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Period 1 Section A(1a-2d)Unit 4 How can we become good learners?一、根据句意及汉语提示完成句子一、根据句意及汉语提示完成句子1.The _(主要的)problem is how to get through the jungle.main2.Liu Fei put on the play Sima Guang Hit the Jar with a _(组)of classmates.group3.As the mother river,the Huanghe River has pretty rich _(含义)in Chinese culture.meanings 4.The new _(教科书)are in good preparations.【点拨】关键词提示法。由空格后关键词are 可知,主语为可数名词复数,故填 textbooks。textbooks5.A good _(词典)is a must for learning a foreign language.dictionary 二、根据句意及音标或首字母提示完成句子二、根据句意及音标或首字母提示完成句子6.2023 威海文登区期末 Our English teacher is very _/pent/with us.patient7.2023 威海文登区期末 How can I improve my writing if I cannot write complete _/sentnsz/?sentences8.Reading English a in the morning is a good way to study English.loud9.I want to i my spoken English.Can you give me some advice?mprove10.He likes basketball and he p playing it every day.【点拨】主谓一致法。由前面可知,时态为一般现在时。而由首字母及空格后playing 可知,空格处为practice,主语为he,谓语动词应用单三形式,故填practices。ractices三、用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空三、用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空11.Its believed that the more you practice,the better your _(speak)English will be.【点拨】空格处为定语修饰名词English,spoken English 意为“英语口语”,故填spoken。spoken12.We should try our best to improve our _(pronounce).pronunciation 13.It takes time and _(patient)to learn to play the piano.【点拨】此处and 连接两个并列名词time 和patience,作takes 的宾语,故填patience。patience14.We study English by _(watch)videos.watching 15.Its too hard _(understand)the new words.to understand 四、根据汉语意思完成句子四、根据汉语意思完成句子16.听这五个旅行者的话,试着猜一猜他们来自哪里。Listen to the five travelers and _ _ _ where they are from.try to guess17.我通过造句来学习生词。I learn new words by _ _.making sentences18.如果你逐字读,你需要三天才能读完那本书。If you read _ _ _,you will need three days to finish reading the book.word by word19.现在来做单词卡片怎么样?What about _ _ _ now?making word cards20.2023 青岛高新区期末 学生越早学会独立,对他们的未来就越好。(the+比较级,the+比较级)_The earlier students learn to be independent,the better it is for their future.五、五、2022 百色百色 完形完形填空填空Zhang Jian is a 16-year-old boy.He has many good 21 .For example,he gets up early,and exercises every morning.21.A.friends B.programs C.habits D.dreams【点拨】由空格后“For example,he gets up early,and exercises every morning.”可知,张建有很多好习惯,故选C。CHe does well in his studies,and his favorite 22 are P.E.and English.22.A.books B.subjects C.colors D.sports【点拨】由空格后“P.E.and English”(体育和英语)可知,他最喜欢的科目是体育和英语。故选B。BBoth of Zhang Jians parents are good swimmers.When Zhang Jian was six years old,his father 23 to teach him how to swim.23.A.started B.arrived C.reached D.followed【点拨】由句意“当张建六岁的时候,他的父亲开始教他如何去游泳。”可知,此处应表达“开始”,构成start to do sth.“开始做某事”。AZhang Jian could swim 24 a fish after some months learning.24.A.about B.off C.until D.like【点拨】由“after some months learning”可知,经过几个月的学习之后,张建能像鱼一样游泳,故选D。DEach week,Zhang Jian spends more than 10 hours 25 .He spends at least an hour practicing swimming every day.25.A.practicing B.drawing C.cleaning D.driving【点拨】由下文“He spends at least an hour practicing swimming every day.”可知,张建每周都要花10 多个小时练习,故选A。AIn the morning,he goes to school by bike.He likes riding bikes,26 it is good for his health.26.A.or B.although C.because D.but【点拨】由上文“He likes riding bikes”可知,他喜欢骑自行车,是因为这对他的健康有好处,故选C。COn weekends,Zhang Jian gets up at 7:00 a.m.,and swims in the pool for about three hours a day.Zhang Jian enjoys listening to 27 songs.27.A.Chinese B.Japanese C.English D.French【点拨】由下文“It is.to my English learning”可知,张建喜欢听英文歌曲,故选C。C“It is 28 to my English learning,”he said.28.A.helpful B.relaxing C.boring D.difficult【点拨】听英语歌曲对英语学习是有帮助的,故选A。AZhang Jians parents often go to the pool on weekends to encourage 29 when they dont have to work.29.A.they B.them C.he D.him【点拨】作encourage 的宾语应用宾格him,故选D。DZhang Jian doesnt mind spending a lot of time practicing.“I love swimming,and practice can help me get good 30 in competitions,”he said.30.A.choices B.results C.jobs D.reasons【点拨】练习游泳可以帮我在比赛中取得好成绩,故选B。B六、综合填空六、综合填空(每每词限用一次词限用一次)Most Chinese students think English is difficult to learn.What do you think?Here is some advice on learning English.When you learn a new word,dont just memorize it.31._,try to use it in the sentences.be,when,instead,good,listen,until,miss,one,more,interestedInsteadAnd use it as often as you can on the 32._ day you learn it.be,when,instead,good,listen,until,miss,one,more,interestedfirstYou will remember the new words much 33._ easily in this way.be,when,instead,good,listen,until,miss,one,more,interestedmorePracticing pronunciation,you know,34._ difficult.be,when,instead,good,listen,until,miss,one,more,interestedisTake the“th”sound for example:choose the words that begin with“th”and repeat them over and over again 35._ you pronounce them well.Have a try!be,when,instead,good,listen,until,miss,one,more,interesteduntil Read,read and read!Reading is one of the 36._ ways to increase your vocabulary and improve your grammar.be,when,instead,good,listen,until,miss,one,more,interestedbestIts important to choose the books you are 37._ in.be,when,instead,good,listen,until,miss,one,more,interestedinterested38._ someone is talking with you
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