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Unit 3 What your favourite food?教学重难点:1、 掌握tofu, eggplant, potato, tomato, green beans, fish, pork, mutton, cabbage及句型what would you like for lunch? Id like /sure./sorry, no eggplant.2、 本课时词汇量大,要求掌握的四会单词比较多。学生能熟练书写四会单词及对句型的熟练运用。教学步骤:Step one: warm-up(1) Free talk:T: what day is it today? S: itsT: what do you have on s? S: we haveT: what do you do on Saturdays/Sundays/weekends? S: I oftenT: oh, Saturday is fun for you!(2)Enjoy Time 教师播放What do you have for lunch?歌曲视频,学生欣赏歌曲,然后让学生猜本单元的主题-food 引出本单元大题what your favourite food?(3)出示已学食物的图片T:look, there are some foods here. Fruits, vegetables, drinkswhat would you like?S: Id like someStep two: Presentation/PracticeOk, I have a riddle. Try to guess!(1) 用食物口吻说lets start中的谜语,让学生揭示谜底tomato,自然过渡到tomato的教授,重点放在单词拼读上。Tomato单词变为potatoT: look, this is potato. Id like some potatoes. P-O-T-A-T-O, potato.开小火车读单词tomato和potato,用句型Id like some_.回顾单词,教师在黑板上示范写,学生边说边用手在空中比划。以下类似练习书写单词。课件中呈现卷心菜图片的一部分,马上消失,让学生猜测是什么(look, whats this? yeah, its cabbage)。呈现cabbage整体图片,同时练习句子Id like some cabbage.课件中出现鸡蛋Egg和植物plant,教授eggplant茄子,同时提醒学生注意茄子的颜色purple.教授青豆,用图片呈现。为开拓学生眼界,加入红豆、黑豆、黄豆等品种,复习颜色单词。(接下来,我们将要学到的一个事物就是由黄豆制成的,大家猜得到是什么吗?)从黄豆可以制成豆腐,引入tofu的教学。用pig和pork及goat和mutton的关系,教授pork和mutton.(Next,lets play a game! Guess what are they? Are you ready? Lets go!)(2) smart students:快速呈现炒青豆、烧茄子等菜式,让学生单个举手用所学单词快速说出菜的原料。(You are all smart students! Very Good! )(3) 小结所学单词,进行句型操练:T: Lets read these words together! Each word twice, cabbage, cabbage. Id like some tomatoes and fish. What would you like?S: Id like someStep three: consolidation(1) lets chant 巩固所学单词,先教师打节奏,再请个别好的学生上台跟着视频说唱,最后全班一起打拍子说。(2) Group work:出示menu(见课件),先教师示范,请三个小顾客点餐。再以小组为单位,四人一组,其中一人为厨师,用what would you like?询问其他三个组员,加入Sure/sorry, no eggplant.每人发一张菜单请主厨上前演示,举手点餐,表现佳者奖励贴纸。(Today,we have learned nine words. Please copy these words in your EX. Books.)Step four: homework(1) Listen to the tape. Write the new words five times.(2) Make a survey. What would you like for breakfast/lunch/dinner?NameBreakfastLunchDinner Blackboard design:Unit 3 whats Your Favourite Food?tomato potato eggplant green beans tofu fish
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