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PEP小学英语第一册Unit 5 PartA教学设计案例 -姜雪琴教学内容:PEP小学英语第一册Unit 5 Part A中的Lets learn与Lets do部分。教学目标:1. 能听、说、认读六个有关食物的单词:cake,hamburger,hot dog,chicken,bread, French fries。2. 能听懂有关食物的几个指令。例如:Show me your hamburger Pass me the French fries等,并能根据指令做出相应的动作。3. 通过小组活动,增进学生间的交流,培养学生合作、共享的个性品质。教学重点:让学生听、说、认读六个有关食物的单词。教学难点:用I like.来介绍自己喜欢的食物。教学准备:1. 教师准备多媒体课件、录音机、相关的磁带和单词卡片。2. 教师准备调查表、食物小贴纸(用来奖励学生)。3. 学生准备食物图片和彩色笔。4. 教师将学生分成六大组,每组分别以本课六个食物名称为组名(课堂上开展组与组之间的竞赛。)教学过程及说明:一、Warm-up/Revision1. Listen and look.教师边说边做动作:This is my head. This is my nose.学生听并看老师表演。2. Lets chant.教师做动作,学生发指令:Touch your head. Touch your nose.3. Lets do.教师发指令,学生边说边做动作:T: Touch your head.Ss: My head.T: Touch your nose.Ss: My nose.(通过听听、说说、做做创设学习英语的氛围,活跃课堂气氛,同时复习人体部位的单词,为新知的呈现做好铺垫。)二、Presentation/Practice1. 引入。(1)课件出示由本课六样食物组装成的食物人(头汉堡包,身体蛋糕,腿鸡腿,脚面包,手臂热狗,手炸薯条)。如下图:(2)教师以食物人的身份与学生打招呼:Hello! I am a food man. Look! This is my head hamburger. This is my body cake. This is my leg chicken.然后给学生一定的时间观察食物人,要求他们记住各个组成部分。(把所学食物与人体部位相结合,使单词的引入生动新颖,富有情趣。)2. 呈现。(1)课件出示肯德基餐厅的场景。食物人的各个“人体部位”散落在餐厅各处:柜台上、餐桌上教师问:Where is my head? 学生找到后,上前来指出食物“藏身”的地方,教师引导学生说Here。教师说:Yes,this is my head. Its a hamburger.(2)教师出示词卡,学生学说单词,并学说句子I like hamburgers.教师带读单词,并纠正发音。其他五个单词教法同上,教师边教边将六张词卡贴在黑板上。3 操练。(1)Lets chant.教师手指词卡,带领学生一起chant: Bread, bread, I like bread. Chicken, chicken, I like chicken. Hamburger, hamburger, I like hamburgers. Cake, cake, I like cakes. Hot dog, hot dog, I like hot dogs. French fries, French fries, I like French fries.(2)Listen and point.学生将食物图片放在课桌上,教师报单词,学生手指图片。然后分小组自己活动。(给学生自主活动的时间,为他们的自主学习创造条件。)(3)Guessing game.课件出示食物的一小部分,让学生猜猜是什么食物。(4)Lets do.首先让学生听录音,边听边做动作;然后学唱内容,边说边做动作;最后分小组自己活动。三、Consolidation/Extension1. Task: Make a survey.(1)教师与学生进行口头对话。T: Hello!I like and What do you like?S1: I like and T: And you?S2:I like(2)教师出示调查表如下,并根据对话结果示范填表,在学生喜欢的食物下打勾。(3)教师发给学生每组一张调查表,要求学生调查本小组内同学的饮食爱好。(4)教师挑一两张调查表反馈给全班: likes and (通过调查活动,巩固学生所学的知识,培养综合运用语言的能力,增强合作意识。)2 完成活动手册中的练习:Listen and colourPEP小学英语 Unit 4 We love animals 教学设计案例-姜雪琴教学目标:1. 知识目标(1)能听说认读“四会”单词“cat, dog, duck, monkey, rabbit, cat, panda”。(2)能听懂指令,并根据指令做相应的动作。2. 能力目标(1)能在实际生活中运用英语表达熟悉和喜爱的动物。(2)培养学生根据情景正确运用语言的能力。3. 情感态度目标(1)在活动中培养学生的协作精神。(2)培养学生认真、积极、大胆的学习态度。(3)培养学生爱护和保护动物的情感。教学重难点:“ 四会”单词的正确发音与在实际生活中的运用。课前准备:有关教学课件,动物头饰,小火车图片,小红旗,大萝卜模型。教学步骤:Step 1: Warm-upa. Sing a song: Teddy Bearb. Free talk.c. Today we are going to learn some new words. Look, here comes a train(教师手拿一列小火车介绍)There are some numbers on it(手势指向各小组). Number 1 is for group 1; Number 2 is for group 2; Number 3 is for group 3; Number 4 is for group 4.(教师拿出一面小红旗)If you do very well, you can get a red flag for your group. Lets see which group is the best. OK?(教师以手势鼓动学生回答:OK)Step 2: Presentation(课件展示动物园情景图)T: Boys and girls, today we have some animal friends. They are from England. Do you want to know them?Ss: Yes.T: Remember. You should say English to them because they are from England. Look, they are coming.(教师手指向门口,事先安排好的学生戴着兔子的头饰,一蹦一跳进教室)S: Hello, Im Rabbit.T: Oh, this is Miss Rabbit(注意吐词清晰,重读强调). Lets welcome her.(鼓掌)Ss: (鼓掌)Welcome, Rabbit.T: Lets make a friend with Rabbit.S1: Hello, Rabbit.S2: Nice to meet you, Rabbit.S3: Hi, Rabbit.T: Look, Mr. dog is coming.(Teacher uses the same way to teach other words.)Step 3: Practise1(课件展示动物在开party的场面)T: Boys and girls, our new friends are very happy, so they are having a party in our classroom. Lets see who will come to our party? Who will be the first one?2. 听音辩物:课件播发各种动物的声音,学生通过声音来判断,并说出动物的名称。3A game: Whats missing?(火眼金睛)出示单词卡片,安排学生说出哪种动物消失了。通过趣味操练加强学生对单词的识记。4. A play: 小白兔,拔萝卜(教师戴着rabbit的头饰示范)T: “Its a nice day. The rabbit goes out .(看到萝卜模型)Wow, what a big turnip!Oh, its so big! I like it.”(并做拔萝卜状) “one, two, three. Oh, no! Who can help me?”教师引导学生说:“Dog, dog, help me!”(戴小狗头饰的同学“汪汪”地上台,搭着兔子的肩说) “One, two, three. Oh, no!.”所学动物全部上场,合力终于成功拔萝卜。Step 4: Extension/Consolidation1. Lets do.a. Play the tape. Ss just listen, and point the sentence in the book.b. Play the tape again and Ss repeat and do the action.c. Teacher gives some commands and Ss do the actions.T: Act like a monkey, act like.2. Play a game: 幸运搭档两人一组,一人做动作,一人猜动物名称。Step 5: AssessmentT: Today we have learned some new words. We know names of many cute animals. We can make good friends with them. Now lets see which group is the best. Lets count the red flags together.T, Ss: One two three.(教师带领学生一起数小组的小红旗,并评出最优小组)T: I think in this class you did a very good job. Lets give him a big hand.(鼓掌)(课件展示动物图片)T: Lets say goodbye to our new friends.Ss: Goodbye, monkey. Goodbye, duck.PEP小学英语第三册Unit6 At a farm教学案例 -姜雪琴教学内容:PEP BOOK4 Unit6 At a
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