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Shell STC projectShell (shanghai) R&D Center Project壳牌(上海)技术有限公司研发中心项目Install dry wall partition(JHA)隔断安装作业(JHA)No.: Qian -007 Install dry wall partition/ operational risk analysis编号:启安-007 隔断安装作业/工作危险分析No.序号Construction activities 施工活动Potential risk潜在危险Main consequences主要后果Risk grade风险分级Actual control measures具体控制措施1Training the workers人员进场培训违反现场安全要和规定Violation to the site safety rules and regulationHuman injury人员伤害P31. 工人进入施工区域必须佩戴好自己的PPE,并且进行安全培训,上班前进行班前会教育。必须戴好防护眼镜、手套、劳保鞋、安全帽、反光背心。All workers involved of this task must be inducted by QIAN safety with the official badge issuing. Ensure PPE is properly equipped and meeting qian requirementGlasses、gloves、 hard hat、safety boots.2Material management材料管理Material disorder, stumble材料乱堆乱放人员绊倒Tripping over人员绊倒P31、进场龙骨、石膏板、隔音棉应经启安指定堆放点分类堆放、码放整齐,并且配备灭火器。因现场区域有限材料分批进入,材料不宜堆放过高过重。如有需要将堆放区域进行警示隔离。Light steel grid, gypsum board, rock wool and brick must be piled up at designated places in good order, and equipped with fire extinguishers. Limited due to on-site material in batches into the region, the material should not be piled too high too heavy. If you need to pile up isolated areas to warn1、 材料根据每天使用量多少去使用。Take materials according to the site needs by every day.3Setting-out放样Shock ,machine injuries触电、机具伤害Injuries人员受伤P31、trained by QIAN .They will get the knowledge about the risk of work. All workers are required to sign in toolbox meetings including safety construction programs. Work site must have a management staff.经过启安培训合格方可上岗,做好班前教育。了解现场危险源。所有工人必须在工具箱会议上签字包括安全施工方案。工作时现场必须有管理人员。2、Before they start to setting-out ,workers must know the safety issue of their work site. And they will know the safety way for escape, According the QIAN rule to work. 人员在放样的时候必须对现场的安全进行了解,知道现场的安全通道,遵守启安的规范,保证工人的安全3、Operators will not be approve to work after drinking. On the work site , they can not smoking and running to play.作业人员严禁酒后作业,严禁吸烟,禁止在施工现场追逐打闹;4Installing steel grid竖龙骨Work height noise risk高空作业噪声危害Falling /object strike人员坠落物体打击P21.After training by QIAN and education in class, All workers who will work on the scaffold cannot start to work before training by QIAN and getting the green card. They will understand site hazards first. When they work on the scaffold, they must wear the safety tape hung on the scaffold.所有上脚手架工人都已接受启安的安全培训,并且挂上绿牌。在脚手架上必须佩戴好安全带,安全带必须挂在脚手架上。2、Using drill to work for the steel grid ,workers must wear ear protector.使用冲击钻打天地龙骨要戴好耳塞做好必要的防护。3、Type “A” ladder can only be used temporarily. Hinge between it will very firm. It can be use by only one person in the same time. Operator can not be approved to stand on the top of the ladder. There will be another person to look after him . The ladder can not taller than 2 meter .The angle of it will be 60-70. 使用A字扶梯只做短暂使用,中间铰链必须牢固。只允许一个人操作,操作者不准站在顶部作业。扶梯下必须派专人看管扶梯。使用高梯子高度不超过两米,角度为60-705电动工具Power ToolsUsing equipment工具使用Machine injure/electrical shock机具伤害触电伤害P21, All tools must be QIAN approach acceptance and tagged before use. Overhead wires must be, not with the metal phase, but do not drag wire to wire to avoid the keel will cut the skin. Electric box lock, do not Luanla wire on wire rack, anchored.所有进场工具必须经过启安验收合格并且贴有标签方可使用。电线必须架空、勿与金属相接,同时电线勿拖地以避免龙骨将电线外皮割破。电箱上锁,电线放在电线架勿乱拉、挂靠。2.Workers will use the electrical machine correct when we cover the gypsum board ,we will handle the board and keep it stablely.人员在封板时应该正确的使用电动工具,封板时人要扶住板子保证板子的稳定性。3、 Our workers need good knowledge for using drill.手枪钻在使用时人员应对手枪钻的性能进行全面的了解,正确的使用手枪钻。4、 需要刀割的石膏板应戴好防割手套。Wear the gloves when to cut plasterboard .6Install the rock wool放隔音棉Breathing risk呼吸伤害P21、 Construction area will install fans to keep good ventilation.施工区域应有排风扇保持良好的通风。2、 All the workers install the rock wool will wear the mask to prevent the healthy damage. 所有工人在放隔音棉的时候全部戴好口罩,防止隔音棉对呼吸造成伤害3、 When workers on the ladder for installing the rock wool, we will make sure another workers handle the ladder.工人在放隔音棉用A字扶梯的时候必须保证下面有专人扶梯。4、 We will educate the workers ,let them know the risk of their works. 作业前做好班前教育、了解工作中的危险源。7文明施工HousekeepingDo not clean away the rubbish in time未及时清理的垃圾Trip over绊倒P3Assigning the civilized constructor to clean away the waste everyday, dumping the waste to appointed area, contacting with the waste cleaning company to take them away. Meanwhile, the safety person would supervise for the whole process, and also deal with the matters in time. 每日指派文明施工人员做好现场清理垃圾工作,将清理的垃圾运到垃圾堆放点,并且及时组织外运到有资质的垃圾清运公司处理。安全人员全程监督,发现问题及时处理。备注Note:P1:可能造成人员死亡,永久残废或重要结构破坏。Accident may cause death, permanent disability or major structural failure. P2:可能造成人员暂时残废,轻微结构破坏。Accident may cause temporary disability or minor structural failure P3:事故可难造成人员需要急救的伤害,或环境的
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