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课时课时6Section B(3aSelf Check)UNIT 10 Ive had this bike for three years.一、一、单项选择单项选择。1.2022 扬州改编China_ end 70%of worldwide poverty since the late 1970s,according to the World Bank.A.has helped B.helpedC.helps D.is helping返回A2.All Chinese people _ the same dream of making our country stronger and stronger.A.give B.hold C.put D.takeB返回【点拨点拨】hold表示表示“拥有拥有”,hold the same dream意为意为“拥有同样的梦想拥有同样的梦想”。3.I have bought lots of things for my family._ the toy car,Id like to keep it for myself.A.In fact B.As long asC.As for D.At firstC返回4.The old woman regarded the homeless boy _ her own son and looked after him very well.A.for B.with C.about D.as D返回5.Why not _ joining the music club?You can meet some new friends there.A.wonder B.suggestC.consider D.regardC返回二、根据汉语意思完成下列句子,每空一词。二、根据汉语意思完成下列句子,每空一词。6.The wooden bridge over the river is _ _(接近)one hundred meters long.返回close to7.The famous writer has written 5 books about children _ _(到目前为止).返回so far8._ _ _(在我看来),its always a good idea to be honest and kind.返回In my opinion9.There is a small shop _ _(在对面)our school.返回across from10._ _(多久)has your father taught in our school?返回How long三、短文填空。三、短文填空。While 11._(clean)those photos on the room wall,I stopped before a color painting.It was a picture of an old house which was pulled down many years ago.Warm 12._(memory)continued to flow(流动)freely as I stared at the home that my parents had返回cleaningmemories13._(live)in for 23 years,and also the place where I grew up to be 18.It was a 14._(sun)Saturday afternoon.My sister and I wanted to play on the swing(荡秋千).Dad went to the mall near our house and 15._(return)with a swing set.返回livedsunnyreturnedHe put it between two trees in our back garden.A few minutes later,we were 16._(happy)swinging in the gardenlaughing and screaming(叫)with delight(高兴)over the boring afternoon.Last Christmas,just a month after we moved to the new house,I had another painting done.This is a picture of the new 17._(house).返回happilyhouseIt is hung right next to the old one,and between 18._(they)is a silver(银色的)heart that says,“Home is where you hang your heart.It 19._(not matter)whether your house is big or small.It takes love,20._(laugh)and joy to make a house a home.”返回themdoesnt matterlaughter
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