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Unit 1 Whats the matter?Period 3 Section A(Grammar Focus-4c)一、单项选择一、单项选择(语法专练)1.2023 连云港 Earthquakes can be very dangerous.We _ learn to protect(保护)ourselves.A.might B.should C.could D.would【点拨】句意:地震可能会非常危险。我们应该学会保护自己。might 可能,也许;should 应当,应该;could 可能,会;would 将会,将要。根据前句句意“地震可能非常危险”可知,我们应该学会保护自己,空格处应用should,故选B。B2.2023 武汉 Excuse me,but we _ wait in line to get on the subway.Im sorry.A.might B.would C.could D.should【点拨】句意:打扰了,我们应当排队上地铁。对不起。might 或许;可以;would 将会;could 可能;should 应该。上文表示建议对方应该做某事,因此应用should。D3.2023 上海进才中学北校月考“Youll thank _ in the future for trying to be a better person,”the professor said to Joyce.A.us B.ourselves C.yourself D.yourselves【点拨】根据“the professor said to Joyce”可知,此处是教授对乔伊丝一个人说的话,乔伊丝会感谢自身,是自身让自己成为一个更好的人,应用反身代词yourself。故选C。C4.2023 齐齐哈尔 Teachers often say that teenagers should learn to look after _.A.ourselves B.yourselves C.themselves【点拨】句意:老师经常说青少年应当学会照顾自己。根据从句的主语teenagers 可推出照顾他们自己,故选C。C5.2023 河北 Where did you get the toy car?From Betty.She made it _.A.myself B.himself C.herself D.yourself【点拨】句意:你从哪儿弄来的玩具车?贝蒂给我的,她自己做的。根据主语She,可知herself 符合题意。故选C。C二、按要求完成句子二、按要求完成句子(语法专练)6.You should take more exercise.(改为一般疑问句)_ _ take more exercise?Should I7.Youd better work out the problem by yourself.(改为同义句)You _ work out the problem by yourself.should8.Everyone should have the spirit of giving.(对画线部分提问)_ _ everyone have?What should9.He should drink some hot tea with honey.(改为否定句)He _ drink _ hot tea with honey.shouldnt any10.You should eat nothing for 24 hours.(改为同义句)You _ eat _ for 24 hours.shouldnt anything三、语法三、语法填空填空阅读下面的短文,在空白处填入一个适当的词,或填入括号中所给词的适当形式。Some people dont want to help others 11._ they dont want to get into trouble.【点拨】分析语境可知后句是前句的原因,故填because。becauseBut most people are very kind and 12._(friend).【点拨】be kind and friendly“善良友好”。be 动词后用形容词作表语。friendlyThey will try to help others when they see someone is in 13._(dangerous).【点拨】in danger“处于危险中”,故填danger。dangerMy uncle is one of them.My uncle is a taxi driver.He is very busy 14._(work)every day.【点拨】be busy doing sth.“忙于做某事”。workingOne day when he was driving along the street,he 15._(see)a woman lying on the side of the road.【点拨】根据“when he was driving along the street”,可知时态为一般过去时,故填saw。sawA small boy was next to her,shouting for 16._.【点拨】根据句意可知此处表示“寻求帮助”,shout for help 符合语境,故填help。helpThere were many people around the woman,but few of 17._(they)helped her.【点拨】of 为介词,后跟人称代词的宾格形式,故填them。themMy uncle stopped his taxi 18._ thinking twice and tried to move the woman into his taxi and drove to the 19._(near)hospital.【点拨】18.句意:我叔叔毫不犹豫地停下出租车。without 符合语境。without nearest【点拨】19.由语境可知,此处表示最近的医院。故填nearest。20._(thank)to my uncle,the doctor saved the woman in time.After the womans husband got to the hospital,my uncle left quietly.【点拨】thanks to“多亏,由于”,放在句首首字母大写。Thanks
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