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正反翻译二,特殊否定结构不完全否定一、all的否定形式: not all(all not)并非都(不是所有的都)Not all men can be masters. = all men cannot be masters.并非人人都能当头头。Not all bamboo grows tall.并非所有竹子都会长得很高二、both的否定形式:notboth或bothnot 并非两个都I dont want both the books我并不是两本书都要。Both (the) windows are not open.两扇窗并不是都开着。三、every的否定形式:不是每都Not every book is educative. = every book is not educative.不是每本书都有教育意义。Not everyone likes this book。并非人人都喜欢这本书。This flower is not seen everywhere. 这花并非随处可见。四、always的否定形式:并非总是(并非一直)He is not always so sad .他并非一直都这样悲伤。The rich are not always happy. 并非富人都是幸福的。五、entirely、altogether、comply、quite的否定形式:不完全并非完全The business man is never to be completely trusted.不可以完全信任商人。He felt not altogether satisfied.他不完全满意。I dont agree completely。我不完全同意。 What he did was not quiet proper.他做得不十分妥当。六、all the time 并非一直/未必老是A foolish man doesnt make a mistake all the time.笨人并不是老是犯错误七、notand的否定形式:往往是否定and后面的部分He did not speak clearly and correctly。他讲得清楚但不正确This film is not interesting and instructive.这部电影有趣但没有教育意义。She can not sing and dance. 她会唱歌但不会跳舞。The house is not big and comfortable. 这房子很大,但不舒服。 He doesnt speak Russian and French.他说俄语,但不说法语。 You cant put on airs and make people like you. 你要是摆架子,人们就不喜欢你All of them can do it. none of them can do it.Both are good. nether is good.Everybody likes it. nobody likes it.He is always late. he is never late.He was here all the time. he was never here.否定转移1. 仿佛否定主语,实则否定谓语。 No energy can be created, and none destroyed. 能量既不能被创造,也不能被消除。 No word was heard. 没听到任何消息。 Neither plan is practicable. 两个方案都不可行。 Not a word did he utter. 他一句话都没说。 No man would think of doing that thing. 谁都不会想去做那件事。 2. 否定词形式上否定宾语、表语,实际上否定谓语。 Dead men tell no tales. 死人不会告密。 She has no mother.她没有母亲。 Im no match to her. 我不是她的对手。3. 否定词not表面上否定谓语,实则否定宾语。 He does not like all the books. 不是所有的书他都喜欢。 She didnt eat much. 她吃得不多。 4. 否定词not形式上否定谓语,事实上否定状语。 I dont do it for myself. 我做这事并不是为了自己。 The students didnt sit in the classroom listening to the teacher. 学生们坐在教室并没听老师讲话。 He doesnt study in the classroom. 他不在教室学习。 I was not playing all the time. 我没有一直在玩。 The motor did not stop running because the fuel was finished. 摩托车停止转动,不是因为燃料用完。(而是因为其它毛病) These rings are not valued because they are set with precious stones. 这些指环的价值并不在于它们镶有宝石。 但我们不能把所有的not .because句子都看作是特殊结构,例如: He did not come to the studio this morning because he was sick. 今早他没有来片场,因为他病了。 I did not write that letter because of what you told me. 此句既可看作普通结构,理解为: I refrained from writing that letter because of what you told me. 由于你跟我说了,所以我没有写那封信。 也可以把这一句看作特殊结构,理解为: It was not because of what you told me that I wrote that letter. 并不是因为你跟我说了,我才写那封信的5. 当happen, prove, pretend后跟否定不定式时,否定词not形式上常常否定谓语。 She didnt happen to be there. 她碰巧不在那儿。 He did not pretend to know me.他假装不认识我。 The method doesnt prove to be well efficient. 这种方法证明不是非常有效。 6. 否定主句的谓语转移为否定从句的谓语。 I dont think he will meet you. 我想他不会见你。 He doesnt expect that you are right.他认为你是错的。 I dont figure you can pass the examination. 我想你考试不会及格的。 He didnt imagine that she would go abroad. 他想她不会出国了。 上述否定转移的情况多出现在以动词think, believe, expect, suppose, imagine, reckon, fancy, anticipate引起的宾语从句和原因状语从句当中。 7. 当view, belief, wish, thought, opinion等名词做主句的表语时,往往把主句谓语的否定转移到从句谓语上。 (21)It is not my opinion that he is up to the job. 我认为他不适合这工作。 (22)It is not my thought that he can finish the novel in a week. 我认为他不可能在一周内看完这本小说。 (23)It is not our wish that you will break your promise. 我们希望你不要违背诺言。 8. 否定介词的宾语转换为否定谓语。 (24)We can give up learning on no conditions. 任何情况下我们都不能放弃学习。 (25)In no circumstances can everyone leave ones post. 任何情况下所有的人都不能擅离自己的岗位。 (26)Under no circumstances would he yield. 任何情况下他都不会屈服。 总之,只有了解以上否定的转移,才在英语阅读和翻译的过程中,正确理解和把握原文精神,使得译文通顺,合乎表达习惯。 It is . that.结构的英语谚语1. that 分句的形式为否定时,无论否定体现在谓语动词上,还是宾语上,一般可直接译成肯定意义的句子,或用否定+否定的结构来翻译.例如: It is a good man that never stumbles and a good wife that never grumbles. 世间没有从不犯错误的丈夫,也没有从不唠叨的妻子.It is a good tree that has neither knar nor gaw. 世间没有不带疤节的树.It is a small flock that has not a black sheep. 再小的羊群也有杂色羊.(树多出杂木,人多出怪物. 2. that 分句的形式为肯定形式时,则译成否定,或将主句译成否定.It is a good divine that follows his own instructions. 能说者未必能行.It is a good doctor that follows his own advice. 名医不自医.It is a silly fish that is caught twice with the same bait. 智者不上两回当.nonotneverhardlybarelyscarcelybutwithout之类含双重否定词的句型此类句型中含有两个否定词,说明所述两事情同时发生/存在或同时不发生不存在,可译为“没有几乎没有不是”或“每当几乎每当总是/就”。例如:After that I never visited the house,but I kneeled on a chair and fell to devouring the book afresh 此后我每次来到那个屋子,总要跪在一张椅子上,重新吞读那本书。 I never could look at her for a few moments together but I found her looking at me in an odd manner 每当我连续看她一会儿,就会发现她在用一种异样的神态看我。 I could hardly believe but I was in a dream. 我难以相信我不是在做梦。No one
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