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高考短文改错典型错误集锦1. 一致关系方面的错误主要包括主谓不一致,时态不一致和代词的指代不一致。谓语动词的单、复数形式要与主语保持一致,动词的时态要与时间状语或上下文的时态保持一致,代词所指代的内容要与其先行词在人称、单复数、主格、宾格及所有格,以及自身所指代成分意义上保持一致。主语和谓语不一致,时态与语境不一致,或者代词的指代前后矛盾,比如本该用主格用了宾格,或人称混淆的错误,这些都是一致关系方面常出现的考查热点。(点击“查看答案”看例子)详解:1 、 But then there is always more mysteries to look into.( is are )2 、I think I liked those classes because I felt that ithelped meunderstand howtheworldworks. ( it-they )3 、They didn t want me to do any work at home. They wantme to devote all my time to mystudiessothatI ll get good marks in all my subjects.( didn t don t )4 、for example, when he bought a chocolate cake, he put themin a secret place that I couldnt find.( them-it )5 、 He said he is busy.( is-was )6 、 The three of them were very excited .( them-us )7 、 and tried to translate anything into English.( anything-everything)8 、 Their word were a great encouragement to me.( word-words )9 、 I just smiled to me and thought,( me-myself )10 、 I looked at his other hands.( hands-hand )2. 一致关系方面的错误( 1)主谓不一致(点击“查看答案”看例子)详解:1)What are your favourite sport ?( are is )2) Nobody except my parents know anything about it.主语为 Nobody, 谓语要用 knows.3)Now my picture and the prize is hanging in the library.( is are )3. 一致关系方面的错误(2)时态不一致(点击“查看答案”看例子)详解:1)It was very kind of them to meet me at the railway station and drove me to their home.(drove drive )2)They offered me coffee and other drinks. We have a good time talking and laughing.( have had )3)Hello , I learn about you from my English teacher, , ( learn learned )4)I will send you the photos we take last week.(take took, 定语从句中的时间状语是last week ,是过去的时间,故 take 要改为 took 。 )5)I remembered her words and calm down .( calm calmed )6)She look like enjoying the concert the other day.( look looked )7)The time passes quickly. Evening came.( passes passed )8)She liked it very much and reads it to the class.( reads read )4. 一致关系方面的错误( 3)语态不一致(点击“查看答案”看例子)详解:1. Books may be keep for four weeks.( keep kept)2. I have some records giving to me as birthday gifts. (giving given)3. She was leave to sweep up after the party.( leave left )4. Their paintings were not fully understand by many people at the time.( understand understood )5. He was take away in an ambulance. ( take taken )5. 一致关系方面的错误( 4)名词的单复数不一致(点击“查看答案”看例子)详解:1) , and asked me lots of question. ( question questions )2) We study quite a few subject , such as maths , ( subject subjects )3) , and often watch football match on TV , ( match matches )4) She said that she and my schoolmate all wished me success, , ( schoolmate schoolmates )6. 一致关系方面的错误( 5)代词的性、数不一致(点击“查看答案”看例子)详解:1. The Smiths did his best to make me feel, ( his their )2. I think I liked those classes because I felt that it helped meunderstand how the world works. ( it they )3. He drove too fast, and the police stopped her and handed him a ticket.( her him )7. 一致关系方面的错误( 6)形容词和副词形式不一致(点击“查看答案”看例子)详解:1 .The bad news made us feel sadly.( sadly sad )2 .Are you certainly that he will help us check the information?( certainly certain )3 .The children learn to read and write, and they play games as good.( good well )8. 一致关系方面的错误( 7)语意不一致(点击“查看答案”看例子)详解:1. She was smiling but nodding at me.( but and)2. He likes sports, but I like music.( but while )3. The food was expensive and the service was good.( and but )4. Pick out the wrong sentences but correct them.( but and)5.Work hard, or youll succeed sooner and later.or and)9. 一致关系方面的错误(8)逻辑关系不一致(点击“查看答案”看例子)详解:1. I live in Beijing , where is the capital of China.2. This is the best film which I have ever seen.3. I also enjoyed the days when we spent together.( where which ) which that )( when which that4. The ones what you decide not to keep can be traded with other people.)( what which that5. Unfortunately, I won t be able to visit you at the airport although I have classes in the afternoon.although because )10. 连接手段方面的错误连接不当会造成上下文不衔接。英语中句与句连接一般使用并列连词或从属连词。或若并列句,要判断句与句之间是并列、转折、选择、递进关系,还是让步关系。 、从而选择恰当的连词,若为复合句,首先应判断内含何种从句,然后根据主、从句之间的关系判断连接词的使用是否正确,是否有遗漏或多余现象,要注意句子结构的完整性。(点击“查看答案”看例子)详解:1 、 I think I like those classes because I felt that they helped me understand what the world works.( what-how )2 、 In one class, I learned it rained.( it 前加 why)3 、 For example, when he bought a chocolate cake he put in a secret place where I couldnt find. ( find后加 it )4 、 It was about noon we arrived at the foot of the mountain.5 、 just go through the kitchen door but turn on the light.6 、 He was silent for a moment. So he answered slowly:7.I teach them, play with them, but watch them growing up.(( we 前加when)( but-and )So-Then/And )此处应该是并列的关系而非转折, but 改为 and)Clever as she is 是让步状语从句,后面那句是主句,不能用(or改成and,并列关系,“于是、同时、然they take him , ( they 前加
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