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测量到不同坐标点的高度值,如何用matlab画三维图 附上部分数据:A=-210.6627 -33391.1192 5.0273-221.3052 -33387.7415 4.5969-210.9391 -33393.0068 5.5647-221.8901 -33390.7396 5.0077-211.384 -33394.7093 5.6505-222.6117 -33392.778 5.0554-212.7074 -33397.5459 5.7381-225.8973 -33397.5869 5.5587;解:代码在matlab2009a版以上均可运行。 A=-210.6627 -33391.1192 5.0273-221.3052 -33387.7415 4.5969-210.9391 -33393.0068 5.5647-221.8901 -33390.7396 5.0077-211.384 -33394.7093 5.6505-222.6117 -33392.778 5.0554-212.7074 -33397.5459 5.7381-225.8973 -33397.5869 5.5587;xData = A(:,1);yData = A(:,2);zData = A(:,3);fitresult = fit( xData, yData, zData, linearinterp);figure( Name, 三维图 );plot( fitresult, xData, yData, zData );xlabel( x );ylabel( y );zlabel( z );grid onview( -53, 50 );试一试:A=-210.6627 -33391.1192 5.0273-221.3052 -33387.7415 4.5969-210.9391 -33393.0068 5.5647-221.8901 -33390.7396 5.0077-211.384 -33394.7093 5.6505-222.6117 -33392.778 5.0554-212.7074 -33397.5459 5.7381-225.8973 -33397.5869 5.5587;xData = A(:,1);yData = A(:,2);zData = A(:,3);minx = min(xData);maxx = max(xData);miny = min(yData);maxy = max(yData);tx = linspace(minx,maxx); ty = linspace(miny,maxy); XI,YI = meshgrid(tx,ty);ZI = griddata(xData,yData,zData,XI,YI);mesh(XI,YI,ZI), holdplot3(xData,yData,zData,o), hold offxlabel( x );ylabel( y );zlabel( z );grid onview( -53, 50 ); . x=7392 7392 7392 7392 5608 5608 5608 5608 8000 5000 6500 6500 6500 6500 6500 6500 6500 6500 6500 6500;y=476 404 476 404 476 404 476 404 440 440 440 440 500 380 440 440 440 440 440 440;z=17.06 16.93 17.8 17.4 17.17 16.89 17.28 17.26 17.04 16.94 16.92 17.3 17.37 17.17 17.34 17.11 17.22 17.24 17.11 17.2;minx = min(x);maxx = max(x);miny = min(y);maxy = max(y);X,Y,Z=griddata(x,y,z,linspace(minx,maxx),linspace(miny,maxy),v4); %插值figure,surf(X,Y,Z) %三维曲面.% Initialization.% Convert all inputs to column vectors.x = x(:);y = y(:);z = z(:);% Fit: fit 1.ft = linearinterp;opts = fitoptions( ft );opts.Weights = zeros(1,0);opts.Normalize = on;fitresult, gof = fit( x, y, z, ft, opts );% Plot fit with data.figure( Name, untitled fit 1 );h = plot( fitresult, x, y, z );% legend( h, fit 1, z vs. x, y, Location, NorthEast );% Label axesxlabel( x );ylabel( y );zlabel( z );grid on.x=7392 7392 7392 7392 5608 5608 5608 5608 8000 5000 6500 6500 6500 6500 6500 6500 6500 6500 6500 6500;y=476 404 476 404 476 404 476 404 440 440 440 440 500 380 440 440 440 440 440 440;z=17.06 16.93 17.8 17.4 17.17 16.89 17.28 17.26 17.04 16.94 16.92 17.3 17.37 17.17 17.34 17.11 17.22 17.24 17.11 17.2; % Convert all inputs to column vectors.x = x(:);y = y(:);z = z(:);% Fit: fit 1.ft = fittype( poly22 );opts = fitoptions( ft );opts.Lower = -Inf -Inf -Inf -Inf -Inf -Inf;opts.Upper = Inf Inf Inf Inf Inf Inf;opts.Weights = zeros(1,0);fitresult, gof = fit( x, y, z, ft, opts );fitresult% Plot fit with data.figure( Name, z );h = plot( fitresult, x, y, z );% legend( h, z fit 1, z vs. x, y, Location, NorthEast );% Label axesxlabel( x );ylabel( y );zlabel( z );grid onview( -57.5, 42 ); .A=18467 17001 30820177 17642 27626852 16114 22523785 17643 19427823 14737 18918906 16346 17325981 18051 17322046 17634 17123238 6502 16927696 11621 16927700 11609 16516607 17365 15523146 15382 15314405 18032 15227232 14482 15027380 18202 13626591 13715 12614074 16516 12415801 3966 11521684 13101 11415255 5110 11024580 13319 10723325 16701 10524065 7353 10425021 16290 10415952 18397 10327346 13331 10024685 14278 9817414 15476 9712778 5799 9317044 10691 9317981 18449 9320983 15862 9322605 14301 935451 2757 9219041 15769 9024003 15286 907100 2449 8918413 11721 8821475 8540 8519007 11488 8417008 4775 8217079 5894 8113855 3345 7913920 5354 7922193 12185 7916569 6055 7818993 12371 7822965 13535 7815517 17034 7724631 9422 764153 2299 7311702 4480 7124153 12450 7115007 5535 7019569 7348 7015087 3512 6922846 9149 6925461 9834 6816823 4207 6721766 12348 6712625 16259 66;x=A(:,1);y=A(:,2);z=A(:,3);minx = min(x);maxx = max(x);miny = min(y);maxy = max(y);X,Y,Z=gridda
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