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如何确保BEC高级阅读不丢分3篇下面是我整理的如何确保BEC高级阅读不丢分3篇,供大家参考。如何确保BEC高级阅读不丢分1寻读又称查读,同略读一样,寻读也是一种快速阅读技巧。熟练的读者善于运用寻读获得具体信息,以提高阅读效率。寻读是一种从大量的资料中迅速查找某一项具体事实或某一项特定信息,如人物、事件、时间、地点、数字等,而对其它无关部分则略去不读的快速阅读方法。运用这种方法,读者就能在短的时间内掠过尽可能多的印刷材料,找到所需要的信息。例如,在车站寻找某次列车或汽车的运行时刻,在机场寻找某次班机的飞行时刻,在图书馆查找书刊的目录,在文献中查找某一日期、名字、数字或号码等,都可以运用这种方法。作为一种快速寻找信息的阅读技巧,寻读既要求速度,又要求寻读的准确性。具体地说,寻读带有明确的目的性,有针对性地选择问题的答案。因此,可以把整段整段的文字直接映入大脑,不必字字句句过目。视线在印刷材料上掠过时,一旦发现有关的内容,就要稍作停留,将它记住或摘下,既保证寻读的速度,又做到准确无误,所以寻读技巧也很有实用价值。寻读与略读不同。略读时,读者事先对材料一无所知,而寻读则是读者对材料有所了解的情况下进行的。例如,寻读电话号码簿,读者知道受话人的姓名,还知道电话号码簿是按姓的字母顺序排列的。这样,在百度网寻找中国会计硕士网编辑Jackson的电话时,就可以利用书采集者退散页上方的标识词,再按姓的字母顺序很快翻到以J开头的书页,从而找到Jackson名下的电话页码。如何确保BEC高级阅读不丢分2china to maintain rapid growthchina's economy will maintain steady and rapid growth in 2023 as investment and consumption become the major drivers of growth, a government economist said in comments published on monday.yao jingyuan, chief economist of the national bureau of statistics, said the most notable point for china's economic growth in 2023 was the remarkable role of consumption as a key economic driver, official china securities journal said.at a forum in last month the economist had predicted that china's gross domestic product growth was likely to slow to between 8 percent and 9 percent. it has been consistently faster than 9 percent for the past two years, and the latest revisions suggest it has been exceeding 10 percent.china's economic growth should shift its reliance on investment and export to investment and consumption, yao said, adding domestic and foreign demand should work together to push forward the economy.he also said that household consumption should be the dominant factor for domestic consumption and suggested that the main measures to expand consumption should be to increase people's incomes and to raise the marginal consumption trends.yao also said china's consumer price index growth in 2023 had not exceeded 1.8 percent, significantly lower than 2023's 3.9 percent.however, another government economist suggested government and corporate consumption be the main force for consumption.ba shusong said the government and corporate saving rates were too high while the household saving rate had been declining steadily.too many resources are held by the government, with the fiscal revenue growing faster than the economic output and undistributed corporate profits amounting to about 20 percent of gdp, he said.actually, household consumption has registered a big expansion, with more and more residents buying houses and automobiles, he was quoted as saying.ba also said in the short term that it was hard for domestic consumption to gain a big expansion and it was necessary to keep investment at a certain level because it was difficult for the government to cut taxes and push corporations to spend more.如何确保BEC高级阅读不丢分3阅读的特点就是难度大,时间紧。bEC是典型的用于商业活动的实用性考试,考查的能力就是在商业活动纷繁复杂的浩瀚的信息流中提取关键有用的信息。阅读部分时间一个小时,总共六个部分,共52个小题,包括涂答题卡的时间。部分部分的主要做题方法是先快速阅读题目所给的7个句子,迅速找出句子的核心意思和关键词,其实这一点是有很多人忽视的,在时间这么紧的情况下不紧不慢的细细分析句子太不现实了。我的习惯做法是用铅笔把每个句子核心的词汇圈出来,读完7个句子后,再去读文章,其实在读文章的同时大约有至少三四个句子能找到对应的选项,不过这当然要以阅读理解能力为基础的。BEC的另外一个突出的特点就是迷惑性很强,各个选项,各段文章之间的题材的相似性很大,这大大增加了考试的难度,有的题目并不会直截了当地把答案摆在你面前,出题者会变换说法,或者用一些商业上惯用的术语或者行话,如果不能理解这些会很吃亏。所以在准备这种题目的时候相关的商业词汇术语的积累很重要,很多英语系的同学虽然阅读能力很强但是由于平时阅读范围并不集中于商业方面,另外一点也是重要的一点,就是经济管理方面的知识缺乏,可能读起来很吃力甚至不知所云,所以说补充相关的知识是很必要的。第二部分第二部分的难度总体来说大于部分,考查的是文章的连贯性。做题的方法大家都很熟悉,就是关键词法,常用的虚词,连词都是很重要的。但是别指望只依靠这些就能得到满分,那样未免太简单了,因为词的连接即使再难,见的多了,就熟悉了,没难度bEC的考官不是要你的耗在准备过程中的时间,而是效率,实实在在的效率。其实把句子填到文章中去主要还是要体会文章的意思,按照文章的行文逻辑与风格,在做题过程中要边读边想,如果让你自己写你会怎么写,根据文章的目标受众,结合相应的背景,如果你的理解能力好,思维方式和西方行文方式特别接近,就会发现做起来特别顺,如果发现理解起来非常不顺畅甚至感觉前后矛盾,那肯定是你的选项错了,或者是文章的意思没有真正弄明白。准备这种题目的技巧其实也就是写文章的技巧,各种的写作的常用技巧都要掌握,举例,排比,反问,语气的转折,甚至西方常用的一些思维方式都是必需熟练掌握的。
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