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第二课时第二课时Section A(3a3c)一、根据句意,用括号中所一、根据句意,用括号中所给单词给单词的适当形式填空。的适当形式填空。1Tim always thinks little of _(him)but much of others.2My father didnt agree _(take)a vacation on the beach.3Lots of people are _(lie)on the beach and enjoying the sunshine.4A motorbike _(hit)Mary yesterday and she was badly hurt.5She was so sad that she kept crying without _(say)anything.himselfto takelyinghitsaying二、根据句意,选择方框中的单词并用其适当形式填空。二、根据句意,选择方框中的单词并用其适当形式填空。6It took the little boy some time to climb _ the horses back.7Luckily,few _ got hurt in the bus accident.8At that time,Dr.Zhang just thought about _ more peoples lives.9Sir,may I ask for two days _?I have a bad cold.10They are _ for the teacher to come,sitting quietly in the classroom.ontopassengers saving offwaitingwait,off,passenger,onto,save 三、三、单项选择单项选择。()11.Please dont be angry with him.He is only a _ child.Asixyearolds BsixyearoldCsixyearsold Dsixyear old()12.Thanks _ John,we won the game in the end.Ato Bfor Cof Dwith()13.Sally has some _ learning English writing.She needs help with it.Aadvice BinformationCdanger DtroubleBAD()14.When I went out of the classroom,I saw some students _ basketball.Aplay Bto playCplaying Dplayed()15.Its easy to get to my school by bus.You can take the No.3 bus and _ at the third stop.Aget off Bget onCget away Dget outCA四、根据四、根据汉语汉语意思完成下列句子。每空一意思完成下列句子。每空一词词。16我我们们正好及正好及时时赶上了地赶上了地铁铁。We were just _ for the subway.17晚晚饭马饭马上就好。上就好。Dinner will be ready _18他不假思索地停下来去帮那位老人。他不假思索地停下来去帮那位老人。Without _,he stopped to help the old man.19遇到麻遇到麻烦请烦请随随时给时给我打我打电话电话。Please call me at any time when you _ trouble.20让让我我们们感到吃惊的是,感到吃惊的是,玛丽玛丽今天起得很早,今天起得很早,还为还为我我们们做了早餐。做了早餐。_,Mary got up very early today and made breakfast for us.in timeright awaythinking twiceget intoTo our surprise五、阅读理解。五、阅读理解。You wake up and dont feel well.You have a headache and dont want to get out of bed.And you cant breathe out of your nose.Whats wrong?You may have a cold!Signs(迹象迹象)of a coldlow feversore throatcoughingrunny nose and watery eyesfeeling cold,tired and not hungryhard to breathe because of your stuffy(不通气的)noseHot drinks make you cough less,and your sore throat will feel better,so have some chicken soup.A steamy shower(加湿器)helps your nose feel better.Have a good rest.Go to bed a little earlier for a few nights.If youre stressed,you will feel worse when you have a cold.So try to relax and use the time to read,listen to music or watch a movie.()21.Which may NOT be a sign of a cold?AHaving a sore throat.BHaving a low fever.CGetting a bad cough.DAlways feeling hungry.()22.When your nose is stuffy,_Ayou can sleep wellByoull have a high feverCits difficult for you to breatheDits hard for you to hear clearlyDC()23.Your sore throat may get better if you _.Ahave some hot soupBturn on a steamy showerCexercise moreDget some sleep()24.The underlined word“stressed”means“_”in Chinese.A放松的放松的 B焦焦虑虑的的C瞌睡的瞌睡的 D精神的精神的AB()25.The last part is mainly about _Awhat the signs of a cold areBwhy young children catch colds easilyCwhat we can do to feel better if we have coldsDwhy we should develop healthy habitsC六、六、语语法填空。法填空。阅读阅读下面短文,在空白下面短文,在空白处处填入填入1个适当的个适当的单词单词或括号内所或括号内所给单词给单词的正确形式。的正确形式。Do you often help others?Today many people dont want to help others 26._ they dont want to get into trouble.But some people are very kind and friendly.They will try to help others when they see someone is in 27._(dangerous).My uncle is one of them.becausedangerMy uncle is a taxi driver.He is very busy 28._(work)every day.One day when he was driving along the street,he saw 29._ old woman lying on the side of the road.A small boy was next to her,shouting 30._ help.There were many people around the woman,but few of 31._(they)helped her.My uncle stopped his taxi without thinking 32._(two).He tried to move the woman into his taxi and 33._(drive)to the nearest hospital.34_(thank)to my uncle,the doctor saved the woman in time.After the womans family got to the hospital,my uncle left 35._(quiet).My uncle is really a kind man.workinganforthemtwicedroveThanksquietly
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