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Unit 2 I think that mooncakes are delicious!Section B (2a2e)【学习目标】(Learning Objectives)通过预习检测,能够听懂,会读,理解以下词语的含义:Christmas, 1ie,novel,eve,dead,business,punish,warn,warmth,spread,end upA Christmas the spirit of Christmas the importance of so. that.1. 通过略读,细读,能在文中圈出S crooge的性格、改变、三个鬼魂特点、圣诞精神,并能正确回答下列问题和填写表格及思维导图。开展观察能力、读前预测能力、读和看的语言技能, 提升理解能力。2. 通过学习the spirit of Christmas,让学生了解圣诞节的风俗习惯,体会节日内涵,比方:节日活动所反映出来的喜庆,人们之间的友情和亲情,人们之间的团结和互相帮助等, 从而把这些内涵运用到我们生活中。【课时作业】一.汉译英(每空1分,共10分)。(指向目标1)1.考虑到,想到 2.的重要性3.圣诞的真正含义 一部被-写的小说 5.关心,在意 6.赚钱 7.对其他人友善 8.最终成为,最后处于9.醒来,唤醒10, 一个叫Scrooge的老人 二.阅读题。(指向目标2)1. WhatJ s the main idea of the passage? It s aboutA. Scrooge B. three ghosts of Christmas C. the spirit of Christmasmatch the main idea of each paragraph.Para 1A.Thechange of ScroogePara 2B.Thetrue meaning of ChristmasPara 3C.Themain character in A Christmas CarolPara 4D.Three ghosts visit ScroogeA Christmas Carol is a famous long novel written by Charles Dickens. Scrooge is unfriendly to others.Jacob Marley used to work together with Scrooge.Jacob Marley and Scrooge are different in character.2. Read Para. 1 carefully and finish the blanksandandWhen we think of Christmas, we may think ofBut the true meaning of Christmas is.3. Read paragraph 2 carefully and correct T for true and F for false. (1)(2)(3)(4)5. Read para3 carefully, then fill in the chart.What does Scrooge see when he s withThe Ghost of Christmas PastThe Ghost of Christmas PresentThe Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come三.语法填空(指向目标3)Many would agree that when we think of Christmas, we probably think of gifts, Christmas trees and Santa Claus. But behind all these things1 (lie) the true meaning of Christmas: the 2 (important) of sharing and giving love and joy to people around us. The story in A Christmas Carol is perhaps the best example of this.A Christmas Carol is a famous short novel 3 (write) by Charles Dickens. It is about an old man4 (name) Scrooge who never laughs or smiles. He is mean and only thinks about 5 (he), and doesn t treat others 6 (nice). He just cares about whether he can make more money. And he hates Christmas. One Christmas Eve, Scrooge sees the ghost of Jacob Marley, his 7 (die) business partner. Marley used to be just like Scrooge, so he8 (punish) after he died. He warns Scrooge9(change) his ways if he doesn t want to end up like him. He also tells Scrooge to expect three spirits 10 (visit) him.四.写作(指向目标2, 3)1. Try to tell a story about a Chinese festival in English.课时作业设计表第五 课 时课题Unit 2 I think that mooncakes are delicious!Section B(2a-2c)学习目标(“水平为记 忆、理解、运用、 分析、评价、创 造)序号内容水平11.通过预习检测,能够听懂,会读,理解一些 重要单词及词语的含义。理解2通过略读,细读,能在文中圈出Scrooge的性 格、改变、三个鬼魂特点、圣诞精神,并能正 确回答下列问题和填写表格及思维导图。理解 运用 分析3让学生了解圣诞节的风俗习惯,体会节日内涵, 从而把这些内涵运用到我们生活中。分析 创造题目属性(使用时间 为课上或课后;难度 为简单、中等或较 难;来源分为原创、 改编或引用;可加 行)题号对应学 习目标使用 时间题型难度预设 时长来源、1课下汉译英简单5,原创、2课上阅读题中等15,引用三、3课上语法填空简单5,引用四1,2 和 3课下写作较难15,原创参考答案 及评价标准 (与题目题号对应)一、用所给的词的适当形式填空,每空1分,共5分。(指向目 标1)一. 1. think of 2. the importance of 3. the true meaning of Christmas 4. a famous short novel written by. 5. care about6. make money 7. treat others nicely 8. end up 9. wake up 10. an old man named Scrooge二. 阅读题(指向目标2)1. C2. ParalB Para2C Para3-*D Para4A3. gifts,Christmas trees,Santa Claus;the importance of sharing and giving love and joy to people around us.4. F T T F5. his happier days as a chi Id;how others are spending Christmas this year;he is dead,but nobody cares6. (1). lies (2). importance (3). written (4). named(5). himself (6). nicely (7). dead (8). was punished (9). tochange 10.to visit第一大题,是汉译英,题目所给词组是课文内的内容,考 查学生对本节课课内词组的掌握情况。符合本节课的课 时目标,内容较简单。第二大题,是英译汉阅读题,题目所给内容源于课文,考查学生 对本节课课文的理解情况。符合本节课的课时目标,难度中等。 第三大题是语法填空,要求学生通过本节课的学习,深刻领会课 文内容,对应本节课的教学目标,较简单。设计说明第四大题是讲英文故事,在考查学生对本节课课本句式结构的熟 练掌握的同时,也考察学生对人们之间的友情和亲情、人们之间 的团结和互相帮助等中国传统节日内涵的理解。本魁对教学目标 进行了整合,对学生语法、口语表达能力、积极向上的价值观都 有训练,难度较高。
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