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Facoy code: Quesionair for atory IspecionNme of Appicant:Nameo Manufature:Ne of Fory:ina Quali erfatioener1.1 Name teactory:Addrsof te ftor:T: Fax: ostCode:E-mi:The Otal route tofctry lcal ailay statio, airport(wth ma i possible)1.2 e of e manacturer:Ares f hmaftrer:Te : Fax: Postde:Email:2. Nme f haplicant:Addrss:el: Fax: Post ode:E-mal:Cntact ero of etificton: eamnt/otin: Tel: 3. he nam,departtposio n teleho f piipaon quiy assuance Nme oftheprincpa: Deparmntpositon: Te: 4. Totalmounofemplyees in the actory (If the roducti the cerieprouct is st one pa of te wholeprouio, lease nite the amont o emloes fo the oduction an maagemenon te produs aplied or ertifiatio) 5.1 T pplicatn No。, name,moescification nd aekof tprodcs appl fr certfcation5.2 Pusuan tandards f the products applid o certifiction6.1 Ha he ctoy establishe daitaine ocumnted litystem aoringto therequirment of e lemeaton ru fo certifatio? Prvie te chart f rgaizatio strucue the list f the qualit manl the li of the documentd prcedues。6.2 Indicte the prouction roceson th pructs pled fo rtiicatio,which is formed b fcor.(Plase provide the roductionflo cart, and il in theApendix 1 Lstof Ky rodutnEquipmens)6.3 Indicae the criticalarts and matrils, wih arevidbyte sbcocos。(Pa ive clea indicatinif the parts haased he CCC or otr equivalent prodctceiications。)6.4Tensure tha teinal rouct nr to oresponing stadars, plee pecify on which items th fao a nspein abilit duringincoming inpectin, procsspeindfial nspecton (Pease provde a list o inseciondocuments nd fil i Apendix2- L oMan TtInstrumentsanEquipments)7. Pleaseiicat th Cetfiatesd the Markbegot by th rodcs o whichhe etifictin have bngpied.8. Whetr ono the actory hasobtaned th certifcates o qual system certicato(pease provie th op of ecertifictes) and inica te te andconclusion fast audit). 9. Date acoryinspinxpected:Off dayo facoy: Time of fto n/of dty:Whethe o ot theinspctin culd bdoneonoff day:ys dscussible no 10. Whethr or noteinpectos of Certiftion Body aallwed t acesslsies for podctond magement products apied for certiiationunder cnsltiwit quay pncipal uringreguar oducion?Sigtureadstmp ofth epreentaiveof tefatory:Dat:Noe: The undenedersoshal e eponsblefo the eriy o thenforatinfled this questionaireppendi 1 List of Key Prodio Equipments ameo fat: age of Nome of quipmetnufacturerMai tchnalparametesQantiyLctioAendix2List f ain Test nsruent an EqipentName facor: p of o.Namef istrmnt equipentsManufurerMease copreciionQanitLocati文中如有不足,请您指教! /
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