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译林版四年级下学期英语语法填空专项提升练习班级:_ 姓名:_1. 选择合适的单词填空。(有一个多余选项)isnt are am was were wasnt werent1. He_tall then. He was short.2. I_an English teacher now.3. Lily, Linda and Lucy_short then. They were thin and tall.4. You_thin now.5. This_my uncle. He is my big brother.6. Shenzhen_a small village then.2. 用所给词的适当形式填空。1Let_(I) have a look at_(she) nice green skirt.2Many small_(box) are on_(Mike) desk.3Do you have_(some) pies? No. I have_(some) cakes.4I can_(see) a mango. I like yellow_(mango).5Father_(have) two balls for his two_(fun) boys.3. 选出合适的单词填入横线上。kitchen sister Where it cute1_are my pens?2I have a cat. She is_.3Is mother in the_?4Lily is my_.5Is_in your desk?4. 选词填空。nice naughty cute clever shy1. The girl is a bit_.2. Panpans father is a_man.3. She is a_girl.4. Ms Smart is a very_teacher.5. Parrot is a_bird.6Maomao is a_(bit/many) shy.7Lingling and Amy_(is/are) my friends.8This is Xiaoyong._(He/She) is clever.5. 根据提示完成下列句子。1Its warm inside._(脱下) your shoes.2Good morning. This is the_(天气预报).3Its cold outside._(戴上) a hat.4_(几点) is it?5Whats the weather like_(在伦敦)?6. 填空题。1Chen Jie: What lime is it now. Mum?Mum: Its 7:35.Chen Jie: 0h, Its time for school.Chen jie_at 7:35.2Its_oclock.Lets_3Its_a.m.Its time for_.4一What time is it?一_(7 oclock, time, breakfast)5Its 7 oclock. Its time for b_7. 按要求写词。1be(复数)_ 2she is(缩写形式)_3skirt(复数)_ 4it is(缩写形式)_5sandwich(复数)_6big(反义词)_7fat(反义词)_ 8long(反义词)_9it(复数)_ 10tall(反义词)_8. 选词填空。1I like Chinese and English, But I_(like/dont like) Maths.2Welcome back_(to/in) school, boys and girls.3-What_(lessons/subjects) do you like, Liu Tao?-I like Art and English.4-What_(lessons/subjects) do we have this morning, Mike?-We have PE and Music.5-I like Art and Science.-Me_(either/too).6Its time_(for/in) lunch.9. 选出合适的单词填入横线上。1Whats the weather like_(in / at) New York?2Its_(rains / rainy).3Its 23 degree. Its_(warm / cold) outside.4_(It / This) is the weather report.5Its cold._(Put on / Take off) your hat.10. 读句子,从方框中选择恰当的词填到四线格上,每个词限用一次。is her Where are his Who has1I have a good friend. Hes quiet. He s short.is he?2 My English teacher is friendly and she speaks English well. Whatsname? Sandy white.3 Mum, I cant find my cat. She isnt in the living room.is she? Look! Shes in the kitchen. Maybe shes very hungry.4My Chinese book is on the table, and my glassesnear the phone.5Ben is my cousin. Hes tall and strong. Hes a good basketball player. Hea cute puppy.11. 根据上下文提示填空。1I have a red_.Me too. The red apple is big.2Is this a_?Yes, its a table.3Whos that man?He is my_.Are these your uncles clothes?Yes,_.4How many_are there in your family?Four.12. 根据提示将下列词语归类。fat, under, black, young, cute, near, in, dog, pig, yellow,two, blue, four, book,three, storybook,Englishbook1under_2fat_3black_4cat_5two_6book_13. 用所给词的适当形式填空。1It is_(sun) today.2_(who) bag is this?Its my bag.3We can go_(swim) in summer.4A year has four_(season).5My brother likes_(go)_(climb) in autumn.14. 将下列单词归类。giraffe fifty chicken Monday table dolphin thirty Sunday bed pork1食物:_2动物:_3数字:_4家具:_5星期:_15. 选词填空。1_(we / our) like blue._(we / our) favourite clothes are blue shorts.2_like art. Art is_favourite subject. (You / Your)16. 用所给词适当形式填空。1Let me clean the_(teacher) desk.2I have_(a) English book.3Is this_(you) storybook?4Whats_(she) name?5Id like some rice and_(ve
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