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基于人体特征的运动检测与跟踪 摘要 随着计算机视觉、模式识别等相关技术的发展,基于视频的运动人体检测和跟踪受到了多方关注,被广泛应用到银行、商场、停车场等对安全要求较高的地域监视中。基于视频的方法是唯一一种无入侵的运动捕获方法在海量视频数据检索、人机交互、视频监控、体育运动分析等领域有广泛的应用前景。 实时场景下的人体跟踪会比较复杂,存在背景变化、遮挡、噪声及其他干扰因素,难以同时满足准确性、鲁棒性和实时性的要求。本文对单个摄像机且摄像机静止条件下的人体检测跟踪进行了研究,分析了现在已知的一些检测跟踪方法,采用背景减除法和投影比例检测法,提出了一种适用于室内室外环境,由运动物体检测、运动物体分析和人体运动跟踪3部分组成,使用单个静止数字摄像机得到德尔灰度图像序列作为输入,能够对单人或多人的运动行为进行监控的视频检测与跟踪系统。关键词:人体跟踪;人体检测;运动人体; detection and tracking of human according to the feature of human ABSTRACT With computer vision, pattern recognition, and other related technologies, based on video motion detection and tracking by the body much attention has been widely applied to banks, shopping malls, parking lots and other areas requiring high security monitored. On the one hand human motion in video massive video data retrieval, human-computer interaction, video surveillance, sports analysis and other fields have a wide range of applications, and video-based approach is the only non-invasive method of motion capture. It contains some of the other problems, such as how to specify the video sequence to identify a specific body motion. Real-time human tracking scenarios would be more complicated, there is a background change, occlusion, noise and other interference factors difficult to simultaneously satisfy the accuracy, robustness and real-time requirements. The proposed system is a suitable for indoor and outdoor environments of video detection and tracking system, the entire system consists of a moving object detection, motion analysis, and human motion tracking objects in three parts. The system is fully implemented in software application that runs on an ordinary personal computer, use a digital camera to get a single still image sequence as input del gray, you can also use an infrared image sequences, capable of single or multiplayer sports behavior monitoring.Keywords: human tracking; human detection; Human Movement; 目录摘要.IABSRACT .II第1章 绪论.1 1.1国内外研究现状.2 1.2运动人体检测与跟踪难点.3 1.3本文研究内容.4第2章 人体运动目标检测与跟踪理论概述.6 2.1 人体运动目标方法.6 2.1.1运动物体分割.6 2.1.2运动物体分类.9 2.2 运动目标跟踪.10第3章 算法实现.12 3.1 读取与屏幕显示.12 3.1.1 AVI格式.12 3.1.2 BMP图片格式.14 3.2 人体运动检测.15 3.2.1背景减法.15 3.2.2中值滤波.17 3.2.3二值化.18 3.2.4数学形态学.19 3.3 运动区域分析.20 3.3.1纵向与横向投影.21 3.3.2前景区域轮廓分析.22 3.4 卡尔曼滤波.25 3.5 实验结果.28第4章 结论.32 4.1 毕业设计工作总结.31 4.2 系统不足和展望.31致谢.33参考文献.34II 第1章 绪论 计算机视觉是实现利用计算机对于三维景物世界的理解,即实现人的视觉系统的某些功能.,是一个相当新且发展十分迅速的研究领域。机器视觉是在20世纪50年代从统计模式识别开始的,当时的工作主要集中在二维图像分析和识别上,如光学字符识别、工件表面、显微图片和航空图片的分析和解释等。到了80年代中期,机器视觉获得了蓬勃发展,新概念、新方法、新理论不断涌现;尤其是近年来,机器视觉技术正广泛地应用于各个方面,从医学图
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