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Unit_9Technology1take off 成功,成名;脱掉(衣服);(飞机)起飞;减价教材P31原句This was the moment when Spielbergs career really took off.这是斯皮尔伯格事业真正腾飞的时刻。In Korea ,you should take off your shoes when entering a house. (2012安徽高考任务型阅读)在韩国,你在进入一个房子时应该脱掉你的鞋子。During Christmas holidays,Peoples Market announced they would take_half_off all their goods.圣诞期间,人民商场宣布他们将对他们所有的商品降半价。轻巧识记take back收回(前言);接回take in 吸收,收留,收容(某人);了解;领悟;欺骗take on 雇佣;聘用;呈现;承担take over 接收,接管,接任take up 拿起;开始从事,继续;占有时间/空间Dont be taken_in by products promising to make you lose weight quickly.不要被允诺使你迅速减肥的广告所欺骗。After he retired from office,Rogers took up painting for a while,but soon lost interest.退休后,罗杰斯学了一会儿画画,但很快便失去了兴趣。2go wrong不对头;出毛病;走错路,误入歧途;(机器等)发生故障教材P31原句When the park is hit by a storm,things start going wrong.当暴风雨袭击公园后,事情开始发生变化。Something has gone wrong with the radio.收音机出毛病了。We must have gone_wrong somewhere;we should have reached the village by now.我们一定在什么地方走错了路,这个时候我们本应到达那个村子了。go bad 变坏,腐烂,变质go mad/crazy 发疯,疯狂go blind/deaf 变瞎/变聋go hungry 挨饿go angry 发怒,生气go pale/red 变得苍白/通红Many people are still going hungry in the world.世界上仍有很多人在挨饿。Stop complaining!His face has gone_red with anger.别抱怨了!他已气得满脸通红了。3think highly of对高度评价;看重教材P35原句If you think highly of the film you may encourage other people to go and see it.如果你对这部电影评价很高的话,你可以鼓励其他人去看。I dont think highly of him because he is dishonest.我对他评价不高,因为他不诚实。Pop music is_highly/well_thought_of by the young people.年轻人高度赞赏流行音乐。(1)think well/much of 对有好感,高度评价think little/poorly/nothing of 对没有好感,认为不好(2)sing high praise for 高度赞扬,高度评价speak highly/well of 称赞;高度评价think/speak ill of 对评价不高/说的坏话We think_little_of the girl because she often speaks_ill_of her deskmate.我们对那个女孩没有好感,因为她经常说她同桌的坏话。People will think ill of you if you dont say you are sorry.如果你不道歉,别人会对你有个不好的印象。.完成句子1When asked how he succeeded,he _(把他的成功归于他的家人)答案:owed his success to his family2It was at this moment that _(他的事业成功)答案:his career took off3Check your work again and see if you can spot where you _(出错)答案:went wrong4Your boss must _(看重) you if she gives you so much responsibility.答案:think highly of5As a matter of fact, he did not _(评论) our plan.答案:make any comment on.单项填空1People may have different opinions about Karen,but I admire her._,she is a great musician.AAfter allBIn allCIn other words DAs usual解析:句意:人们对Karen意见不一,但是我尊敬她。毕竟她是一位伟大的音乐家。after all“毕竟”;in all “总共”;in other words“换句话说”;as usual“像往常一样”。答案:A2Our English teacher loves us very much and he_.Athinks well of Bis thought wellCis well thought of Dis well thinking解析:“对某人评价很高”要用think well/highly of,在被动句中通常把副词提前,即be well/highly thought of。答案:C3Ladies and gentlemen, please fasten your seat belts. The plane _.Atakes off Bis taking offChas taken of Dtook off解析:句意:女士们、先生们,请系好安全带,飞机就要起飞了。用现在进行时表将来。答案:B4Hearing that some people often _ hungry in some areas in Africa,the children _ not to waste their food.Aget;become Bgo;grewCrun;turned Dbecome;fell解析:句意:听说在非洲一些地区的人们常常挨饿,这些孩子逐渐地不再浪费粮食了。go hungry“挨饿”;第二个空处是表示逐渐的过程,用grew,故选B。答案:B
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