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Analysis of the testing paper6A Unit5-Unit7综合测试如城镇实验小学 叶培教学目标1. 掌握测试中的语言知识并学会运用.。2. 了解解题思路及方法,提高常见题型的答题技巧。3. 培养学生良好思维品质和解题习惯。教学重点、难点1. 掌握测试中的语言知识及语言运用。2. 了解解题思路及方法,提高常见题型的答题技巧。教学准备进行Unit5- Unit7综合试卷进行测试,并做好试卷分析。活动方案导学策略Activity One Warming up1. Sing a song.Activity Two The analysis of the test1. See the good students in the test.2. See the ananlysis of the test.Activity Three Related knowledgeA.句型Whens和come after1. Free talk2. 错题再现:(1)-Whens National Day? - _. A. In the first of October. B. On the first of October. C. Its the first of Octobe(2) ( ) A. New Years Day. B. National Day. C. Childrens Day. C. ChB.句型What do people usually do at/on?1. Work in pairs.2. 错题再现: ( ) A.They usually watch the moon. B.They usually visit their relatives. C.They usually dress up in costumes and go to parties.C.句型What did you do? What else did you do?和语音ed读音,oo组合读音。1.Free talk2.Work in pairs.Model: A:What did you do last? B: I A: What else did you do? B: I3. 错题再现: ( )1. A.pulled B.milked ( )2. A.cook B. food ( )3.A.wanted B. collected4. Find out the rules.(组内讨论总结规则动词过去式 词尾发音5.Put the words in the right place.lived, visited, watered , picked, helped, watched, climbed, collected pulledmilked D. 形容词性物主代词与名词性物主代词.1. Read and choose Its a watch. Look,Its watch. Its .2. Look and choose. (1)A:Look! Whose wallet is it? B: Its_. A:Oh, _ wallet is so nice. (her, hers) 2、_ skateboard is new. I like _. (your, yours)3、These are _ combs. These combs are _. ( their,their) E. Read and judge.(读短文并判断)。1. Make a judge.( )(1).The writer (作者)and his family went to his parentshouse Yesterday.( )(2).The writer got a watch from his grandpa.2. Lets try. We got back home _ A.at three B. at nine C. at tenF.Look and write.(根据中文写话)1.错题分析.2. Lets try. 上周日是杨玲的生日。她收到一份礼物,她很开心。Activity Four Homework 1.订正试卷.2.根据错题小组合作出一份试卷并完成.【检测反馈】 班级: 姓名: 学号: 一、选出划线部分读音不同的词。 1.( )A. watered B.collected C.pulled 2.( )A. room B.foot C.zoo二、选择填空。( )1.Whens your birthday? A. Its on the third of March. B. Its the third of March. C. Its in the third of March. ( ) 2. Look! That is _ wallet.That wallet is _. A. my, mine B. mine, myC. my, me ( ) 3. What did you do last Monday? A. I visit the zoo. B. I visited the zoo. C. I visits the zoo.一、 歌曲导入1. 元旦到了,歌曲Happy NewYear活跃气氛,也将学生带入英语氛围二、试卷分析1.表扬好的学生进一步激起学生学习的欲望)T:Today we will analyse the test of 6A Unit 5- Unit 7.Now lets see the Ss who did good jobs in the test.2.(试卷分析让学生对试卷总体完成情况有个大体了解)T: Now lets see the analysis of the test.三、 试卷知识点链接A.句型Whens和come after Free talk过渡到试卷知识点句型 Whens和come after由知识点带动试卷错题,对错题进行分析,并得出正确答案. 1.T:What date is it today?What holiday is coming?Whens New Years Day?(National Day,Chilldrens Day).So we can say National Day comes after Chilldrens Day.Can you go on?2.错题再现T:Why not choose C?B.句型What do people usually do at/on?1.小组操练句型回顾知识点,T:What do people usually do on New Years Day?2. 错题再现先让学生读答句猜测问句为下面听录音选择作伏笔,同时渗透听力方法的指导T: Lets guess.Whats As(Bs,CS) question?C.句型What did you do? What else did you do?和语音ed读音,oo组合读音。1. Free talk过渡到句型What did you do? What else did you do?2. Work in pairs巩固句型并由回答自然过渡到语音ed读音,oo组合读音。T: What did you do last Spring Festival? What else did you do?T:Now look at the picture , work in pairs.milked cowstpulled up carrots dcollected eggs Id cooked food u u: 3.错题再现让学生重新判断.T: Can you find out the rules of them.4.总结规则动词过去式词尾发音让 学生便于记忆.T: Can you find out the rules of them.5. 练习进一步巩固.T:I have some words , they lost their way.Can you find the right place for them.D.形容词性物主代词与名词性物主代词.1.T:Last Sunday was my birthday, I watched TV too.And I got a present from my Mum. Its a watch.Look,Its watch.Its .(谈话导入形容词性物主代词和名次性物主代词的区分,并导入错题)2. Look and choose进一步巩固知识点.
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