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不知从何处传来一个低低的声音,他以前从未听过。声音很细,但是是欢快的。他困惑地皱 着眉从书本上抬头看。转移目光:look away我深吸了一口气,转移目光,低头盯着自己的双手。斜眼看:glance sideways皮特斜着眼看了她一下,认为她肯定知道整个事件。偷偷看:peek; sneak她从帷幕后面窥视了一下观众,他们又是跺脚又是欢呼。I sneaked a look at my watch to see how long Id got to wait.我偷偷看一眼手表,看还要等多久。目丁着看:be glued to; be fixed on; stare at .I.His eyes were glued to the screen as I entered the room 当我走进房间时,他目不转睛地盯着屏幕.The man st ood t here, wi th his hands crossed, his eyes fixed on the ceiling.那个人站在那里,双手交叉,眼睛盯着天花板。2Head down, eyes on my smartphone, I stepped into the road and a car shot past,nearly knocking me off my feet头低着,眼睛盯着手机,我走到路上,一辆车飞驰而过,差点把我撞倒。3 .Nancy stared at him in disbelief, shaking her head.南希摇着头不相信地盯着他看。4. For a moment, I stared blankly at the paper in front of me.有一会儿,我茫然地看着面前这张纸。环顾四周look around我环顾四周,终于看到了大卫,他正独自站在篱笆旁边。就十岁的孩子来说,他很矮小。不见了他惯常的咧嘴大笑。眨一只眼/眨眼示意/使眼色wink (at.)他冲我眨了眨眼,我便知道他的想法和我一样。He turned and gave me a knowing wink. Our eyes met and we smiled at the shared他回头向我会意地眨了一下眼睛。我们心心相印地互视而笑。眨冃艮 blink (ones eyes)凯瑟琳眨了眨眼,挤出了一丝微笑。显然,刚刚发生的一切让她摸不着头脑。瞪眼/怒视glare(at.)丽萨没有喊叫,只是默默地怒视着我。我感觉我的心一沉。那一刻,我意识到必须做点什么 来消除我们的误会。鲍勃不敢往下看,试图忘记他的手指疼,脚在流血。Jason stood still, looking down at the carpet and lost in reflection. 詹森站着不动,低头看着地毯,陷入思考。回头看/扭头朝后看 look (back) over ones shoulder汤姆扭过头朝后看,然后皱着眉头停了下来。Fiord looked at me over his shoulder and nodded a thank-you before getting into the cab.费罗德扭过头来看了看我,点头道谢,然后上了出租车。交换眼神 exchange glances/looks在我们走向出口之前,我们快速交换了一个意味深长的眼色。目光相遇 ones eyes meet; ones eyes meet ones gaze/the othersreally forgive me.我的双眼迎上桌对面他冰冷的目光,内心的声音告诉我,他并没有真正地原谅我。视某人 look straight into ones eyes ; look sb. straight in the eyeI plucked up my courage, looked my father straight in the eye, and said firmly, Im sorry, Dad, I cant do t h i s .我鼓起勇气,直视父亲的眼睛,坚定地说,对不起,爸 爸,我不能这么做。
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