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本学期总 课时本单元(课) 课时授课日期主备人位蕾课题Why do you like koalas? 2课型new课标要求在巩固学习上节课内容的基础上,进一步对所学内容进行训练,形成技能,加强小组合作培养学生的学习兴趣和高尚的情操,培养学生学习英语的兴趣,为进一步学习英语打下基础教学目标知识与技能:句型与会话练习过程与方法:练习法,会话法情感态度价值观:通过本单元学习让我们更加热爱动物,让动物成为人类的好朋友。重 点难 点1、掌握表示动物的名词和描写动物特征的形容词。2、学会运用why提问原因以及用because表达理由步骤教案学案(活动设计)复 备Step 1 RevisionSpell out the words, make up some new conversionStep 2 Leading-inPandas are from China.Where are lions from?Look at the map to ask and answerA:Lets see the pandas firstB:Why do you want to see the pandas?A:because they are cute.A:Why do you like pandas?B:Because they are kind of fun.A:Where are pandas from?B:Pandas are from China.魏桥实验学校课时备课步骤教案学案(活动设计)复 备Step 3 LearnLearn the new words with the whole class. Cute,friendly,smart,ugly,clever,fun,beautifulSmall,shy,quiet,scaryStep 4 PracticeA:What animals do you like?B:I like tigers.A:Why do you like tigers?B; Because they are smart.Step 5 listening1. listen to the tape and finish 1b. listen to it twice and check the answers. After that ask some questions according to the dialogues. 2. Listen to the tape twice and finish 2a and 2b. Check the answers学生利用新单词做替换练习听音填表2a,2b步骤教案学案(活动设计)复 备Step 6 PairworkA:what animals do you like?B:I like elephants.They are cute.A:What other animals do you like?B:I like dogs,too.A:Why?B:Because they are friendly and clever. 学生利用书上的句型,先读后练板书设计 Unit3 Why do you like koalas? A:What animals do you like?B: I like elephante.A:Why do you like pandas?B: Because they are kind of interesting.作业利用新单词替换练习反思
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