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David陪你练口语(11)中药和西药David:I understand that Chinese medicine is based more on natural products while western medicine more on chemical products. Are Chinese people more accustomed to Chinese medicine?我知道中医更多地注意自然药物而西医则更多注意化学药品。比起西药,中国人是不是更多习惯吃中药?You :很难说。由于中药和西药各有各的特点和效力,例如,对某些特定的慢性病来说,中药要比西药好。David : What other differences are there between Chinese and western medicine? 那么中药都有哪些优势呢?You :治疗慢性病方面吧。中医认为,人身体里的各个部位都是相互影响的,所以中医更注意对整个身体的调理。而西医的治疗方法是把人体当作一台由很多零件组成的机器来之治疗,因此更留意对人体局部的调整。David : It sounds like Chinese medicine is more wholesome than western medicine. However, 70% of the medicine is western medicine. Why do people buy western medicine instead of Chinese medicine? 事实上,听起来似乎中药比西药更有益于安康。然而,人们消耗的西药占总消耗药量的 70% 。既然中药真的比西药好,为什么人们还去买西药?You :正如我刚刚所说,中药治疗某些特别疾病确实很有效,但它在全部药品中只占 20% 到 25% 的比例,并没有成为整个医药市场的中流砥柱。像抗生素之类的药品,在传统中药当中是没有的。David : But antibiotics can be harmful if they are taken too often. All in all, Chinese medicine sounds healthier. Maybe I should go see a Chinese doctor if I get sick. Thanks. 但是常常服用抗生素对人体有害。总之,中药好像更有益于身体安康。假如我生病的话或许我应当去看中医。感谢!中医认为,人身体里的各个部位都是相互影响的,所以中医更注意对整个身体的调理。而西医的治疗方法是把人体当作一台由很多零件组成的机器来之治疗,因此更留意对人体局部的调整。常见错误及点评常见错误:The Chinese medical doctor think the different parts of the human body influence each other and therefore Chinese medical doctor focus on the balance of whole body. On the contrary, a western doctor considers human body as the complexity of many different parts.the Chinese medical doctor:这里不必用medical doctor来特指医生,假如特指博士就要用PhD doctor。而且在这里仅用某一个“Chinese medical doctor”的观点来代替整个中医界的观点是没有说服力的。因此这里用Chinese medical就可以了。on the contrary:on the contrary和in contrast这两个词组常常被混用。其实,on the contrary表示“与某事完全相反”而in contrast常用来对两个原来就不同的东西进展比照。例如:My first baby cried all the time and was often sick. In contrast, my second baby was quiet and healthy.我们家老大常常哭,而且常常生病。然而,老二却特别宁静而且很安康。Is everyone in New York rich and happy? On the contrary, many people are lonely and poor.纽约的人们过着富有幸福的生活吗?相反的是,很多人是孤独而且贫困。参考答案:Since Chinese medicine believes that the different parts of the human body are all interrelated, it strives to bring balance to the body as a whole. In contrast, western medicine considers the human body as a machine made up of individual and independent parts. 正如我刚刚所说,中药治疗某些特别疾病确实很有效,但它在全部药品中只占20%到25%的比例,并没有成为整个医药市场的中流砥柱。像抗生素之类的药品,在传统中药当中是没有的。常见错误及点评常见错误:What I had said is some special area and for some special disease for human. China is not all the area such as 2025%, such as bacteria, antifungicide and antiseptic.What I had said:动词say不常在过去完成时中使用。过去完成时表示与当前发生的事情有关,在过去已经完成的动作。词组“had said”通常用来对以前说过的话和后来的变化作比照;这里没有和已完成动作相关的当前动作,所以不需要用过去完成时。例如:“The show must go on,” the actor had said. But when the audience left, he finally stopped acting and went home.那个男演员说从前说过这场戏肯定会连续演下去。但当观众离开时,他也没有再连续表演,然后回家了。参考答案:As I mentioned earlier, Chinese medicine is more effective for specific diseases. Chinese medicine does not represent the whole pharmaceutical market, only about 20-25% of it. There are certain categories of pharmaceuticals such as antibiotics that are not included in Chinese traditional medicine.
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