shook his head.“Always locked himself in the home, how can this line!“ The wind to help the little pea put on clothes, then pulled a piece of cloth of spring, to find the swallow tailor: “please give little pea do clothes!“Little pea clothes can”t cut, I”m done here!“ Said the swallow.The wind again to find a spider woman tailor: “please give little pea do clothes!“Spider woman strokes to strokes, the along while also didn”t think of what to give little pea cut clothes.The wind killjoy with cloth.A heavy rain came, the little pea house was bad, the rain water in the house, he ran out to escape the little pea, but he was barefoot, embarrassed, “sou“ suddenly went into the soil, mouth panting: “ok no one saw, or ashamed dead!“A few days passed, and grow a beans on the ground.Little pea far see the sunshine and wind, Shouting: “I”m a little pea, I have the clothes, the earth is my clothes!“ 从小豆粒诞生的那天起,豆妈妈就给小豆粒预备了一个房子,这个房子虽然不大,却风吹不着,雨淋不着,小豆粒在这里度过了幸福的童年。 一天阳光来敲小豆粒的门:“小豆粒,你已经长大了,该走出家门独立生活了!”小豆粒翻开门,看到外面的小鸟,蝴蝶,青蛙都穿着衣服,而自已却光着,一丝不挂,羞死人了,他立即带上了门,并把门紧锁。风来找小豆粒,“咱们出去玩吧,外面有好多小朋友等着呢,可好玩了!”“没有衣服穿,不去,不去!”小豆粒很要面子连连摇头。“总把自已关在家,这可怎么行!”风要帮忙小豆粒穿上衣服,于是扯了一块春天的花布,去找燕子裁缝:“请你给小豆粒做件衣服吧!”“小豆粒的衣服没法剪裁,我这儿做不成!”燕子说。风又去找蜘蛛婆裁缝:“请你给小豆粒做件衣服吧!”蜘蛛婆比划来比划去,半天也没想出该怎样给小豆粒裁件衣服。风扫兴地拿着布料走了。一场大雨降临了,小豆粒的房子被雨淋坏,屋里进水了,为了逃命小豆粒猛地跑了出来,可是他全身光着,不好意思,“嗖”地一下钻进了土里,大口喘着粗气:“还好没人观察,否则羞死人了!”几天过去了,地上长出一颗豆苗。小豆粒远远地观察阳光和风,高喊着:“我是小豆粒,我有衣服了,大地就是我的衣服!”
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